Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation 285 of 1975. “On approval of the Instructions for training military personnel to comply with security requirements in the daily activities of troops (forces)”

Veterans have been waiting for twenty years civil war in Tajikistan for recognition of their military merits.
They fulfilled their duty with honor and the second time they were finally recognized.

In those years I didn’t think about benefits and awards, I simply fulfilled my military duty. On January 1, 2012, a law came into force, correcting a historical mistake and recognizing those who served on the Tajik-Afghan border as combat veterans.
But out of 25 thousand soldiers and officers, about one and a half thousand received veterans’ certificates. Even my battalion commander, the chief of regiment intelligence, holder of the Order of Personal Courage, had to write to President Putin in order to receive a certificate. And only after this letter he became a combat veteran. I had no desire to run around the courts and prove anything to anyone. I got official refusal at the military registration and enlistment office that there is no confirmation in my file that I participated in hostilities. We simply weren’t given such recordings. On the military ID and work book there is another record that in the period from 1994 to 1997 I performed tasks in conditions state of emergency and in armed conflicts. After 2012, veterans ran into the courts and began to prove that they were there, but they were turned away, and everyone received refusals; according to the law, you must have marks of participation in hostilities. Even the Hero of Russia had to prove, again, through appeals to the president, that he was a participant in the war. I looked at all this, spat and decided not to run to the courts. Yes, I was, yes, I served, but I don’t want to prove anything. And even once in a private conversation with the division chief of staff I said: come on, what kind of veterans we are. To which he sternly answered me that we had completed our tasks, and if we weren’t there, the republic would have drowned in blood. After this conversation, I rethought a lot. I remember how in one of the villages a little girl came out to our armored personnel carrier with a flatbread, and I tried to pay her for this flatbread, and she told me “be pul” (no money), how I shared sugar and canned food with children in the Kulyab region, and as a local teacher told me that these children grew up without sweets. How one woman told us that she was ready to kiss the armor of our dusty armored personnel carrier, if only it was here with Russian flag traveled. At one time I tried to write my memories, but somehow it’s difficult for me, it’s easier for me to tell, and even then not to everyone. The veterans did not give up, even with the support of political parties and social movements The soldiers and officers of the division nevertheless achieved changes in the law “On Veterans”. And just the other day, the Federation Council approved amendments to the law, and the President of Russia signed the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Veterans”. The change applies to military personnel who served in the territory of Tajikistan in the 90s. If the current version of the law " On Veterans" considers as veterans only persons who participated in hostilities in the Republic of Tajikistan from September to November 1992 and from February 1993 to December 1997, then in the new law the wording of "participation" reads as follows: "Performing security tasks constitutional rights citizens, restoring peace, maintaining law and order, defending the Tajik-Afghan border, stabilizing the situation, protecting and defending important government facilities during a state of emergency and during an armed conflict on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan: September - November 1992; February 1993 - December 1997." The law comes into force on January 1, 2016. The story does not end there, the law has been signed, but the most difficult thing remains - communication with officials.

3. The story continues...

5. Veterans of the 201st MSD at the traditional meeting on Veteran’s Day on Poklonnaya Hill.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2013 N 285 On the extension to workers filling certain positions on the basis employment contract in organizations created to carry out tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, restrictions, prohibitions and obligations established for federal civil servants (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 20, 2013 N 28847)








In accordance with Article 12.2 Federal Law dated December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 52 (Part I), Art. 6228; 2011, N 29, Art. 4291; N 48, Art. 6730 ; 2012, No. 50 (part IV), art. 6954; no. 53 (part I), art. 7605)

1. Extend to employees filling positions specified in section III List of positions in the military service, federal state civil service in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, positions in organizations created to carry out tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, when appointed to which military personnel, federal civil servants and citizens and when replaced by military personnel, federal state civil servants and employees are required to provide information about their income, property and liabilities property nature, as well as information on income, property and property-related obligations of their spouse and minor children (hereinafter referred to as employees), approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2012 N 3313dsp "On the List of military service positions, federal state civil service in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, positions in organizations created to carry out tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, upon appointment to which military personnel, federal civil servants and citizens and when replacing which military personnel, federal civil servants and employees are required to submit information about your income, property and property-related obligations, as well as information about the income, property and property-related obligations of your spouse and minor children" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 23, 2012, registration N 25898) , restrictions, prohibitions and obligations established by Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” in relation to persons holding federal positions civil service, and , and Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On State civil service Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as restrictions, prohibitions and obligations) (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 31, Art. 3215; 2006, No. 6, Art. 636; 2007, No. 10, Art. 1151; No. 16, Art. 1828; Art. 6070; No. 13, Art. II; Art. 3616; Art. 6235; , 3624; Art. 5719; Art. 6159; 2010, Art. 704; Art. 6413; Art. 6810; Art. 31; Art. 4295; Art. 49; Art. V 7337; 2012, art. 6744; art. 6954; art. 7571; art. 7620;

2. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, heads of central military command and control bodies, subordinate to whom there are organizations created to carry out the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation, organize the work:

To ensure that employees comply with restrictions, prohibitions and obligations;

To introduce amendments to employee employment contracts regarding compliance with restrictions, implementation of prohibitions and obligations.

