Instructions for PC operator. Standard instructions on labor protection for operators and users of personal electronic computers

1.1 Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed:

Medical examination and no contraindications (for persons working with a PC more than 50% of the working time (professionally associated with the operation of a PC),

Introductory and initial instruction on labor protection with training in safe methods and techniques for performing work;

Internship at the workplace and received admission to independent work;

Instruction for 1 qualification group on electrical safety,

From the day pregnancy is established, women are transferred to jobs that do not involve the use of a PC, or the time they work with a PC is limited (no more than 3 hours per work shift), subject to compliance with the hygienic requirements for PCs and the organization of work established sanitary rules(SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 clause 13.1)

1.2 Instructions for group 1 on electrical safety are carried out at least once a year, refresher briefing on labor protection at least once every 6 months.

1.3 Periodic medical examinations are carried out at least once every 2 years, subject to working on a PC at least 50% of the working time.

1.4 The following rules are followed on the territory of the organization:

It is necessary to pay close attention to the signals given by drivers of moving vehicles;

Do not walk in places not intended for passage and do not cross the road in front of moving vehicles;

Do not turn on or stop (except in emergency cases) equipment whose work has not been assigned to you by your supervisor;

1.5 Comply with the internal labor regulations of the organization. Smoking

permitted only in designated areas.

1.6 It is necessary to comply with the work and rest regimes established in the organization.

Working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week.

The break for rest and food is 30 minutes. up to 1 hour and not included in the working day.

1.7 When working with a PC, the user may be exposed to the following harmful and dangerous production factors:

Electromagnetic radiation

Ultraviolet radiation

Electrostatic field

Air ionization

Harmful chemical substances(carbon monoxide, ozone, formaldehyde, vinyl chloride)

Visible radiation

Glare, screen flickering, differences in brightness between areas of the screen and surrounding walls

Irrational organization of the workplace

Long-term static loads

The monotony of work

The keyboard does not meet ergonomic requirements

Mental, neuropsychic, emotional stress

Strain of attention

Loads on the visual analyzer

High tempo of movement with hands and fingers

Voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body.

1.8 Harmful factors from other sources, such as noise, vibration, temperature, humidity, air speed can have an increasing impact from harmful factors from PC.

1.9 According to research, harmful factors when working with PCs can lead to diseases. Electromagnetic radiation may cause various diseases, which can result in miscarriages, impotence, strokes, etc. Exposure to an electrostatic field can lead to cataracts, glaucoma, clouding of the lens, decreased immunity; ionization of air, increasing in the presence of smoke and dust - leading to dermatitis, eczema, itching of the facial skin; visible radiation, glare, flicker - to various eye diseases, migraines, irritability, increased fatigue, nervous breakdowns; irrational organization of the workplace - to pathological changes in the intervertebral discs, compression of the chest organs and abdominal cavity; mismatch of the keyboard - to diseases of the carpal muscle; high mental stress - to irritability, insomnia, headaches; a high rate of movement of the hands - to diseases of the joints of the hand.

1.10 It must be remembered that the PC contains life-threatening voltages of 16 kV, 220 V and others.

1.11 PC users are prohibited from moving or dismantling the PC at their workplace, as well as taking actions that reduce the safety of other persons.

1.12 Self-remediation any malfunctions, if this work is not part of the scope of duties, is prohibited.

1.13 Must be kept clean workplace, do not allow it to become dirty or cluttered with foreign objects.

1.14 If a malfunction of the equipment is detected, you must stop working on the faulty equipment, report to the manager and call maintenance personnel.

1.15 All accidents that occur at work, any situation that threatens the life and health of people, or a deterioration in your health must be immediately reported to the head of the department.

1.16 Each user is obliged to provide first (pre-medical) aid to the victim in case of injury or sudden illness.

1.17 PC users are required to comply with labor protection requirements, established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, as well as labor protection rules and instructions.

1.18 PC users guilty of violating the requirements of these instructions will be held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work.

