How to apply for a Schengen visa yourself - step-by-step instructions. Is it difficult to get Dutch Schengen? Which countries are covered by the Schengen visa?

Traveling is incredibly exciting and interesting. The Schengen zone states are especially popular among Russians. To enter their territory you must have permission. What is the easiest visa to get for Schengen countries? What are the nuances and difficulties?

Schengen and the Schengen Agreement

Schengen - permission to enter one or more European countries. Having received this permission, a Russian has the right to freely travel within the Schengen countries.

The history of Schengen begins back in 1985. 5 states signed the agreement. Residents of these countries could cross foreign borders without registration additional documents. Gradually, 21 more states joined the 5 participating countries; today there are a total of 26 countries. Among them are the largest European countries:

  • Finland;
  • Germany;
  • Italy;
  • Latvia;
  • Norway;
  • Sweden;
  • Poland etc.

An example of this is in the Schengen states

Simplification of the passport and visa regime has made travel between neighboring countries more comfortable. However, how can Russians get into the Schengen states? What visa do you need? To enter European countries, citizens of the Russian Federation must obtain a Schengen visa. After receiving the document, you can freely move and travel both by land and by air.

Note! For multiple entries and exits, it is worth applying for a multiple visa.

There are several types of visas. They vary depending on the traveler's goals. Single-entry visas allow you to enter and exit the territory of the state once, double-entry visas allow you to enter and exit twice, and multiple-entry visas (multivisas) allow you to enter and exit an unlimited number of times.

  • Category A - intended for transit travelers. A tourist has the right to stay at the airport for no more than 2 days.
  • Category B - allows you to stay in the country for no more than 5 days.
  • Category C - intended for tourism and business purposes. Can be calculated from 30 days to a year, the number of trips is not limited.
  • Category D - gives the right to reside in one of the countries for up to 5 years. A citizen also has the right to leave the state and travel around the Schengen countries every six months, spending no more than 3 months in another country.
  • Category LTV - permission to enter only one state.

Which country is the easiest to get Schengen?

On a note! Where is the easiest place to get a Schengen visa? In 2018, the easiest way to get a stamp is in international passport at the consulate of France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Slovakia.

France is very loyal in matters of visa policy. Over the past few years, the French Consulate in Moscow has been issuing multiple visas for up to 5 years. To the question “Which Schengen visa is easier to get in Moscow?”, it is definitely worth answering “French”.

Schengen countries

Statistics show that Spain is one of the most popular countries among tourists from all over the world. However, obtaining Schengen at the Spanish consulate is quite simple. The second time you contact the embassy, ​​you can obtain a permit that will be valid for a year. Each repeated application allows you to increase your stay in the country. The more permits were obtained, the more chance get long urgent visa.

How much easier is it to get a Schengen visa for the first time? Of course, to Spain. In most cases, tourists who apply for documents for the first time are given permission for six months. When submitting an application, it is worth indicating that the traveler is counting on multiple and long-term entry permits.

Important! If the government finds out that after receiving a permit, the tourist’s stay in Spain is shorter than in other Schengen countries, then next time he will be issued national visa(allows entry only into Spanish territory).

Some states are reluctant to issue permits. They are strict on immigration and visa issues. The most difficult countries to obtain a visa for are: Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Poland. These states most often issue refusals, and the period of stay usually does not exceed 3 months.

Where to apply for a visa

A Schengen visa can be obtained from:

  • Embassy;
  • visa center;
  • travel company.

Note! Processing documents yourself through the Embassy is more profitable. However, in some cities there is no Embassy of a particular state; tourists have to go to larger cities. But almost everywhere there are visa centers that also handle paperwork.

Registration of documents through the VFS Global center

The period for issuing documents permitting entry depends on the specific state. On average, a tourist receives a completed visa after 5-10 working days. In some cases, this period increases to 3 weeks. For example, during the holiday season. Travelers are offered an urgent registration service, which takes from 1 to 3 days.

Cost of registration in 2018

The final amount depends on several factors. You can complete all the documents yourself, this will save money. For those who value their time, the option of registration through a specialized center is suitable. However, this option is more expensive as this organization charges an additional service fee.

Important! On average, the cost of registration at the Consulate or Embassy is 25 euros*. This amount may vary for each country. It is worth noting that the consular fee is not refundable in case of refusal.