3. Recognize as invalid the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2012 N 2855 “On the extension to workers holding certain positions on the basis of an employment contract in organizations created to perform the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, restrictions, prohibitions and duties established for federal state civil servants" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 11, 2012, registration N 25650).

4. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense

Russian Federation

2. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders of military districts, fleets, commander of the Airborne Forces, heads of main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders of formations, commanders of formations and military units until December 1, 2000 d. lead organizational work on training military personnel to meet security requirements in daily activities troops (forces) in accordance with the attached Instructions.

1. This Instruction for training military personnel to meet security requirements in the daily activities of troops (forces) (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) establishes common system preparation (training and instruction) of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to meet security requirements in the daily activities of troops (forces) and applies to all formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military units).

2. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders of military districts, fleets, commanders of the Airborne Forces, heads of the main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation may issue instructions that, based on the specifics of the tasks performed, special requirements for the procedure for training and instructing military personnel serving facilities controlled by the authorities state supervision, or undergoing military service in military positions associated with an increased danger to life and health.

Further in the text of this Instruction and the Appendices to it, unless otherwise stated, for brevity they will be referred to as: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense.

3. Training and instruction of military personnel sent to work in organizations that are not part of the Armed Forces are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation.”

4. Training military personnel to meet security requirements in everyday activities in the Armed Forces is an integral part vocational training personnel in accordance with their organizational and staffing purpose. The purpose of this training is to ensure a level of professional readiness for each military personnel that would allow him, in the process of performing his duties, to eliminate (reduce) negative impact dangerous and harmful factors military service and on this basis safely complete assigned tasks, prevent injuries (wounds, injuries, concussions) and other accidents.

High-quality organization of the above training should contribute to an overall increase in the efficiency of the work being carried out to create and ensure safe conditions military service in a military unit, reducing the number of injuries (wounds, injuries, concussions) and other accidents involving military personnel.

5. Training of military personnel to comply with security requirements in the daily activities of troops (forces) must be systematic, continuous, carried out with all military personnel of military units and include training in security requirements and conducting established types of briefings.

6. The commander of a military unit is responsible for the state of training of subordinate military personnel to fulfill security requirements in daily activities, and in a unit (service) - the unit commander (chief of service). Chief of Staff of a military unit (in the absence of this full-time position- another official of the military unit management, appointed by order for the military unit) organizes and controls the implementation of activities that ensure the training of military personnel to meet security requirements in everyday activities. Deputy commanders of military units, heads of military branches and services, others officials military units participate in carrying out activities that ensure the training of military personnel to meet security requirements in everyday activities, in accordance with their official (special) responsibilities.

7. Training of military personnel in security requirements forms the basis for their preparation to meet security requirements in the daily activities of troops (forces). It is carried out in the Armed Forces at all stages of military service in order to develop the necessary knowledge and skills in each military personnel for the safe performance of tasks (exercises, work), a responsible and conscious attitude towards fulfilling established safety requirements in the process of performing the duties of military service.

8. In the Armed Forces, training of military personnel in security requirements is structured differentially, taking into account the military positions occupied, qualification requirements, the specifics of the tasks performed (exercises, work), conditions and features of the operation of weapons and military equipment, in accordance with training programs, curricula and combat training plans.

9. Training of military personnel in security requirements in the Armed Forces is carried out through classes, as well as testing their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in security requirements.

10. With military personnel called up for military service, during the period of their initial military training before acceptance Military oath a separate subject "Fundamentals of military service security" is studied for 10 hours according to standard program, set out in Appendix No. 1 to these Instructions.

11. In military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, cadets master knowledge and acquire skills to safely perform duties in accordance with their future mission through training them on samples of weapons and military equipment, fulfilling the requirements of general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in everyday activities, as well as in during the study of the section "Fundamentals of Military Service Safety" of the general professional discipline "Life Safety". This section is studied by cadets during the period of their combined arms training before taking the Military Oath in the amount of 10 hours in accordance with the standard program set out in Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction.

Requirements for the minimum content and level of training of officers with higher military-special education in the discipline "Life Safety" in military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense were approved on March 14, 1999 by the chief General Staff Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and communicated by order of the head of the Directorate of Military Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 1999 N 207/3/20625.

12. Training of military personnel in security requirements in a military unit is organized in the system of combat (commander) and public-state training. In combat training classes, when studying each of the academic disciplines military personnel are informed in advance of the safety requirements established by legislative and other regulations legal acts, regulatory, technical and operational documentation, rules and instructions on safety requirements, ensures verification of their assimilation and implementation during the lesson.

The command training program for officers of formations and military units annually includes the study of a separate subject “Ensuring the Security of Military Service” for 10 hours according to the standard program set out in Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction.