2.1 Carry out an external inspection of the devices in order to identify mechanical damage (condition of wiring, cables, harnesses, jammed fan impeller, etc.).

2.2 Make sure that there is protective grounding and that there is no visible short circuit between the grounding bus and the supply voltage buses.

2.3 Open the windows for ventilation or turn on the existing ventilation.

2.4 Remove all foreign objects from the workplace and devices.

2.5 Remove dust from the surface of the devices with a soft cloth.

2.6 Wipe the surface of the screen and protective filter.

2.7 Check the position of the power switch, which should be in the “OFF” or “OFF” position.

2.8 If you find any device malfunctions, report this to your manager.

  1. Labor protection requirements during work.

3.1 Turning on the power supply to the PC is done by plugging the power plug into the socket if it is turned off. Turn the power switch of the system unit to the “ON” or “ON” position. Power on is signaled by the backlight of the network indicator and accompanied by an audible signal.

3.2 Restarting the PC after turning it off is allowed no earlier than 60 seconds (to avoid failure of the power supplies).

3.3 To avoid accidents, it is prohibited to turn on the PC with the casing removed.

3.4 When switched on, do not connect or disconnect power connectors, cables, or sockets.

3.5 If, when working with a PC, you feel the slightest effect of current or a burning smell, you must immediately stop working, turn off the device and inform your supervisor. Do not touch a faulty device until the fault has been corrected.

3.6 It is not allowed to touch broken wires to avoid electrical injury.

3.7 It is not allowed to leave switched-on PCs unattended.

3.8 In rooms where PCs are operated, daily wet cleaning is necessary to reduce dust and increase air humidity, as well as periodic ventilation after each hour of work on the PC.

3.9 It is necessary to disconnect the PC from electrical network:

To move the monitor or peripheral devices (as agreed with the supervisor)

During power outages.

3.10 To ensure optimal performance and preserve the health of PC users during the working day, regulated breaks must be observed, established depending on the type and category labor activity:

types (groups) of labor activity:

A - reading information from the PC screen with a preliminary request

B - work on entering information from the keyboard

B - creative work in dialogue mode

1 - for group A - according to the total number of characters read per work shift, but not more than 60,000 characters per shift

2 - for group B - according to the total number of read and entered characters per work shift, but not more than 40,000 characters per shift

3 - for group B - according to the total time of direct work with a PC per work shift, but not more than 6 hours per shift.



time regulated






15 min. 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 2 hours after lunch

15 min. every hour

15 minutes every hour of operation

When performing work related to the different types work activity, the main work with a PC is taken to be that which takes up at least 50% of the time during the work shift.

3.11 During regulated breaks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, relieve fatigue of the visual analyzer and fatigue of the shoulder girdle and torso, it is advisable to perform sets of special physical exercises.

3.12 In order to reduce the negative impact of the monotony of work, alternation of input operations, reading information and working in dialogue mode should be used.

3.13 The total amount of information entered or read per shift is not

must exceed: when reading information - 60 thousand characters, when entering - 40 thousand characters; creative work in dialogue mode should not exceed 6 hours per shift.

3.14 Continuous work without a regulated break cannot exceed 2 hours.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations.

4.1 In case of deviation from the normal operating mode (the appearance of extraneous crackling sounds, noises, strong odors, smoke), you must immediately disconnect the devices from the network and contact your supervisor.

4.2 In the event of a fire, the PEBM must immediately disconnect the devices from the network and notify fire brigade by phone ..., to a senior manager and begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment. If necessary, call the city fire service by calling 112, arrange a meeting of the fire brigade.

4.3. In the event of an accident with you or another employee, stop work, notify the manager and provide first aid. first aid victims and go to the health center in person or call.....

Ensure the safety of the emergency situation or, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people and will not lead to aggravation of the emergency situation. If necessary, call emergency medical assistance by calling 112.

