Fortune telling online and almost soon. Fortune telling yes no

Predictions can help in difficult life circumstances and give advice on further actions. Online fortune telling “Yes No” is truthful and very simple. It will help you when solving a question that can be answered either positively or negatively.

Formulate an exact question to which you can get a clear, truthful answer and get started.

Wanting to find an answer to an exciting question or get a hint in any life situation, very often people resort to the help of mysterious forces and turn to magic.

Now many people are probably thinking about traditional magical actions using cards and other attributes. However, progress does not stagnate in one place, and with the development of Internet technologies, a good alternative to the usual divination has appeared - online fortune telling, which does not require the use of any special details or the presence of witchcraft talent.

The principle of operation of truthful free online fortune telling “Yes No” is based on the mental strength of the fortuneteller. It works by establishing a connection with intuition and the subconscious, which gives the correct answer.

All you need is access to the World Wide Web and the desire to solve your problem and dispel doubts.

Origin of fortune telling Yes-No

There is no exact information about the origin of this method of predicting the future. There are various hypotheses about its origin - they can be divided into two groups:

  1. According to the first hypothesis, the “Yes No” fortune telling appeared not so long ago, and it is a prototype of the popular “Heads-Tails” prediction using an ordinary coin.
  2. Version two - the technique takes its roots from Ancient Egypt.

Whatever the history of the “Yes-No” prediction, its goal always remains the same - to help in resolving a specific issue.

Principles and rules

Conducting a free, truthful online “Yes-No” fortune telling for the near future is very simple:

  1. It is advisable to eliminate all distractions before receiving the prophecy, so that nothing can interfere with you during the ritual;
  2. Look at the magic arrow and concentrate. Throw out all extraneous thoughts from your head, you only need to think about the problem that requires a solution.
  3. Formulate a question that needs an answer. Of course, this should be a closed question (implying a simple yes or no answer).
  4. After the question is formulated and spoken out loud, click on the “Start Fortune telling” button and focus on the movements of the arrow.
  5. Get the oracle's answer to a given one;
  6. Try to understand and interpret it to suit your situation.

If you want to tailor the desired answer to a specific answer “Yes No,” then why do you need truthful fortune telling?

When carrying out the “Yes No” fortune telling, remember that any question, no matter how it sounds, can be asked only once - regardless of whether you are satisfied with the answer received.

  • Even if you ask a question many times, trying to get the desired solution, the most correct option will be the answer that the oracle gave the first time, the rest will turn out to be false;
  • You can resort to the help of a virtual magic advisor every day, but it is also not recommended to abuse it. In the end, only you yourself are responsible for the events that happen in your life, only you yourself build your destiny. Becoming a weak-willed vegetable and shifting all responsibility only to otherworldly forces is an extremely wrong position, and you should not adhere to it in your life. Fortune telling is intended only to help, and not to make decisions for you.
  • The result is not an axiom, not a truism, so you have every right to disagree with the answer received. Your further actions related to the established problem must always be coordinated with common sense and follow the prompts of this particular common sense.
  • You should also not take fortune-telling too seriously, you should not take everything to heart and make rash conclusions, even if the result leaves you disappointed. We must remember that the future is an extremely unstable substance, it has many options and can change at any moment.

Use the predictions you receive for your benefit, but do not forget to remain the master of your destiny!

Comments from site visitors

    I'm interested in more serious fortune-telling, it's more like a game. Of course I tried it, some things match, some things don’t. In principle, it’s interesting to get together with friends and laugh. I'll take note of it)

    The best way is to guess with a daisy - likes or dislikes)) And the probability is the same, and it’s fun, pleasant, and most importantly - free. Love each other sincerely, there is no need to engage in any nonsense, if you love - good, if you don’t love - then it’s better.

    And I believe in the help of higher powers. Ask and it will be given to you. Everyone wants to arrange their life. I want too. Well, I love him, I love him, and I don’t need another, well, what other options remain. Waiting for weather by the sea is not my thing! I need it quickly!