The command training program for warrant officers (midshipmen) of formations and military units annually includes the study of a separate subject “Ensuring the Security of Military Service” for 6 hours according to the standard program set out in Appendix No. 3 to this Instruction.

The command training program for sergeants (sergeants major) of formations and military units annually includes the study of a separate subject “Ensuring the Security of Military Service” for 6 hours according to the standard program set out in Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction.

13. Along with the above classes, training of military personnel in security requirements is provided through periodic special classes. Such classes include: comprehensive practical training on the scale of a military unit to ensure the safety of military service in everyday activities - before the start of each training period and similar classes in units - during park and economic days, before conducting exercises, reviews of weapons and military equipment, before performing the most important technological work in weapons and military equipment; when preparing personnel for guard duty at the second and third stages of training. Special classes on training military personnel in security requirements can be conducted by decision of the senior commander (chief) and in other cases.

17. During the initial inspection, the person being inspected must know: the provisions of the statutory, administrative and operational documentation on safety requirements; job responsibilities in accordance with governing documents; safety requirements when performing tasks (work) in the specialty, in the event of emergency situations and the procedure for their liquidation; General requirements electrical, explosion and fire safety; safety requirements for guard duty and internal services, handling small arms and during shooting; safety requirements when performing typical business operations for the unit; rules of the first medical care victims, the device and procedure for using personal protective equipment.

18. During the initial inspection, the person being tested, using theoretical knowledge of safety requirements, must be able to: perform tasks (techniques, work) on standard military equipment in their specialty, as well as with standard electrical equipment; check the serviceability of tools and devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment; handle small arms, toxic substances, toxic technical liquids, neutralize them; perform loading and unloading operations, work at heights, etc. chores, typical for the unit, to act correctly in an emergency situation and in the event of a fire.

19. The initial testing of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of personnel in terms of safety requirements is carried out in units by commanders (chiefs) from among the commanders of platoons (groups and equals) with the execution of a protocol for testing knowledge of security requirements in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this Instruction, which approved by the commander of the unit (company, battery and equal) and stored in the unit for two years.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Order of the USSR Minister of Defense
dated November 10, 1975 N 285
“On measures to further improve the provision of living space in Soviet army and the Navy"

By Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2000 N 334, this order was declared invalid in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

However, if the disputed legal relationship arose before the specified date, this order is subject to application.

1. Enact the attached Regulations on the procedure for providing living space in the Soviet Army and Navy.

From now on, strictly follow the requirements of the introduced Regulations, economically and rationally distribute and use the housing stock.

2. When planning and implementing capital construction provide:

- current planning of housing construction for two years on the basis of a five-year plan, distribution of housing construction volumes among garrisons, taking into account the amount of living space to be received from the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies;

- choice land plots for the construction of residential buildings with minimal costs for demolition of buildings, resettlement, laying of utilities;

- unconditional execution annual plans housing construction with high quality work and mandatory commissioning of at least 40% of the annual housing volume in the first half of the year.

3. In order to improve the planning of housing construction and strengthen control over the receipt of living space from the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies, the correct and economical use of the housing stock, create a housing department of 10 people (including 4 officers) at the expense of the number of construction and housing authorities of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

The commanders of the military districts, air defense districts and fleets submit to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR, through the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for the construction and cantonment of troops, proposals for the creation in the KEU (KEO) districts and MIS fleets of housing departments (departments) consisting of 3-5 people without increasing the number of housing and maintenance services of the district (marine engineering service of the fleet).

4. The Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for the construction and quartering of troops should establish control over the steady implementation of the requirements of the introduced Regulations.

6. The order should be sent to a separate military unit.

Minister of Defense of the USSR
Marshal Soviet Union
A. Grechko

on the procedure for providing living space in the Soviet Army and Navy

I. General provisions

1. Generals, admirals, officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen *(1) on active duty military service, and family members living together with them (spouses, children, parents, as well as other dependent persons of military personnel) are provided with living space at the serviceman’s place of service at the expense of the housing stock of the USSR Ministry of Defense, with the exception of the cases set forth in Articles 4 - 6 of these Regulations.

Providing living space for military personnel of military units and civil defense institutions of the USSR, as well as civil defense headquarters of union and autonomous republics, territories, regions, cities and urban areas is carried out according to the procedure established for military personnel of the Soviet Army and Navy.

Providing living space for military personnel Unified system air traffic control in the country is carried out:

- in cities where housing construction is carried out according to plan Air Force, - at the expense of the housing stock of the Air Force;

- in other cities - at the expense of general garrison funds.

2. Military personnel sent to study at military educational institutions with exclusion from the lists of military units are provided with living space for the duration of their studies at the rate of 1-2 rooms per family (non-family rooms are accommodated in dormitories) with the release of the living space occupied at their previous place of service. Upon completion of their studies, the living space allocated to them by military educational institutions in dormitories and residential buildings must be vacated within two months.