  • citizens who are going to study in the selected country;
  • citizens with disabilities;
  • relatives of citizens living in the Schengen countries;
  • citizens who are going to undergo treatment in the selected country;
  • children under 6 years of age.

Note! Preferential categories citizens can count on a lower cost of consular fees, and in some cases the processing may be free.

In addition to fees, you should consider the cost of insurance. It is necessary to protect tourists from unforeseen situations. Insurance is a guarantor of the safety of a traveler in a foreign country. Most often, the cost of insurance is 1 euro for each day of stay in the country.

Approximate processing costs

After analyzing consular fees at the embassies of the Schengen countries, it was revealed where they offer the most profitable document processing. The cheapest visa to Poland, its cost is 19 euros*. In Germany - 20 euros*. The most expensive cost is to obtain a permit to enter France - 35 euros*.
Problems in obtaining a visa and their solutions

When applying for a visa, tourists often encounter difficulties. To insure yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the laws of a particular country and possible problems in advance.

Difficulties in submitting documents

Firstly, you must provide a complete package of documents. The requirements of each country may vary slightly, but in general, the applicant is required to have the following package of documents:

  • international passport;
  • copy of Russian passport;
  • application form;
  • photos;
  • insurance.

Important! If the consular officer does not find one of the documents, the processing time may be delayed. The applicant will have to bring the missing documents. In the most serious cases, refusal is possible.

When filling out the form, you must provide truthful information. Any inconsistency may raise suspicion and affect the final result.

The question of financial support. The embassy needs to ensure that the applicant has sufficient funds to maintain a normal standard of living. The applicant must submit a 2NDFL certificate. If the tourist is unemployed, then he must provide a bank statement.


Example of a refusal stamp

How to behave in case of refusal? It is important to remember that any refusal can be challenged. First, you need to check that the form is filled out correctly. If this is the case, then you should correct the errors or supplement the package of documents and contact the selected institution again.

In other cases, the exact cause should be established. After this, you can file an appeal. All information about the deadlines for filing an appeal is indicated on the form containing the refusal message.

Important! A good lawyer will help you challenge the decision and obtain entry permission.

When going on a trip, you should remember all possible nuances and difficulties. It is necessary to do the registration in advance - this will save time and effort. Obtaining permission to enter the Schengen zone states is not difficult, the main thing is to approach the matter responsibly.

*Prices are current as of August 2018.

How can you apply and obtain a Schengen visa on your own? List of required documents and sample of filling out the application form. Cost and timing of Schengen registration in 2020.

One of the four fundamental freedoms proclaimed is the freedom of movement of people within its borders. For 26 European countries there is a single Schengen visa, after receiving which you can then move freely throughout almost the entire continent, without paying attention to such conventions as state borders.

This is what a single Schengen visa looks like, the only difference is in the name of the country that issued the visa.

2015 marked thirty years since the signing of the agreement to abolish border controls within Europe.

The place for signing the agreement was chosen so that it would be at the junction of three countries at once. It turned out to be the border river Moselle. It was there, on the deck of the ship, looking at the nearby Schengen village, that the heads of state signed the document. From that moment on, a zone free of passport control when moving between countries arose. For European residents, many of whom live in one country and work in another, this turned out to be very convenient.

Candidate countries for EU membership are marked in green.

Ten years later, in 1995, two more countries joined the agreement: Spain and Portugal. The rest of the European states, despite the fact that the European Union formally existed since 1992, the full effect extended to all its member countries only in 1999, when the Schengen rules became part of EU legislation. Since then, provisions on the free movement of citizens across borders have become general.

At the beginning of 2020, 26 countries support free movement within the European Union. Among them are not only Western European countries, but also the Baltic countries and some Eastern European states. Its closest neighbor also stands apart. They are in no hurry to abolish passport control at their borders.

Another exception is Switzerland. This country is not a member of the European Union in 2020, but supports the Schengen agreement.

What does this visa provide?

  1. First of all, the opportunity, having received a visa from one state, to move freely within the European Union without requesting additional entry permission.
  2. Secondly, when crossing state borders no need to go through passport control. Except for exception countries.
  3. Thirdly, the presence of such a visa makes it possible to visit some countries in other parts of the world, again without issuing a separate visa.
  4. Fourthly, having a Schengen visa, you can enter and leave its coverage area at any point.