4.4 In case of failure of water supply, heating systems, etc. interfering with the performance of technological operations, stop work until the accident and its consequences are eliminated.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work.

5.1 Upon completion of work, you should turn off the power to the PC, for which you should switch the network

switch to the “OFF” or “OFF” position, and the power indicator should go out.

5.2 Put the workplace in order.

5.3 Report to the head of the department about all malfunctions and shortcomings noticed during work.

on labor protection for operators and users of personal electronic computers (PCs) and workers, engaged in exploitation PC and video display terminals (VDT) TOI R 01-00-01-96

1. General Provisions

1.1. This standard instruction has been developed for workers involved in the operation of PCs and VDTs, whose work involves receiving and entering information, observing and adjusting tasks to be solved using ready-made programs; programmers involved in developing, checking, and debugging programs on PCs and VDTs; computer and personal computer engineers and technicians who perform preventive and repair work, determine the causes of failures, and work with diagrams and other technical documentation; users of PCs and VDTs who combine operator work with their main job and are engaged in working with PCs for at least half of their working time.

1.2. The work of a PC operator falls into the category of work associated with hazardous and harmful conditions labor. During the work process, the operator is exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors.


  1. increased levels of electromagnetic radiation,
  2. increased levels of x-ray radiation,
  3. increased levels of ultraviolet radiation,
  4. increased level of infrared radiation,
  5. increased level static electricity,
  6. increased levels of dust in the air of the working area,
  7. increased content of positive aeroins in the air of the work area,
  8. reduced content of negative air ions in the air of the working area,
  9. low or high air humidity in the working area,
  10. reduced or increased mobility of air in the working area,
  11. increased noise level,
  12. increased or decreased light levels,
  13. increased level of direct shine,
  14. increased level of reflected gloss,
  15. increased level of blindness,
  16. uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view,
  17. increased brightness of the light image,
  18. increased level of light flux pulsation,
  19. an increased voltage value in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body.


  1. increased content in the air of the working area of ​​carbon dioxide, ozone, ammonia, phenol, formaldehyde and polychlorinated biphenyls.


  1. eye strain,
  2. tension of attention,
  3. intellectual loads,
  4. emotional stress,
  5. long-term static loads,
  6. monotony of work,
  7. a large amount of information processed per unit of time,
  8. irrational organization of the workplace. Biological:
  9. increased content of microorganisms in the air of the working area.

1.3. The following persons are allowed to work as an operator, programmer, engineer and technician of a PC, as well as a user of a PC and VDT:

  1. at least 18 children who have undergone mandatory upon hiring and annual medical examinations for suitability to work on a computer, personal computer and VDT in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90 together with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation No. 980/88;
  2. past induction training on labor protection;
  3. trained in safe techniques and work methods according to a program approved by the head of the enterprise (employer), developed on the basis Model program, and have passed a knowledge test, including electrical safety, with assignment to the 1st qualification group in electrical safety;
  4. have completed a training course in the principles of working with computer technology, special training on working on a personal computer using specific software;
  5. instructions on labor protection at a specific workplace according to these instructions.

1.4. Based on the requirements of clause 10.3 Sanitary rules and norms Hygienic requirements to video display terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work" SanPiN, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia No. 14 of July 14, 1996 "women from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding to perform all types of work, related to the use of VDTs and PCs are not allowed.”

1.5. By means personal protection operator are:

  1. white cotton robe with antistatic impregnation; screen protective filter of “full protection” class; special spectral glasses.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the operator must:

  1. wash your face and hands with soap and put on a white cotton robe,
  2. inspect and tidy up the workplace,
  3. adjust the lighting in the workplace, make sure that there is sufficient illumination, that there are no reflections on the screen, that there is no oncoming light flow,
  4. check that the equipment is connected correctly to the electrical network,
  5. make sure there is protective grounding and connection of the shield conductor to the processor case,
  6. wipe with a special napkin surface of the screen and protective filter,
  7. make sure that there are no floppy disks in the drives of the personal computer processor,
  8. check the correct installation of the table, chair, footrest, music stand, equipment position, screen angle, keyboard position and, if necessary, adjust the desktop and chair, as well as the arrangement of computer elements in accordance with ergonomic requirements and in order to eliminate uncomfortable postures and prolonged body stress.