3. Officers called up from the reserves for active military service for 2-3 years are provided with dormitories or office living quarters, the occupancy of which is carried out under special orders (Article 31 of these Regulations) with registration for the duration of service. At the end of the service period, occupied residential premises must be vacated.

Officers called up from the reserves for active military service for 2-3 years, and their families, for the entire period of active military service, retain the living space that they occupied before conscription, and they cannot be excluded from the waiting list for receiving living space.

These officers, after leaving active military service, are provided with living space on general principles with workers and employees.

4. Military personnel seconded to committees and organizations of the All-Union Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy (DOSAAF USSR) are provided with living space by the executive committees of city and village Soviets of Working People's Deputies.

Military personnel assigned to work in other ministries and departments are provided with living space by these ministries and departments.

5. Military representatives of the USSR Ministry of Defense at industrial enterprises, in research, design and other organizations are provided with living space at the expense of the housing stock of the enterprise or organization, and if the enterprise or organization does not have living space - at the expense of other sources as agreed between the administration of the enterprise (organization) and the executive committee of the local Council of Workers' Deputies.

6. Military personnel of linear bodies of military communications on railway, water and air transport are provided with living space at the expense of the housing stock of the garrisons, and in settlements where there are no garrisons - at the expense of the housing stock of the corresponding transport enterprise (organization).

7. Workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy working in military units *(2) located outside cities and urban-type settlements are provided with living space at the place of work at the expense of the housing stock of these military units.

Workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy living in cities and towns are provided with living space by executive committees local councils workers' deputies on a general basis. The allocation of living space to provide for the workers and employees specified in this paragraph in individual cases can also be made at the expense of the housing stock of the USSR Ministry of Defense by decisions of the commanders of military districts, air defense districts, fleets, and for workers and employees of the central apparatus of the USSR Ministry of Defense - by decision USSR Minister of Defense and his first deputies.

Workers and employees of self-supporting enterprises and organizations of the USSR Ministry of Defense are provided with living space also at the expense of the housing stock of these enterprises and organizations.

8. Workers and employees of trade and household military trade enterprises (voentorgs) located outside cities and urban-type settlements are provided with living space at the expense of the housing stock of military trades and garrisons, and enterprises located in cities and urban-type settlements are provided with executive committees of local Councils of Deputies workers and at the expense of the housing stock of military traders.

9. Workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy who terminated their labor relations with military units due to dismissal due to at will or for violation of labor discipline, or for committing a crime, are subject to eviction from the houses of the USSR Ministry of Defense in judicial procedure without providing other living space.

In these cases, war invalids, labor invalids of groups I and II, old-age pensioners, personal pensioners, families of persons serving in the Armed Forces of the USSR, as well as families of military personnel and partisans who died or disappeared cannot be evicted in these cases without providing other living space missing in action while defending the USSR or while performing other military service duties.

10. Workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy directly related to the maintenance and operation of barracks-housing facilities and communal facilities are provided with service living quarters. In the houses of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 3% of the living space is allocated for these purposes.

11. Workers and employees who have terminated their employment relationship with military unit who provided them with office living space, are subject to eviction with all persons living with them without the provision of other living quarters in administrative procedure with the permission of the prosecutor.

The persons specified in paragraph two of Article 9 of these Regulations, as well as family members of deceased employees who were provided with official living quarters, can only be evicted through a judicial procedure with the provision of another comfortable living quarters. Persons who have been released from a position in connection with which they were provided with official living space, but who have not terminated their employment relationship with the military unit that provided them with this space, may be evicted in the same manner.

12. Military personnel transferred to the reserve or retired are provided with living space at the place of residence chosen upon dismissal by the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

13. In closed military camps, commanders of companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, corps and army commanders and equal commanders of subunits, military units, formations and associations of all branches of the armed forces and branches of the Armed Forces may be provided with official living space.

When transferring to a new duty station, the office space must be vacated.

The indicated officials outside closed military camps, as well as other military personnel both in closed military camps and outside them, are provided with living space in the manner established by Articles 23 and 24 of these Regulations.

14. When military personnel are transferred to serve in other garrisons, they are provided with living space at the new place of service only after the housing space at the previous place of service has been handed over to the housing and maintenance authorities of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Until provision of living space at the new location of the detachment, military personnel of military construction detachments are allowed to retain apartments at their previous place of service.

In cases where military personnel transferred to a new place of service still have adult children with permanent registration living in the living space they hold at their previous place of service, by decision of the commanders of military districts, air defense districts, and fleets, these persons (children) may be provided with another living space in the amount of their share, but not more than the established norm.

15. Providing living space for citizens who do not have labor relations with the USSR Ministry of Defense, but who live in residential buildings and barracks subject to demolition, which are on the balance sheet (registered) of the USSR Ministry of Defense, is carried out at the place of work of these citizens. The remaining citizens living in these houses and barracks are provided with living space by the USSR Ministry of Defense.

16. The provision of living space at the expense of the housing stock of the USSR Ministry of Defense to persons who do not have labor relations with the Soviet Army and Navy is prohibited.