    Someone will probably say that this is too easy a fortune-telling to be true. But you know, something came true for me. And I'm very happy about it. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter which way you tell fortunes, difficult or easy, if the universe wants to reveal secrets to you, it will, and this may be the simplest way of all.

    Fortune telling is very specific, I don’t even know if it’s true... I don’t think I’ll try to tell fortunes like that again, but it was still quite interesting to spend time with my family doing it) it was very interesting)

    This fortune telling is interesting in its own way, because it is not for nothing that it is compared to heads and tails. It suits me because I believed, and I agree with Sonya, if something should be revealed, then the whole universe will strive for me to receive this answer through any of the fortune-telling! I liked it, my boyfriend and I decided to tell our fortunes this way at dinner and everything came true. Try this method of fortune telling, maybe it’s just for you!

    Fortune telling of this type is very interesting, my friend and I tried to tell fortunes over a cup of coffee, we liked it, it was fun. We asked different questions: about guys, about feelings, and looked at the answers online. I don’t know whether we can take this seriously or not, but we noticed that many of the answers were the same. You just need to ask the question once.

    There is a good quote that goes like this: “If you don’t know what to do, flip a coin. While she's flying, you'll know exactly how you want her to fall." I attribute the fortune-telling described above to this kind of situation) When I don’t know what to do, for me it’s like an outside perspective and help in making a decision. From time to time I turn to the yes/no method for “advice.”

    Probably the simplest and most primitive, but this absolutely does not mean that the fortune telling is incorrect. Sometimes situations arise when such fortune telling is more appropriate and timely than ever. Sometimes I use it, especially when I can’t understand a person and his attitude towards me. I believe these methods and proceed from the answers shown by the online arrow.

    For me it’s like a game, fun) Sometimes it’s even interesting to just check your intuition, because according to probability theory, the chances are 50-50, so sometimes I “guess” simply by voicing in my thoughts “now it will come up YES” or “now the arrow will point to NO.” Well, there are always questions in my head, especially regarding the attitude of the male sex towards itself. But in general, I try to believe only if the answer suits me)) This is female logic)

    Of course, I trust fortune telling by coffee grounds more, for example, or palmistry, or the same layout of cards... This is a lighter, more extraordinary option, but in some situations it may turn out to be true.) Coin lovers and those who find it difficult to make such a choice in life I prefer the option.)

    And I love such primitive methods of fortune telling that do not require a huge amount of available tools. This method predicted for me that I would get married at 21, that my first child would be a girl, and the second (not born yet), but as the arrow suggested, it will be in 2019 and it will be a boy) We are waiting with my husband, we hope and we trust the hints given)

    Online fortune telling “Yes or No” is a truly truthful prophecy of the future. No matter what questions we asked to check, he answered everything truthfully. We also asked questions to which we don’t yet know the answers (this concerns new acquaintances with guys). So we’ll check it until it turns out just the way we need it with my friend)

    in general, it was like this, it was boring, I don’t remember how I opened this fortune-telling and began asking different questions, unfortunately I didn’t remember all the answers, because I thought it was not true. Then I gradually began to notice that everything was coming true from what I remembered, it’s simply inexplicable, but it’s a fact, I was in shock. The point now is that among those first questions asked there was one very important question, the most important one for me, but I don’t remember what the answer was. Do you think it's okay to ask again? I just noticed that when you ask the same questions, the first prediction is true.

    Imagine, I was now sitting in the kitchen and reading this article. Online I asked - am I in the kitchen now? He replied yes. I asked a second time, he again answered yes. I went into the room and asked again - am I in the kitchen? He replied no. How he does it? Mom doesn’t believe me, she says that I have nothing to do)

    I used to tell fortunes on cards and didn’t notice how my life was gradually crumbling, it’s not for nothing that there is such a saying: whoever tells fortunes will lose his life!!! And cards are like a drug, once you start guessing it’s impossible to stop, you are tempted to make a layout, some kind of magical power, and yes, the power is clearly not from God ((