How to get a Schengen visa yourself

The process of applying for a visa yourself is not as complicated as some tourists think. Doing this yourself is quite easy. But you should still know a few subtleties. They relate to the choice of the country for which you will need to apply for a visa, and the type of visa.

The fact is that there is no such country as Schengen. This means that you will have to apply for an entry permit to a very specific European state. According to reviews from tourists, it’s easier, or. Not surprising, since these countries receive a significant portion of their income from tourism.

As for the type of visa, not only the purpose of the trip plays a role, but also whether any Schengen visa has been previously obtained. And also whether any violations were identified related to its registration and rules of stay in European countries. If they are not found, then you can get a visa again with a longer period of stay.

You need to apply for a visa, which gives you the right to travel freely throughout almost all of Europe, at the embassy or consulate of one of the countries that are members of the union.

You can apply for it in person, but many prefer the services of various types of intermediaries. This is completely acceptable. You just need to make sure that the organization is trustworthy.

Embassy of Greece in Moscow at the address: Spiridonovka, 14.

What visas exist

Visa B, although it is a transit visa, gives its holder the right to spend from 1 to 5 days in Europe. With such a visa you can leave the airport if the time between flights is up to several days. Or even go further by land transport, crossing the borders of states inside the Schengen zone. The main thing is not to exceed the time allotted for your stay in the European Union.

When issuing transit Schengen visas, the same requirements are observed as for issuing a visa of another type. The documents that accompany the application for a transit visa are also the same.

Type C visa is the main type of Schengen visa. This is what most tourists going to Europe strive to get. Within this type, several subtypes can be distinguished, the receipt of which largely depends on the purpose of the visit.

All other type C visas are classified as , that is, they allow you to enter and exit the country several times during the validity period of the visa. The length of stay is also limited and amounts to three months. If a multiple-entry Schengen visa is issued for a period of more than six months, then it may establish maximum term, which can be spent in the country for six months. For example, Spain can issue a 6-month Schengen visa immediately for the first time. Therefore, many travelers prefer to contact the Spanish embassy or Visa Center.

The C2 multiple entry visa is valid for 180 days. It can be obtained if you previously received a tourist visa for a month, and during your stay in the Schengen countries there were no violations of the terms and destination. True, some countries are still inclined to provide such a visa only to those who travel to Europe solely for business matters.

Depending on the purpose of your trip to the country, a special work or student visa may also be issued.

What documents will be needed

First of all, of course, a foreign passport, as the main document confirming a person’s identity. You just need to make sure that there is certain period. IN different countries the requirements for it are different. The range ranges from three months to six months. Therefore, this point should be clarified when submitting documents.

To obtain a multiple visa, you may also need a photocopy of your old passport, especially if it already contained a Schengen visa. Therefore, experienced travelers are advised to have such a copy. But those who have this international passport for the first time may need a certificate of this fact.

In addition to a foreign passport, some European embassies are also interested in an internal passport. Or rather, a photocopy of it. And although most often they demand to photograph only those pages where there are records, it is still better to play it safe and have copies of absolutely everything, even blank ones.

Next you will have to fill out an application. It can be downloaded from the official website diplomatic mission, fill out, print and sign. In fact, this is a form that can be filled out in Russian, English or the language of the country that issues the visa. A photograph that meets the requirements is pasted onto the application form. (download sample

Paid tickets for any type of transport and a paid or confirmed hotel reservation will also be needed for those who are applying for a Schengen visa for the first time. A single-entry visa necessarily requires such confirmation. In this case, it is necessary to clarify whether the booking document through one of the online systems is valid.

Completing the fingerprinting procedure.

From September 14, 2015, fingerprinting is required. The European Union wants to introduce this practice to simplify control over the issuance of visas, as well as to carefully monitor the legality of refusals. In addition, such an identifier will serve as additional protection for personal information and personal data.

Planning a trip to Europe can be challenging in some situations. Most often, the problem arises with permission to enter a country that is part of the Schengen agreement. We will tell you below how much easier it is to get a visa.

The need to obtain a pass in another way may be associated with a previous refusal of a visa, uncertainty about issuing a pass when self-submission documents or desire to visit several adjacent states. Question that worries this category citizens, it will be about which Schengen is easier to obtain. 2019 continues the tradition of admission abroad according to biometric data and a package of documents for a visa request.

To cross the border of the country where your initial point of stay is planned, you must obtain a type C visa.