17. All issues related to the provision of living space for military personnel must be resolved at the place of their service.

18. The transfer to other ministries and departments of living space vacated by the departure of their employees in the houses of the USSR Ministry of Defense is not permitted.

In some cases, such a transfer can be made with the permission of the heads of housing and operational authorities of military districts, air defense districts and fleets.

In the city of Moscow, depending on the ownership of the fund, the decision can be made accordingly by the head of the Administrative and Economic Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, the head of the Moscow Economic Administration and the commander of military unit 52703.

By controversial issues The decision is made by the head of the KEU of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

II. Living space distribution

19. In order to properly distribute and use living space in garrisons and military units, housing commissions are created in accordance with the Regulations on Housing Commissions (Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations).

20. All living space coming from the own construction of the USSR Ministry of Defense, received in accordance with decrees of the USSR Government from the executive committees of local Soviets of Working People's Deputies, ministries and departments, as well as vacated upon departure, is distributed among military units stationed in the garrison, in proportion to the number of military personnel in need in housing.

The plan for the distribution of living space between military units is considered by the garrison housing commission, agreed upon with the deputy head of the garrison for political affairs, the head of the housing maintenance unit of the district (garrison) * (3) and approved by the head of the garrison.

In garrisons in which military units with different subordination are stationed, the plan for the distribution of living space, if necessary, is approved by the commander of the military district on the recommendation of the garrison chief and the head of the military district.

21. Residential space put into operation for the USSR Ministry of Defense is occupied by military personnel of military units of those branches of the USSR Armed Forces and military branches not included in the branches of the USSR Armed Forces, main and central departments of the USSR Ministry of Defense for which housing construction was carried out. Moreover, in garrisons where military units of various subordination are stationed, 20% of the living space in houses built at the expense of budget funds, is allocated at the disposal of garrison commanders to provide living space for military personnel at military registration and enlistment offices, sanatoriums, hospitals, clinics, military prosecutor's offices and tribunals, KECh districts, commandant's offices, civil defense headquarters, military departments of civil educational institutions and other military units, as well as for relocation from barracks and emergency buildings.

22. The distribution of living space between military personnel is considered by the housing commission of the military unit, agreed with the deputy commander of the military unit for political affairs and approved by the commander.

The distribution of living space between workers and employees of a military unit is made according to joint decisions of the command (administration) and the local trade union committee.

Lists of distribution of living space according to the established form (Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations) with the necessary documents are sent through the district’s content management committee for approval to the head of the garrison.

The approved list is the basis for registration in accordance with the established procedure orders for occupancy of residential space.

23. The provision of living space must be within the limits established by law union republics.

First of all, those who do not have housing are provided with living space (clause “a” of Article 46 of these Regulations):

- Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor and persons awarded the Order of “Glory”, “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” and “Labor Glory” of three degrees;

— flight crews of aviation units, submarine crews and military personnel on combat duty;

- military personnel, workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy, in whose families there are patients with open tuberculosis or other diseases for which patients, according to the legislation of the Union republics, have the right to additional living space;

- active participants in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 and other military operations to defend the USSR.

24. Improvement living conditions in the cases provided for in paragraph “b” of Article 46 of these Regulations, it is carried out primarily by military personnel who have served in the Armed Forces for 20 years or more, workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy, who have worked for a long time in military units, successfully completing production tasks and job responsibilities.

In cases not provided for in paragraph “b” of Article 46 of these Regulations, improvement of living conditions can only be carried out if there is a real need:

a) for military units of district (naval) and central subordination, consisting of housing allowances in the district (fleet) with the permission of the commander of the military district, air defense district, fleet, and in closed and separate military camps of the Missile Forces and Air Defense Forces of the country located outside settlements, - with the permission of the commanders of the formations:

b) for the central apparatus of the USSR Ministry of Defense, military units of central subordination that are not on housing allowance in military districts, air defense districts and navies - with the permission of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the USSR, and for main, central departments and military academies directly subordinate to the Minister defense of the USSR - with the permission of the heads of these departments and military academies.

25. Living space in the houses of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, as well as assigned to garrisons in residential buildings of the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies, ministries and departments, is assigned to those military units in which the military personnel living there serve.

III. Occupancy of residential space and issuance of warrants

26. Occupancy of living space is carried out according to orders.

Registration of orders for living space in the houses of the USSR Ministry of Defense, including those built for self-supporting enterprises and organizations, as well as for living space assigned to the USSR Ministry of Defense in the houses of local Soviets, ministries and departments, is carried out through the KECH of districts in in the prescribed manner according to lists approved by garrison commanders.

27. To issue warrants, military units are presented to the district KEC following documents:

- list of distribution of living space by military unit, Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations);

- certificates on the rental of living space at the previous place of residence or on the rental of a reserved area, issued by the District Economic Committee (Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations) * (4);

— certificates of inspection of living conditions (Appendix No. 4 to these Regulations);

— passports for adult family members (for military personnel, certificates of discharge from the previous place of residence are provided);

- certificates medical institution in cases of provision of living space due to illness.