2.2. When turning on the computer, the operator must follow the following sequence of turning on the equipment:

  1. turn on the power supply,
  2. turn on peripheral devices (printer, monitor, scanner, etc.),
  3. turn on the system unit (processor).

2.3. The operator is prohibited from starting work when:

  1. lack of information about the results of certification of working conditions at a given workplace or in the presence of information about the non-compliance of the parameters of this equipment with the requirements of sanitary standards,
  2. the absence of a hygienic certificate on the VDT, including an assessment of visual parameters,
  3. absence of a protective screen filter of the “full protection” class,
  4. disconnected grounding conductor of the protective filter,
  5. detection of equipment malfunction,
  6. lack of protective grounding of PC and VDT devices,
  7. absence of a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher and a first aid kit,
  8. violation of hygienic standards for the placement of VDTs (in a single-row arrangement less than 1 m from the walls, when workplaces are arranged in a column at a distance of less than 1.5 m, when placed on an area of ​​less than 6 sq. m per workplace, when displays are placed in rows with screens facing each other friend).

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. During work, the operator is obliged to:

  1. perform only the work for which he has been assigned and for which he has been instructed,
  2. keep the workplace tidy and clean throughout the working day,
  3. keep all ventilation openings of devices open,
  4. use an external device “mouse” only if you have a special mouse pad,
  5. if you need to stop working for a while, correctly close all active tasks,
  6. turn off the power only if the operator, during a break in working on the computer, is forced to be in close proximity to the video terminal (less than 9 m), in otherwise the power may not be turned off,
  7. fulfill sanitary standards and observe work and rest schedules,
  8. comply with the rules for operating computer equipment in accordance with the operating instructions,
  9. when working with text information, choose the most physiological mode of presenting black characters on a white background,
  10. observe the regulated breaks in work established by the working hours and perform recommended exercises for the eyes, neck, arms, torso, legs during physical education breaks and physical education minutes,
  11. Maintain a distance from the eyes to the screen within 60-80 cm.

3.2. During operation, the operator is prohibited from: touching the monitor screen and keyboard at the same time; touch the back panel of the system unit (processor) when the power is on; switch connectors of interface cables of peripheral devices when the power is on; clutter the top panels of devices with papers and foreign objects; allow the workplace to be cluttered with paper in order to prevent the accumulation of organic dust; turn off the power while performing an active task; make frequent power switches; prevent moisture from getting on the surface of the system unit (processor), monitor, working surface of the keyboard, disk drives, printers and other devices; turn on very cool equipment (brought from outside in winter); perform independent opening and repair of equipment; exceed the number of processed characters over 30,000O in 4 hours of work.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The operator is obliged:

  1. in all cases of detection of broken power wires, grounding faults and other damage to electrical equipment, or the appearance of a burning smell, immediately turn off the power and report the emergency to the manager and the electrician on duty,
  2. If you find a person under voltage, immediately release him from the action of the current by turning off the power supply and, until the doctor arrives, provide first aid to the victim,
  3. in any case of malfunction of technical equipment or software, immediately call a representative of the engineering and technical service for the operation of computer equipment,
  4. in case of pain in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility (impossibility to focus the gaze or bring it into focus), pain in the fingers and hands, increased heart rate, immediately leave the workplace, report the incident to the work manager and consult a doctor,
  5. If the equipment catches fire, turn off the power and take measures to extinguish the fire using a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher, call the fire brigade and report the incident to the work manager.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, the operator must follow the following sequence of turning off computer equipment:

  1. close all active tasks,
  2. park the read head hard drive(if automatic head parking is not provided),
  3. make sure there are no floppy disks in the drives,
  4. turn off the power to the system unit (processor),
  5. turn off the power to all peripheral devices,
  6. disconnect the power supply.