    And I’m from Belarus myself) only last year our currency changed and coins appeared in addition to paper bills) now I flip a coin, but before I constantly turned to my favorite assistant DaNekalka)) I often don’t know what to choose. and usually asked a question and clicked on the treasured arrow)))

    How addictive! and how many questions immediately come to mind that you ask and ask this thing) in theory, I’ll soon go on a trip to a country that I haven’t been to yet and in which few people understand English)) and I also went through a lot of men’s names, I’m not married yet, but the fortune teller promised me the cherished “yes” to Ruslan)) I’ll look forward to meeting Ruslan)))

    I was expecting to see one female gender in the comments while I was reading the article)) My younger sister also does this kind of thing all the time, I prefer to make decisions on myself, and learn about the future by living time.. Girls, everyone, you’re having fun, I see) something Has anything ever come true for you?)

    I rarely use fortune tellers like this one. But very often I think to myself, for example, “if I need to go on a date with this man, then it will rain tomorrow” or “if I need to call him first, then on the way to work I’ll meet more than five people in red jackets,” maybe nonsense, but sometimes this method helps me personally)

    I have a penny that always helps in all difficulties. With a denomination of 50 euro cents, I have been using her “services” for a long time and have not paid her anywhere. I ask a question, tell myself “if yes, then it will be an eagle” and honestly - it hasn’t let me down in difficult situations yet) so I have my own branded talisman - a version of your version of an online fortune teller)

    Thank you for the information in the article, it is very relevant to me, because in life I am terribly undecided and doubtful in my actions. We often quarrel with our parents about this, because sometimes I just sit down and don’t know what to do or what I want. They swear that I’m already an adult and should make my own decisions, but it seems to me that this is a problem for which I need to go to a psychologist. I’m weaning myself a little from indecision by asking the arrow for an answer.

    Here, in the principles of fortune telling, the first point is to eliminate distractions. I understand that this is important in order to concentrate on a specific issue, but for me this is probably the most difficult thing when two children at home go crazy every evening and weekend, at work there are about 10 people in the office and someone is constantly talking on the phone (but the meaning of this principle I understand it's important

    “According to the first hypothesis, the “Yes-No” fortune-telling appeared not so long ago, and it is a prototype of the popular “Heads-Tails” prediction using an ordinary coin.”
    Is someone still tossing a coin? this is already considered so old)) I’ve been checking some frivolous decisions here for a long time)) “Heads-Tails” is generally already associated with a program about travel, and not about the side of the coin.)

    Oh, it’s written here like my grandmother once told me, in principle, about fortune telling and conspiracies, the importance of the power of words. “The operating principle of truthful free online fortune telling “Yes-No” is based on the mental strength of the fortuneteller. Fortune telling works by establishing a connection with intuition, which subsequently gives the correct answer.” Fortune telling depends very much on WHO is doing the fortune telling, this is a fact.

    It is absolutely true that the correctness of fortune-telling and the success of carrying out the wish directly depends 90% on who performs the fortune-telling. You need to be able to ask a question competently and in the correct formulation, with the correct emotional coloring and placement of words. Even for such a primitive fortune-telling, where there are only two answer options.

    I brought the Latvian “lat” from Latvia in 1998, the only money that was left after the holiday. She seemed happy to me and bringing good luck. I still carry it with me, for almost 20 years, when I make a decision that is incomprehensible to me, I trust it. I haven’t let you down even once, ugh ugh. Well, or I was just satisfied with the choice that she gave out.

    I like these simple, inexpensive fortune tellers) These are the images I look forward to meeting my future husband in March (well, I asked a lot of questions back, it turns out that in March 18 I will meet a person with whom I will be together for the rest of my life) I’m waiting, waiting, waiting) It’s a pity, mom mine doesn’t support this, in general she’s an absolute skeptic, but I have fun and make decisions easier)

    There was a time when I suffered from insomnia, I dug through the entire Internet, read a lot of interesting facts, watched a lot of cool videos, and then I found these fortune-telling stories, they really engrossed me. Without even noticing, the very next day I formulated new questions and sat with the arrow having fun)

    At school, my friends and I cut up pieces of paper (an even number is required), writing Yes on exactly half, and No on the other half. and asked questions, pulled them out, discussed, expected something)) in our school years there were no such convenient services, we got out as best we could)) Well, of course, the main questions were about boys, who likes whom, etc.))