After receiving orders for the occupation of residential space, executed in the established manner, the district ECCHs transfer them to the authorized military units, against receipt for delivery to the persons to whom the living space is provided.

28. In closed and separate military camps, orders for occupancy of living space (Appendix No. 5 to these Regulations) are issued by the district (garrison) KECH.

29. Registration and issuance of orders are not carried out in the absence necessary documents, provision of incorrect information about the composition of the family, allocation of living space in excess of established standards, as well as in other cases of violation of the established procedure for the distribution of living space. The head of the district ECCH reports to the head of the garrison about violations of the established procedure for the distribution and use of living space.

30. Moving in of apartments by tenants to the living space provided to them by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR for permanent residence persons not included in the order, and their registration without the permission of the district EEC is prohibited.

31. Occupancy of office residential premises is carried out according to special orders after the inclusion of such premises in the number of official premises by decision of the executive committee of the Council of Working People's Deputies.

32. Occupancy of temporary residential buildings erected for the period of construction of objects of the USSR Ministry of Defense is carried out only by temporary registration (for the period of construction) with the obligatory release of them construction organizations from residents before putting objects into operation. It is prohibited to provide living space in temporary residential buildings to persons not related to this construction.

Temporary residential buildings occupied by the contractor during the construction period are subject to vacancy and demolition by the contractor.

Control over the procedure for occupancy and timely release of residents from temporary residential buildings erected during the construction period is carried out by the construction customers.

IV. Exchange of residential premises

33. The exchange of residential premises in the houses of the USSR Ministry of Defense, as well as the living space assigned to the Ministry of Defense in the houses of local Soviets of Workers' Deputies, ministries and departments, is permitted with the consent of the heads of garrisons on the proposal of the heads of the housing and operational units of the districts (garrisons).

In the city of Moscow, depending on the ownership of residential premises, the exchange is carried out with the permission of the head of the Administrative and Economic Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, the head of the Housing and Maintenance Directorate of the city of Moscow, deputy commanders of the Moscow Military District and the Moscow Air Defense District for the construction and quartering of troops and the commander of military unit 52703 .

Registration of the exchange is carried out according to the procedure established by the legislation of the union republics.

34. Exchange of living quarters is not permitted:

- military personnel living in the housing stock of the USSR Ministry of Defense, with persons who do not have labor relations with the USSR Ministry of Defense;

- workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy, living in houses of the USSR Ministry of Defense with persons who are not members of labor relations with the military unit that owns the exchanged premises. However, the exchange may be permitted to war invalids, labor invalids of groups I and II, living in the houses of the USSR Ministry of Defense, old-age pensioners, personal pensioners, families of persons serving in the Armed Forces of the USSR, families of military personnel and partisans who died or went missing during defense of the USSR or in the performance of other military service duties;

- if the residential premises are official or located in a dormitory;

- if the exchange is speculative or fictitious in nature;

- if a claim is brought against the tenant for termination or modification of the lease agreement for the residential premises occupied by him;

- if the house is in disrepair or is subject to demolition.

The exchange of living quarters is not permitted for military personnel enrolled in military educational institutions with exclusion from the lists of military units, as well as for students of higher military educational institutions who received living space in connection with their studies.

The exchange of residential premises in closed military camps may be permitted only with persons appointed to serve or employed in a military unit located in a given military camp.

35. On controversial issues arising during the exchange of living space, decisions are made by:

- during an exchange within a district (fleet) - deputy commanders of military districts and air defense districts for the construction and cantonment of troops (deputy fleet commanders for logistics, fleet logistics chiefs);

- during exchanges between districts (fleets) - head of the Housing and Operations Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

V. Reservation of living space

36. For military personnel and members of their families sent to serve abroad, in regions of the Far North, in areas equated to regions of the Far North, and in other cases provided for by law, living space is reserved (retained) at the place of previous residence for all the time of their service abroad and in the specified areas and localities.

For workers and employees traveling to work abroad, to regions of the Far North, in areas equated to regions of the Far North, and in other cases provided for by law, living space at the place of their permanent residence is reserved (retained) for the entire period of validity of the concluded employment contract. residence.

Office living quarters and living space in dormitories are not reserved.

37. The procedure for reserving residential premises, the validity period of the security certificate (reservation), as well as the procedure for settling and vacating the reserved premises are determined by the legislation of the Union Republic on whose territory the reserved premises are located.

A security certificate (reservation) is issued by the executive committee of the local Council of Workers' Deputies.

38. Residential premises reserved for a military personnel are occupied, in agreement with the owner of the reservation, by another military personnel serving in the same military unit or garrison and in need of housing, or transferred for these purposes to the district KECH.

Occupancy of the reserved living space is processed through the district KEC for the duration of the reservation.

39. Military personnel moved into a reserved living space are considered temporary residents. Upon return, the owner of the reservation or members of his family have the right to demand the release of the premises reserved for them. At the same time, military personnel temporarily residing in reserved residential premises are provided with housing at their place of service as a matter of priority.