Such tolerances are divided into the following types:

  1. One-time - transfer is allowed once within 90 days. When crossing the border there and back, even to another country, return entry is not possible. Issued quite quickly.
  2. Double entry - for entry and exit up to two times.
  3. Multiple-entry or multivisas are the most profitable, as they allow you to travel for certain period without counting the number of times the border is passed.

Countries with good economic growth are not very willing to admit people from other countries. These include Germany, Belgium, and others. This is due to the high level of population migration. However, there are states in which tourism is one of the sectors of development, as well as attracting workers, they facilitate the policy of admission to their lands. These include: Poland, Spain, Greece,. A special feature of the agreement is the almost unhindered and simple crossing of the borders of the countries that are part of this union.

Important! You can apply for a pass at the visa center of the state where it is easiest to obtain a Schengen visa.

States with loyal migration policies

  1. Which country is easier to get a Schengen visa for? The law makes it possible not only to easily obtain admission, but also to allow citizens to travel through the territory with a ban on entry. A special feature is the advisory nature of the purpose of the trip. Also, the transfer is not affected by the number of previous trips abroad. Therefore, tourists prefer to start their first visit to Europe from this country, because it is easier to get a visa here. The consulate can issue a permit for six months at once. However, if, among subsequent visits to European countries, the Spanish state is visited fewer times than others, a national visa may be issued, which is valid only within Spain.
  2. French Migration Service issues permission to travel within the country for 5 years. To do this, the necessary package of documents is submitted to the embassy for the first time, and subsequent trips do not require repeated permission. Staying within the borders of the state should not exceed 3 months.
  3. is the country where it is easier for Russians to obtain a Schengen visa. However, do not forget about the terms of stay, violation of which may negatively affect the receipt of a pass in the future. Some difficulty may be the lack of complete information about the necessary documents. In such cases, the data must be clarified in advance at other embassies or on websites.
  4. restricts admission only if documents are submitted late. The duration of the first visit to the country is up to 12 months. In the future, if there are no comments from the customs service, you can request permission for a longer period. On subsequent visits, the visa period increases. Difficulties arise with the presence of long queues at visa centers, since this tourist route is the most popular.
  5. Which Schengen is easier to get is in Finland. The country is very loyal to Russian tourists, especially from the northwestern region, so this route is in great demand. An initial permit can be obtained for 1 month, and for a future trip you can apply for a longer period.
  6. issues a visa for 1 year with a step-by-step procedure for obtaining it, provided that “365/90” is indicated in the application. If your plans do not include visiting the country again, then it is possible to issue a pass for six months. However, in Lately this country is more loyal, and the issuance of multiple documents is possible after the second application.

Which country is easier to get to, besides the ones listed above, can be determined by how busy the consulates are. Those states where there is a smaller flow of tourists are more willing to issue visas. These include: Austria, Lithuania, Latvia. However, careful preparation of documents is still a prerequisite.

Payment of expenses when obtaining a permit

The cost of the permit is also of no small importance. The cheapest Schengen visa is issued to Poland and Spain. This can be taken into account if it is necessary to use the pass as transit through the state. The price of the consular fee usually remains unchanged; urgent processing will cost twice as much.

Upon payment additional services pricing policy may vary significantly. In most cases, permission is issued within 7-15 days, depending on the consulate of the country to which you plan to travel. In some situations, verification will take longer, so your request should be made well in advance.

Documents for requesting admission

The list of papers that will be needed is as follows:

  • passport data of a foreign and national document with copies of pages on which there are entries, with a validity period of at least 3 months;
  • photographs of a standard sample in the amount of 2 pieces, size 3.5 * 4.5;
  • certificate issued locally official work, with an income report for the last six months;
  • statement form from the bank confirming the existence of a current account;
  • proof of hotel reservations, transit tickets;
  • medical insurance document;
  • completed application data.

Different embassies may require you to collect additional papers, such as a marriage certificate or work book.

Categories of citizens subject to a simplified regime

After signing an official agreement to simplify the issuance of visas to citizens of the Russian Federation and the European Union, obtaining permission to the Schengen countries has become easier. Deciding which visa is best to apply for will depend on the purpose of your trip. You can get multiple or free admission.