5.2. Upon completion of work, the operator must inspect and tidy up the workplace, hang the robe in the closet and wash his hands and face with soap.

Electrical safety requirements.

A personal computer is an electrical device. It differs from other electrical appliances in that it can be used for a long time without being disconnected from the electrical network. In addition to the normal operating mode, the computer can be in an operating mode with reduced power consumption or in a standby mode waiting for a request. Due to the possibility of prolonged operation of the computer without disconnecting from the power supply, special attention should be paid to the quality of the power supply.

  1. It is unacceptable to use low-quality and worn-out components in the power supply system, as well as their surrogate substitutes: sockets, extension cords, adapters, tees. It is unacceptable to independently modify sockets to accept plugs that meet other standards. Electrical contacts of sockets should not experience mechanical stress associated with connecting massive components (adapters, tees, etc.).
  2. All power cables and wires should be located at the back of the computer and peripheral devices. Their placement in work area user is not allowed.
  3. It is prohibited to perform any operations related to connecting, disconnecting or moving components of a computer system without first turning off the power.
  4. The computer should not be installed near electrical heaters or heating systems.
  5. It is unacceptable to place it on a system unit, monitor or peripheral devices foreign objects: books, sheets of paper, napkins, dust covers. This results in permanent or temporary blockage of the ventilation openings.
  6. Do not introduce foreign objects into the service or ventilation openings of computer system components.
Features of the monitor power supply. The monitor has elements that can maintain high voltage for a long time after being disconnected from the network. Opening the monitor by the user is unacceptable under any circumstances. This is not only life-threatening, but also technically useless, since there are no organs inside the monitor that the user could adjust or configure to improve its performance. Opening and servicing of monitors can only be carried out in special workshops.

Features of the power supply of the system unit.

All components of the system unit receive electricity from the power supply. The PC power supply is a stand-alone unit located at the top of the system unit. Safety regulations do not prohibit opening the system unit, for example, when installing additional internal devices or upgrading them, but this does not apply to the power supply. The computer power supply is a source of increased fire hazard, so it can only be opened and repaired in specialized workshops.
The power supply has a built-in fan and ventilation holes. Due to this, dust will inevitably accumulate in it, which can cause a short circuit. It is recommended to periodically (once or twice a year) use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the power supply through the ventilation holes without opening the system unit. It is especially important to perform this operation before each transportation or tilt of the system unit.

System of hygienic requirements.

Working with a computer for a long time can lead to health problems. Short-term work with a computer installed in gross violations of hygiene standards and rules leads to increased fatigue. The harmful effects of a computer system on the human body are complex. Monitor settings affect the organs of vision. The equipment of the workplace affects the organs of the musculoskeletal system. The nature of the arrangement of equipment in a computer class and the mode of its use affects both the general psychophysiological state of the body and its visual organs.

Video system requirements.

In the past, monitors were viewed primarily as a source of harmful radiation, primarily affecting the eyes. Today this approach is considered insufficient. In addition to harmful electromagnetic radiation (which on modern monitors has been reduced to a relatively safe level), image quality parameters must be taken into account, and they are determined not only by the monitor, but also by the video adapter, that is, the entire video system as a whole.

Workplace requirements.

The requirements for the workplace include requirements for a desktop, a seat (chair, armchair), rests for arms and legs. Despite its apparent simplicity, ensuring the correct placement of computer system elements and the correct seating of the user is extremely difficult. A complete solution to the problem requires additional costs comparable in magnitude to the cost of individual components of a computer system, therefore, both in production and in production, these requirements are often neglected.
Despite the fact that schoolchildren spend relatively little time in the computer classroom, teaching them proper occupational hygiene through a worthy example is very important so that useful skills are reinforced for life. This is not just a requirement of hygiene, but a requirement of methodology.