40. When filing a petition with the executive committee of the Council of Working People's Deputies for the reservation of living quarters, the commanders of military units report this to the district ECCH and at the same time resolve the issue of using the reserved space.

Responsibility for the correct use of the reserved space rests with the commanders of military units and the housing and maintenance service authorities.

41. The living space reserved for military personnel is taken into account in the district economic commission and military units according to the register of the reserved living space (Appendix No. 6 to these Regulations).

VI. Living space accounting

42. The following living space is subject to accounting:

— coming from the USSR Ministry of Defense’s own construction;

- received from local Soviets of Workers' Deputies, ministries and departments;

— coming from refurbishment non-residential premises USSR Ministry of Defense;

- occupied by military personnel and their families in houses that previously belonged to the USSR Ministry of Defense and were transferred in accordance with the established procedure to the balance of housing organizations of local Soviets of Workers' Deputies, ministries and departments.

43. All residential space is taken into account in the district ECH according to the book of registration of residential space subject to occupancy (Appendix No. 7 to these Regulations).

The living space assigned to garrisons in the houses of local Soviets, ministries and departments is also taken into account according to the living space registration card (Appendix No. 8 to these Regulations) * (5).

Registration cards for living space assigned to garrisons are numbered and registered in the registration card registration book (Appendix No. 9 to these Regulations). When deregistering an assigned residential area, a corresponding mark is made on the card. The card is stored permanently.

44. Checking the status of accounting and use of living space assigned to garrisons in the houses of local Councils, ministries and departments is carried out annually by the District Economic Committee together with housing commissions. Appropriate notes are made on the inspection cards on the inspection cards.

45. In the case when a serviceman is transferred to the reserve or retires and remains to live in the living space assigned to the USSR Ministry of Defense in the houses of local Soviets of Workers' Deputies, ministries and departments, such space is removed from the register.

VII. Registration of those in need of living space

46. ​​The following are subject to registration of those in need of living space:

a) military personnel who do not have living space, as well as workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy, working in military units located outside cities and urban-type settlements, and who do not have living space (those who do not have living space also include persons living in hostels, hotels, office premises, on residential space rented as a sublease, and on reserved residential space);

b) persons in need of improved housing conditions:

- having a living space per family member less than the norm established by local Councils of Workers' Deputies for registration;

- those in need of increased living space due to illness of family members (open form of tuberculosis and others) serious illnesses, in which patients, according to the legislation of the Union republics, have the right to additional living space);

- two families living in one or adjacent rooms;

c) persons subject to relocation from dilapidated houses, barracks, basements and other unsuitable premises for living.

47. Registration of those in need of living space is carried out in military units and KZCH districts separately according to the lists:

- those who do not have living space (Appendix No. 10 to these Regulations);

— those in need of improved housing conditions (Appendix No. 11 to these Regulations);

- living in barracks, dilapidated houses, basements and other premises unsuitable for living (Appendix No. 12 to these Regulations).

48. Military personnel are included in the lists of those in need of living space on the basis of decisions of commanders of military units, workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy - according to joint decisions of the command (administration) and local trade union committees.

VIII. Housing and construction cooperatives

49. Housing construction cooperatives are organized with the aim of satisfying the members of the cooperative with living space through the construction of multi-apartment residential buildings on own funds cooperative with the help of a government loan, as well as for the subsequent operation of these houses.

The procedure for admission, rights and obligations of members of the cooperative are determined by the Charter of the housing construction cooperative.

50. Military personnel, workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy, permanently residing in a given area and in need of improved housing conditions, have the right to join housing construction cooperatives on a general basis.

51. Military personnel serving abroad, in regions of the Far North, in areas equated to regions of the Far North, and in separate military camps located outside large populated areas, have the right to join housing construction cooperatives at their chosen place of residence. At the same time, those military personnel who have reached age limits being on active military service, established by law USSR "On General military duty”, or who have no more than 3 years left before reaching the specified age limits.

To resolve the issue of admitting these military personnel to housing construction cooperatives, their registration and arrival at the location of the cooperative are not required.

In cities and towns in which decisions of the USSR Government have established special rules registration, these military personnel can join housing and construction cooperatives if they have the right to registration in accordance with the current legislation.

Military personnel specified in this article of the Regulations who wish to join housing construction cooperatives are issued certificates by the commanders of military units in the prescribed form (Appendix No. 13 to these Regulations).

52. Military personnel who have apartments in cooperative buildings, upon transfer associated with moving to another locality, are subject to provision of living space at the new duty station on the same basis as military personnel who do not have living space.

53. Chiefs of garrisons, military commissars, commanders of military units are obliged to provide military personnel, workers and employees of the Soviet Army and Navy with all possible assistance when joining housing construction cooperatives.

Deputy Minister of Defense
USSR for construction and
troop quartering
Colonel General Engineer
A. Gelovani


*(1) In the future, generals, admirals, officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen will be called “military personnel”.