Thanks to the agreement between the Russian Federation and the European Community on simplifying the issuance of visas, certain categories of Russians have this right:

  1. Persons who have relatives with Russian citizenship, living in the territory where you need to apply for Schengen. These include spouses, children under 21, and dependents under guardianship. In this situation, it is possible to issue an entry permit for 5 years, even when passes were not previously issued.
  2. Members of official delegations receive a pass valid for 1 year, subject to an appropriate invitation, as well as a letter from the authorities of the country or institution of the European Union. There is no fee to be paid in this case.
  3. Citizens visiting other states for the purpose of studying: students, schoolchildren, teachers, graduate students. What documents will be needed depends on the educational level and purpose of study. There is also no visa fee.
  4. Persons who are engaged in journalistic activities apply for the opportunity to enter and exit for up to 5 years, provided they have confirmed qualifications and data on the purpose of the visit.
  5. Sports teams with teachers can cross the line and qualify for a 1-year multiple-entry permit. For young athletes, obtaining a visa is free of charge.
  6. Entrepreneurs, according to the agreement drawn up by the European Community to simplify the issuance of visas to citizens Russian Federation, can receive a multiple visa for 1 year at the request of the host organization.
  7. The country in which cultural, scientific or creative events are held can receive citizens with a prior invitation and a 1-year pass.
  8. Drivers who transport between foreign countries, with a corresponding request from the national carrier association, plan, purpose of the trip.
  9. Members of the government and judges can receive admission for 5 years with an exemption from the visa fee.
  10. Persons who visit burial places of relatives. A documentation form must be provided to support such a case.
  11. Exchange participants between cities different states, if there is a request from the head of the municipality. An annual visa is also issued.
  12. Workers of international railway services.
  13. Participants of humanitarian trips who have documents confirming the target destination.

These categories of persons, if they have annual passes, can subsequently receive permission to visit the country for a period of up to 2-5 years, taking into account the agreement between Russia and the European Community on simplifying the issuance of visas to citizens.

Attention! A multiple visit visa can be used for purposes other than the original purpose of the visit.

When making a business or scientific trip, it is possible to visit relatives or explore a tourist route. However, you must have with you documentary evidence, which do not prohibit being present for another reason. These conditions do not correspond to traveling abroad to obtain permanent job, as this will require a different type of visa.

Obtaining permission to visit another state in most cases is not difficult. Given the low refusal rate, almost any citizen of the Russian Federation has a chance to obtain a visa. However, if there is a possibility of failure, the best way will apply for permission to a consulate with a less strict migration policy.

Good day to my readers!

Today I will talk about a very important point for everyone who travels independently around Europe or is just planning their dream trip.

I spent my first European vacation, organized by me personally without travel agencies, in 2012 and in all 5 years I visited large quantities countries where the main obstacle to visiting was a Schengen visa.

What is it and how to get it, what mistakes not to make so as not to get rejected - I will share all this with you based on my own experience in my article, which will be useful and interesting for all travel lovers.

Schengen is a pass for a Russian traveler to one or more European countries and the possibility of unhindered movement within the Schengen Union states without additional control and unnecessary formalities.

For tourists of the Russian Federation there are several important rules and points that need to be taken into account and remembered before receiving Schengen:

  1. A Schengen visa must be issued at the consulate of the country to which you are planning your first trip. After the opening of a Schengen card in the country that issued it, you can safely move around all other European countries, enter and leave any state, in accordance with the Schengen Agreement.
  2. If during your first trip you want to visit several countries, then it is advisable to obtain a visa from the consulate of the country where you plan to spend most of the days of your vacation.
  3. When submitting documents, it is necessary to take into account not only the general rules, but the characteristics and requirements of specific states. For example, some countries issue visas most often for a single entry, while a number of other countries are more loyal and issue multiple entry visas to our citizens.
  4. It is recommended to take a responsible approach to the preparation and completion of all necessary documents and indicate only relevant and reliable information, which will be checked by consular officers.

All detailed and detailed information You can read about the rules of each country on the website of their consulate. Based on this, you should plan your upcoming trip and collect documents to independently apply for a Schengen visa.