    After the New Year holidays and vacations with my employees (the three of us with the girls) we got carried away with these fortune-telling) We procrastinate to the fullest with them, killing time) In general, we got stuck on your site, for girls, especially in terms of relationships, you offer a lot of interesting fortune-telling, well done) Here I don’t believe in conspiracies (or rather I’m afraid), but we have fun with fortune telling and share what happened to whom)

    If you want to get a quick answer to a question, then fortune telling is the ideal option. The main thing is that nothing prevents you from focusing on your problem. A calm environment and no one to distract you, then the results will be as accurate as possible, verified personally and repeatedly.

    Since childhood, I have loved various versions of fortune telling. I used to buy books, now there is the Internet and everything is much simpler and easier. You just have to keep in mind that you shouldn’t overuse fortune telling. Firstly, the predictions will not be so accurate, and secondly, you first need to think about the solution yourself

    I use similar things in business. When in doubt whether it is worth concluding a contract or planning a transaction. Predictions provide food for thought, they are not a panacea and you should always use your common sense, but sometimes looking at a situation from a different angle helps with a timely yes or no answer.

Some believe that this type of fortune telling appeared quite recently and is the predecessor of the Heads or Tails fortune telling; their opponents believe that Yes No fortune telling traces its history back to Ancient Egypt.

But regardless of the origins, it is important, as it makes it possible to get a specific answer to a clearly formulated question.

Fortune telling Yes - No is easy to use.

State your question precisely, focus on it and press the button

Get an answer

IMPORTANT: Don't overuse fortune telling! The correct answer to the same question is given only the first time. It makes no sense to ask more than three questions a day.

The essence of fortune telling “Yes, no, I don’t know”

Fortune telling “Yes or no” online was created for people who are not afraid to hear direct answers to questions relating to all areas of our lives.
In online fortune telling, the answer is “yes-no”, it is advisable to clearly formulate the question in order to get an unambiguous answer. This fortune telling lifts the mysterious veil of the past, future and present. The method itself is incredibly simple and easy to use.
Problems in love or at work? Try to magically find the right solution!

There comes a time in everyone's life when they need to make the right choice. This fortune-telling will temporarily replace a loved one to whom you can tell everything and receive valuable advice.

To start fortune telling "YES NO" mentally ask a question that interests you. The answer should be Yes or No.

Then click "guess" , and you will receive a truthful answer to your question: YES or NO. If you are unsure or doubt the results of fortune telling, it is permissible to repeat it up to three times, without forgetting to mentally pronounce the question to which you need an answer.

Bookmark the page so you don't lose it (cntrl+D on your keyboard)

If the answers are different each time (meaning the second or third fortune telling with the same question), then fate has not yet been determined, and the first answer that you saw as a result of fortune telling is YES NO, the most probable.

If, after two or three times of fortune-telling, you get the same answer to the same question, then your predetermined future is already visible.

Very important! You should not guess more than 3 times for one question, as this breaks the entire fortune-telling mechanism and you will not receive a real answer, but a product of your persistence. Ideally, of course, do not repeat any question more than once, but if you are really interested in knowing the probability of events, then you can guess YES NO with the same question MAXIMUM 2 more times. I warned you.

Fortune telling YES NO is truthful and shows only real answers, but as you probably know if you are already on, thoughts are material and we can change our destiny the way we want. Fortune telling YES NO shows the most truthful and probable scenario of events, and then it’s our decision - try to change it or just enjoy life and go with the flow!

Happy fortune-telling using “YES - NO”!