Requirements for organizing classes.

The monitor screen is not the only source of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Monitor developers have been successfully overcoming them for a long time. Less attention is paid to harmful spurious emissions arising from the sides and rear walls of equipment. In modern computer systems, these areas are the most dangerous.
The computer monitor should be positioned so that its back wall faces the wall of the room rather than people. IN computer classes those with several computers, workstations should be located along the periphery of the room, leaving the center free. In this case, it is additionally necessary to check each of the workplaces for the absence of direct reflection external sources lighting. As a rule, it is quite difficult to achieve this for all jobs at the same time. A possible solution is to use curtains on the windows and thoughtful placement of artificial sources of general and local lighting.
Uninterruptible power supply devices are strong sources of electromagnetic radiation. They should be located as far as possible from user seats.

In organizing classes, their duration plays an important role, on which psychophysiological loads depend. For high school students, the duration of a computer session should not exceed 30 minutes, for elementary school students - 20 minutes. The rest of the computer science lesson is spent communicating with the teacher and teaching aids.
Due to a lack of equipment, computer classes sometimes conduct group classes, during which two or three students study at one workstation. This organizational technique is unacceptable from a hygienic point of view. Some students have to sit to the side of the monitor, which negatively affects both the visual organs and the musculoskeletal system. Educational process It is necessary to plan so that every student has the opportunity to learn proper computer techniques.

Enterprise use technical means and software

The technical school makes extensive use of computers. educational technology, which allows the student to receive a fairly high level of education. The technical school has several classrooms equipped the latest computers, printers for printing. Some classrooms are equipped with projectors to display information on a large screen. There is also an electronic room where students can study outside of class hours, and free Internet access. All office offices are also equipped with computers. Almost all computers at the technical school are combined into one common local network. As a result, the technical school uses a wide variety of software necessary for organizing the educational process.

Safety precautions. Labor protection instructions for computer operators

Minimum dimensions of a computer (personal computer) operator's workplace

When performing any work, a technician must have a healthy sense of danger and be guided by common sense. In the absence of these qualities, he is not allowed to work independently.

Labor safety requirements before starting work:

1. Before starting work, the operator must:

receive instructions from the work manager about safe methods, techniques and sequence of performing a production task;

put your clothes in order, fasten all the buttons so that there are no hanging ends, arrange your hair so that it does not cover your face and eyes;

make the workplace safe;

It is prohibited to wear shoes with excessively high heels.

Before turning on a computer or other office equipment, make sure that electrical wires, plugs and sockets are in good working order. Plugs and sockets must comply with European standards. A distinctive feature of these plugs and sockets is the presence of a third wire that provides grounding for the computer or other device. If there is no third grounding wire, grounding must be done in the usual way using a grounding conductor and a grounding loop.

Make sure that the housing of the equipment being turned on is not damaged and that there are no objects, paper, etc. on it. Ventilation openings in the housing of the equipment being switched on should not be covered with curtains, covered with paper, sealed with adhesive tape, or blocked in any other way.

Labor protection requirements during work:

It is prohibited to drink any drinks or eat food while working.

It is prohibited to place any liquids in any container (packaging or cups) on the work table.

Premises for the operation of office equipment must have natural and artificial lighting, natural ventilation and comply with the requirements of current standards and regulations. It is prohibited to place workplaces near power electrical cables and transformer inputs, technological equipment, which interferes with the operation of office equipment and negatively affects the health of operators.

Windows in rooms where computers are installed should be oriented to the north and northeast. Window openings are equipped with adjustable devices such as blinds or curtains.

The area per workstation of computer users must be at least 6 m2 for a row and central arrangement, and 4 m2 for a perimeter location. When using a computer without auxiliary devices (printer, scanner, etc.) for less than four hours a day, a minimum area of ​​5 m2 per workstation is allowed.