Schengen countries

Entry with a Schengen visa is possible in 30 European countries, including:

  • Austria,
  • Belgium,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Hungary,
  • Germany,
  • Greece,
  • Denmark,
  • Cyprus,
  • Iceland,
  • Spain,
  • Italy,
  • Latvia,
  • Lithuania,
  • Liechtenstein,
  • Luxembourg,
  • Netherlands,
  • Malta,
  • Norway,
  • Poland,
  • Portugal,
  • Romania,
  • Slovakia,
  • Slovenia,
  • France,
  • Finland,
  • Croatia,
  • Czech Republic,
  • Switzerland,
  • Sweden,
  • Estonia.

Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Croatia have only recently joined this list; entry there Russian citizens is also carried out on a national or pro-visa.

The most loyal for Russian tourists last years are such states as: Greece, Italy, Spain, France, as well as the Baltic countries.

For example, the Finnish consulate requires a minimum list of documents, namely: an application form, medical insurance and paid consular and service fees.

The Greek Consulate, even upon first entry, issues a multiple visa valid for 3 years.

The most stable and reliable in its decisions on issuing visas is the Italian Consulate. If you have already had a Schengen visa over the past two years, and preferably an Italian one, then there is a high probability of getting a new multiple visa for a long period, on average 2 years.

But the cases are completely different, and sometimes even the most harmful consulate for someone in the past can please you with multiple Schengen entries for 5 years.

Types of Schengen visas and their designations

Category Atransit visa, required for connecting flights in countries that are part of the Schengen zone. Russian citizens do not require this type of visa; they can stay in transit zone airport without additional documents.

It is divided into subcategories:

  • C1 - single or double entry for up to 30 days,
  • C2 - multiple for a period of up to 90 days in a six-month or year,
  • C3 - multiple entry visa for a year without limiting the number of trips,
  • C4 - multiple entry visa for 5 years.

Category D— long-term visa for a long stay in the country with the right to travel to other states for a period of no more than three months every six months. It is usually issued for study, work and long-term residence, but the process of obtaining it is more complex and lengthy, requiring more documents and grounds for entry.

Types of visas by length of stay:

  1. A single-entry Schengen visa is issued to a tourist for a one-time entry for a period established by the consulate.
  2. A double-entry visa is issued for a specified period with the right to enter the country twice.
  3. Multivisa is a multiple-entry Schengen visa for a period of one to five years with an unlimited number of entries, but a total maximum number of days of stay of up to 90 in six months or 180 in a year.

The consulate makes a decision to issue one of these types and categories of visas depending on its internal rules and whether you have had a Schengen visa in the past. If you previously had a Schengen visa for a single or double entry, then when you reapply you have a great chance of getting a multiple visa. At the same time, the number of days of stay and the validity period may increase each time if you have not violated the rules of the visa regime.

By purpose of stay in addition to standard tourist visa There are also other types:

  • guest room,
  • educational or student,
  • work or business visa.

In all of the above cases, in addition to the basic necessary documents to obtain Schengen, you will need invitations from representatives of countries: from relatives or friends, from educational institution and from the representative company.

How to get Schengen?

Since 2015, new rules for processing and obtaining a biometric Schengen visa have been established for citizens of the Russian Federation over 12 years of age. It is necessary to undergo a fingerprinting procedure, which implies personal presence when submitting documents at the consulate of a particular state or visa center. With the exception of the Italian Consulate, if you have re-submitted documents and submitted fingerprints within the last five years in the past, a repeat procedure can be avoided.

To visit a consulate or visa center, you must make an appointment in advance by contacting e-mail or by phone and make an appointment.

When submitting documents, you will have to undergo a short interview, confidently answering basic questions about the purpose of the trip and some of the points indicated in your application form.

At some consulates and visa centers, documents are submitted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Required documents

The required documents and rules for obtaining a Schengen visa are individual for each country.

But the main package of papers looks like this:

  • International passport. Must be valid for more than three months after completion of the upcoming trip and have two blank pages for notes.
  • Completed application form English language with a personal signature.

Be very responsible when filling out the application form, since this is the most important document and on its basis they most often decide whether to issue a visa or not.

Watch this video to see what the form looks like and how to fill it out correctly.

  • Two photos.

You must provide color photographs on a white background, taken within the last six months, without frames, without corners or retouching. Photo sizes are 30 x 40 mm or 35 x 45 mm.

Without providing clear and contrasting photographs made in accordance with all the listed rules, the visa application may be considered insufficiently completed and raise additional questions.

  • for the duration of stay in the country with a minimum insurance amount of 30,000 euros. You can apply online on the website of any accredited insurance company.
  • A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Additional documents

  • Certificate of employment on company letterhead indicating the position and wages, vacation dates, as well as company details and contact information.