*(2) “Military units” hereinafter also mean institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Soviet Army and Navy.

*(3) The housing and operational part of the area (garrison) hereinafter also means the marine engineering service (MIS) of the naval base (MIS department of the base). In the future, the housing and operational part of the district (garrison) will be called the “KECH of the district.”

*(4) Certificates on the rental of living space by military personnel who served in the main and central directorates of the USSR Ministry of Defense, military units and institutions of central subordination and in military educational institutions ( permanent staff), who are on housing allowance in the Administrative and Economic Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense, are issued by this department.

*(5) In Moscow, the living space allocated to the main and central departments of the USSR Ministry of Defense, military units, centrally subordinate institutions and military educational institutions is taken into account by the Administrative and Economic Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Appendix No. 1 to Article 19 of the Regulations, put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Regulations on housing commissions

1. In order to properly distribute and use living space in garrisons and military units, housing commissions are created.

Management of the activities of housing commissions is carried out in garrisons by garrison commanders, in military units - by unit commanders.

2. The garrison housing commission is created by order of the head of the garrison from 5 to 11 people (depending on the number of military units in the garrison) consisting of: deputy head of the garrison for logistics issues (chairman), representatives of the political agency, housing maintenance body and military units.

3. The garrison housing commission is entrusted with:

— control over the correct accounting of homeless people and those in need of improved housing conditions and the correct distribution and use of living space in military units of the garrison;

— performance of functions housing commission units for military units that do not have housing commissions;

- consideration of letters, applications and complaints and preparation of proposals on them for the decision of the head of the garrison; reception of visitors on housing issues by the chairman of the housing commission;

— submission to the head of the garrison for consideration of proposals for the use of the garrison’s housing stock;

— control over the timely and correct use of reserved and vacated living space.

4. The plan for the distribution of living space between the military units of the garrison, prepared by the garrison housing commission, is agreed upon with the deputy chief of the garrison for political affairs, with the chief of the district's contentious KECH and approved by the chief of the garrison.

5. The housing commission of a military unit is created by order of the unit commander of 5 people consisting of:

— deputy commander of a military unit for logistics (chairman);

- representative of the political agency (bureau of the party organization, party committee) of the military unit;

- representatives of military units.

6. The housing commission of a military unit is entrusted with:

— reviewing lists and checking the living conditions of persons in need of living space;

— preparation of proposals for the distribution of living space between military personnel of a military unit;

— consideration of letters, applications and complaints on housing issues and preparation of some proposals on them for the commander’s decision;

— reception of visitors on housing issues by the chairman;

- control over the timely vacation of living space by military personnel, workers and employees of a military unit who have left for service or to work in other garrisons, as well as who have received other living space;

— submission to the commander of the military unit of proposals for the use of the unit’s housing stock;

- control over the correct use of living space assigned to the USSR Ministry of Defense in the houses of executive committees of local Soviets of Workers' Deputies, other ministries and departments.

7. In their activities, housing commissions are guided by housing legislation, orders and directives of the USSR Minister of Defense, directives of the USSR Deputy Minister of Defense for the construction and quartering of troops and these Regulations.

8. The work plans of garrison housing commissions and housing commissions of military units are approved by the heads of garrisons and commanders of military units, respectively.

Meetings of housing commissions are held at least once a month. At least two thirds of its members must be present at meetings of the housing commission. The decision of the housing commission is made by a majority vote.

Minutes and other affairs of the housing commission are conducted by one of the commission members on behalf of the chairman.

Department of the Ministry of Defense
Lieutenant General Engineer
A. Fedorov

Form Appendix No. 2 to Articles 22, 27 of the Regulations put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 3 to Article 27 of the Regulations, put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 4 to Article 27 of the Regulations, put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 5 to Article 28 of the Regulations, put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 6 to Article 41 of the Regulations put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 7 to Article 43 of the Regulations put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 8 to Article 43 of the Regulations, put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 9 to Article 43 of the Regulations put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 10 to Article 47 of the Regulations put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 11 to Article 47 of the Regulations put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 12 to Article 47 of the Regulations put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 1975 No. 285

Form Appendix No. 13 to Article 51 of the Regulations, put into effect by order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1975 No. 285

orders and directives that became invalid due to the publication of Order No. 285 of the USSR Minister of Defense in 1975

1. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1963 N 202.

2. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1965 N 172.

3. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1967 N 7.

4. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1968 N 74.

5. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1968 N 0118.

6. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1969 N 097.

7. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1970 N 0143.

8. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1971 N 06.

9. Paragraph two of Article 78 of the Regulations, put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of 1965 N 60.

10. Articles 100 - 117 of the Regulations, put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of 1965 N 100, and Appendix No. 4 to this Regulation.

11. Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1975 N 27.

12. Directive of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR of 1961 N D-9.

13. Directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces of 1963 N D-48.

14. Directive of the USSR Minister of Defense of 1965 N D-21.

15. Directive of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR of 1967 N D-12.

16. Directive of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR of 1969 N D-12.