Polymer materials used for interior decoration The interior of premises with PCs must be subject to sanitary and epidemiological examination. The floor surface must have antistatic properties and be level. The premises are wet cleaned daily. The use of extension cords, filters, tees, etc. that do not have special grounding contacts is prohibited.

The video monitor screen should be located at a distance of 600-700 mm from the operator’s eyes, the minimum permissible distance is 500 mm.

The duration of continuous work with a PC should be no more than 2 hours.

Computer table

There should also be good lighting, so that the eyes do not get tired or tired. Flickering of light, glare, and too bright light are not allowed.

Labor protection requirements upon completion of work:

Upon completion of work, the employee must do the following:

tidy up the workplace;

remove tools and accessories to specially designated storage areas;

report all noticed malfunctions and deviations from the normal state to the work manager;

bring the workplace into compliance with fire safety requirements.

Action in case of accident, fire, injury

In the event of an accident or a situation in which an accident may occur, immediately stop work and take measures to own safety and the safety of other workers, report the incident to the work manager.

In the event of a fire, stop work immediately and notify fire department by calling 01, your work manager and begin extinguishing the fire using available means.

In case of injury, go to the first aid station, if possible, keep the injury site in the same condition as it was at the time of injury, and report to your work supervisor personally or through workmates.

Responsibility for violation of instructions

Heads of departments, heads of workshops and sections, heads of departments and services are responsible for the actions of their subordinates that led or could lead to accidents and injuries, depending on the severity of the consequences in disciplinary, administrative or criminal proceedings.

The administration of the enterprise has the right to recover from the perpetrators the losses incurred as a result of the liquidation of the accident, when compensating for damages to employees for temporary or permanent disability in accordance with current legislation.

8.2.3 Safety instructions for the PC operator

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed the appropriate exam in accordance with the Rules can work as a computer operator technical operation electrical installations of consumers and the Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers, who have undergone training at the workplace, corresponding medical checkup, and have mastered safe methods of performing work in their specialty.

Working on a computer, as well as on peripheral devices included in the computer, is associated with the possibility of dangerous and harmful factors:

5) visual strain when working with screen devices, especially when there is irrational illumination of working surfaces in the area of ​​video terminals and irrational location of the screen in relation to the human visual organs.

When working as a computer operator, you MUST:

1) be attentive, not be distracted by extraneous matters and not distract others;

2) immediately report all noticed malfunctions to a superior employee, and in emergency situations, immediately stop work;

3) observe the rules of personal hygiene; 4) maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace;

5) do not place items in the workplace that are not directly related to the work being performed;

6) eat only in places specially equipped for this purpose;

7) store clothes in designated areas;

8) do not leave the workplace without the permission of a superior employee.

To ensure personal safety, before starting work, the computer operator MUST:

1) put on proper work clothes and prepare personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary to perform a specific job. By external inspection, verify their serviceability (GOST 12.4.131 - 83). To avoid working on faulty equipment, you must check:

Serviceability of connectors in the power supply network of device units, fans and air conditioners;

Availability, serviceability and current compliance of fuses;

Serviceability of protection of power and lighting electrical wiring from mechanical damage; - no kinks or damage to the insulation of the supply wires;

The absence of open live parts in PCs and their devices;

Availability and serviceability of a dielectric mat or dielectric stand and control panel.

2) visually check the order in your workplace and make sure there are no violations of the Safety Rules;

3) for long-term work (more than 30 minutes), prepare a workplace on display-type devices;

4) adjust the seat to an optimally comfortable height;

5) arrange the elements of the workplace so that the viewing angle on the display screen is ± 15 degrees, and the distance

to the screen - 400-500 mm;

6) take measures so that in normal lighting conditions direct light does not fall on the screen. During work you MUST:

Constantly monitor the overload alarm;

Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace;

Do not be distracted by extraneous activities and conversations and do not distract others. It is not allowed to keep items in the workplace that are not directly related to the work being performed.


Eating at the workplace and in places not designated for this;

Leave the workplace without permission from the head of the department;

Perform work that is not the operator's responsibility.