Some consulates require this certificate in form 2-NDFL with a copy of the work book.

  • A bank account statement that is valid for a month, or a credit card statement.

To confirm financial solvency, the bank certificate must indicate the amount that is established in each country, based on their requirements. On average, this is 50 euros per day per person; the exact amount is indicated on the website of the specific consulate.

If you are unable to provide an official certificate with the required amount, you can draw up a sponsorship letter - the agreement of another person to pay all necessary expenses during your trip.

  • Airfare reservation or proof of purchase (if required by the consulate).
  • Hotel reservation in the form of a voucher or a printed email from the booking site indicating all contact details.

For some countries, one reservation is not enough and you must pay at least half of the cost of your stay, providing the original proof of payment.

Additional documents for entrepreneurs

  • Registration documents legal entity: OGRNIP - for individual entrepreneurs and Unified State Register of Legal Entities and its copy - for limited liability companies.
  • An extract from the company's bank account, valid for three months from the date of issue.
  • Documents from tax office: copy of registration certificate, copy of tax return.
  • TIN and its copy.

Documents for minors

Children under 18 years of age can travel abroad with their parents or unaccompanied.

When entering with parents to obtain a Schengen visa, the following documents are required:

  • a copy of the mother or father’s foreign passport (page with the child’s personal data and photograph);
    the child’s international passport, if he has one;
  • birth certificate (some consulates require a notarized copy);
  • certificate from the place of study;
  • a completed application form signed by both parents;
  • 2 color photographs following the same rules as for adults;
  • medical insurance for the duration of the trip;
  • If a child leaves with one of the parents, written permission from the other party is required.

Schengen visa cost

At independent registration Schengen visa main costs are: consular fee - 35 euros (free for children under 6 years old) and visa center service fee - 18.5 - 30.5 euros, depending on the country.

What are the deadlines for issuing a Schengen visa?

After completing and submitting all the necessary documents, the period for issuing a Schengen visa is 5 - 10 working days.

The duration depends on the specific consulate of the country and on seasonality. For example, Greece, Spain, Poland, Italy make a decision on extradition fairly quickly, but on the eve of holidays or an increase in the tourist season, the timing may increase to the point of unpredictability. Under any other circumstances, the time frame may take up to 3 weeks, it all depends on the specific consulate.

There are no guarantees in this matter and general rules Therefore, it is recommended to apply for a Schengen visa in advance to avoid problems and a possible ruined vacation.

If necessary, you can request urgent registration in 2-3 working days, for this you need to pay a double consular fee of 70 euros. But not every consulate or visa center provides this service, so check this information also in advance.

Decoding the symbols in the Schengen visa

If you happen to be the happy owner of a Schengen visa, but having received it, you cannot understand the indicated symbols on it, my tips will help you:

  • The numbers in the top right corner indicate your visa number.
  • Valid for - if a visa is issued to visit all countries of the Schengen Union, then STATI SCHENGEN is indicated. In case of restriction of entry into all countries and permission only for one specific country, its code is indicated.
  • From—date of entry for a Schengen visa.
  • Until — date of departure from the country with a Schengen visa.
  • Type of visa - indicates the type/category of the visa (A, B, C or D).
  • Number of entries - indicates the number of entries into the country: 1, 2 or MULTI, which means multiple visits or multiple visas.
  • Duration of stay - specifies the maximum number of days allowed for staying in the country.
  • Number of passport — passport number.
  • Surname, Name - last name and first name.
  • Remarks - the purpose of the visit.

What to do if you are refused a Schengen visa?

The main reasons for refusal are:

  • incorrectly completed documents or the absence of one of them;
  • false or contradictory information provided in documents;
  • low income;
  • violations visa rules in past.

If your visa application is refused, do not be upset - check with the consulate for the reason and resubmit the documents, and be more careful next time.


To summarize the article, I would like to note that the most important thing in applying for a Schengen visa is to prepare everything correctly and in advance Required documents, provide truthful information, do not violate the rules of visa entry and stay in the countries of the Schengen Union. And then, like me, you will become the proud owner of a multi-visa for several years, and all European capitals will open their doors to you.

If you have any comments or questions about what you read, I will be glad to answer them. And of course I wish you all great travels!