Work on PC devices can be done using serviceable tools and only for their intended purpose.

All noticed equipment malfunctions that cannot be eliminated independently must be reported directly to the work manager, and in emergency cases, work must be stopped immediately until the emergency situation is eliminated.

In the event of illness or even a minor injury, you must personally or through a workmate inform the work manager about this and contact medical institution(health center). After finishing the work you SHOULD:

1) put all device toggle switches in the “Off” position.

2) bring order to the workplace; observe the rules of personal hygiene: remove and carefully fold work clothes in a specially designated place, wash your hands.

In case of emergency situations The computer operator MUST:

1) notify a superior employee and call the appropriate service ( ambulance, fire protection, etc.);

2) take measures to provide first medical care for an electric shock victim:

a) turn off the power supply to the room;

b) place the victim on his back on a hard surface;

c) check the victim’s breathing (determined by raising the chest or in another way);

d) check the victim for a pulse in the radial artery at the wrist or in the carotid artery on the anterior lateral surface of the neck;

e) find out the condition of the pupil (a wide pupil indicates a sharp deterioration in the blood supply to the brain).

e) before the arrival of an ambulance doctor, if the victim is conscious, but has previously fainted, he should be placed in a comfortable position, covered warmly, and, until the doctor arrives, ensure complete rest, continuously monitoring the victim’s breathing and pulse. If there is no consciousness, but steady breathing and a pulse remain, you need to lay the victim comfortably and evenly, unbutton clothes, provide a flow of fresh air, and give ammonia to sniff. In the event that there is no breathing, artificial respiration and chest compressions should be performed until a positive result or until a doctor arrives. When the victim begins to breathe on his own, it is harmful to continue artificial respiration, but if breathing begins to weaken, it should be resumed immediately. Artificial respiration is done using the “mouth to mouth” or “mouth to nose” method. In this case, the person providing assistance exhales air from his lungs into the victim’s lungs through the victim’s mouth or nose. For artificial respiration, the victim is laid on his back on a hard surface, the belt and clothes that are constricting the chest and abdomen are unfastened. Next, kneeling down, the person providing assistance tilts the victim’s head back and clears the mouth of mucus and possible foreign objects. After taking a deep breath, the person providing assistance tightly applies the handkerchief to the victim’s mouth. Repeat this procedure 10 - 12 times per minute until full recovery breathing of the victim or until a doctor arrives.

Simultaneously with artificial respiration, an indirect massage of the victim’s heart is performed to maintain blood circulation. To do this, the second person providing assistance kneels on the left side of the victim, places one hand on the other and rhythmically, with pushes 50–60 times per minute, presses the lower hand of the left side of the chest with them, pressing it 3–4 cm closer to the spine . Insufflation of air and external cardiac massage should be performed alternately, that is, one person blows in air, and the other, in pauses when the victim is passively exhaling, presses on the chest, performing a cardiac massage. 3) in the event of a fire, use fire extinguishers, dry sand, asbestos blankets, and felt mats to stop the combustion process. Violation of the above requirements can lead to serious consequences, therefore administrative measures are applied to violators.

Ticket on the subject PRINCIPLES OF BUILDING AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ticket No. 11 1) What are the main goals (at least 5) of the creation of a corporate automated information system? 2) Expand the concept of “artificial intelligence”. 3) Give brief description security measures in automated systems ah document management. 4) ...... was devoted to studying the experience of foreign libraries in the conditions of the 2nd World War. As the day of the Great Victory approached, libraries wrote the main page in their history and fulfilled their civic duty with honor. Library science of the 20th century (1945-1998) after the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War The Soviet people began peaceful creative work. One of the most important...

More and more attention. For example: energy program, food program, housing program, transition program market economy. 2. Automated and automatic systems 2.1 Type composition of computing and automated systems SYSTEM In the broad sense of the term, a set of material and/or intangible objects forming a single whole, united...