Are you uncomfortable using my most truthful online fortune telling? Remember the good old method, with coin toss. It gives good results, although for some reason it comes up heads more often =)

Life poses many questions to which a person wants to receive unambiguous answers. We doubt, cannot make a choice, are torn between people and circumstances... Meanwhile, there are ways to get a clear and unambiguous answer “yes” or “no”, which will finally make the scales tip in favor of the right decision. We offer you free fortune telling Yes No online in several options. Choose among them the one to which your soul lies. Your intuition will tell you the most reliable and truthful one, which will work flawlessly for you.

Or do it differently: use each of the fortune-telling in turn for greater persuasiveness. The main thing is to formulate the question precisely so that it can be answered “yes” or “no”, and try to concentrate entirely on it.

Fortune telling “Yes No” online:

Here is a Yes No fortune telling, which gives a clear answer to a specific question and is never wrong. Moreover, this oracle will allow you to understand how categorically “yes” or “no” sounds in your case, because circumstances change, and Fortune’s ill-will may suddenly turn into favor. The oracle does not deprive hope without good reason, nor does it give birth to it in vain, and this makes it even more attractive for fortune telling.

Fortune telling Yes No on Tarot cards is an ideal way to find out an impartial, objective and exclusively truthful answer to any question. Moreover, you can pose your question clearly and even categorically. And the Tarot will answer... Moreover, it will not be a simple “yes” or “no”, but also advice on what to do in order to minimize the likelihood of a negative outcome or bring the positive result of the plan closer.

This free online fortune telling with playing cards will clearly and unambiguously answer “Yes” or “No”. There is no understatement or ambiguity in it; on the contrary, everything is extremely specific and concise. That is, before you, in fact, is an operational method of fortune telling, with the help of which you can get an answer to any question in a matter of seconds.

Fortune telling with Vargo Tarot cards will answer questions that you can simply answer “yes” or “no”.

Being a very flexible predictive system, with a certain approach and correct interpretation, Tarot cards will give not only an answer to the question “yes” or “no”, but also a hint on what needs to be done to get the desired result.

Online fortune telling with Vargo Tarot cards “Yes” - “No” you can use an unlimited number of times. Tip - don't ask the same question multiple times. Try asking it later or formulate the same question differently.

Think of a question and choose a card

Map of the Jester. There is no exact answer, the result is unpredictable. Everything will not turn out the way you expect now. To get what you want, you need to try something new or start from scratch. In this situation, a non-standard approach will help. You may need to take a step into the unknown. Trust your intuition and follow the signs sent from above.

Magic card Most often the answer is “yes.” To get it, you need to be active. Your passivity and inactivity will lead to the answer “no”. Now you have every opportunity to get what you want. Show your intelligence, ingenuity and all your skill.

The High Priestess card. The answer is uncertain. If you listen to your intuition, the answer is yes. If you are guided by logic and do not pay attention to your inner voice, the answer is “no.” The card advises you to wait, go with the flow, or take the advice of a wise woman.

Empress card. The answer is yes. Now it is very important for you to make broad gestures towards other people and gratefully accept the gifts of fate. Live an abundant life and give the world your love.

Emperor card. The answer is yes. However, if you are hesitant about the question, the answer is likely “no.” The situation requires clear planning and persistence in achieving the goal. It may be worth enlisting the help of an influential person.

High Priest card. To questions of a spiritual nature, the answer is “yes.” On material questions - in most cases - “no”. When asking a question, you should adhere to certain moral values, take the advice of an older person, or seek the answer from spiritual sources.

Lovers card. Most often - “yes”. There is some duality or alternative in the situation. The card advises you to follow the path that your heart tells you.

Chariot card. After difficulties you will achieve victory. The answer is yes, unless you give up halfway. If the question concerns travel, you need to go. The card advises you to act decisively, keep the situation under control and, if necessary, go on a road or journey, literally and figuratively.

Strength card. The answer is yes. If you act too aggressively and persistently, waste energy thoughtlessly, indulge your instincts, the answer is “no.”

Hermit card. To questions about marriage, close relationships, money, the answer is “no.” To questions about purpose, solitude, knowledge - “yes”. The card advises you to solve the issue alone, to go your own way in solving it, to look for the meaning of what is happening within yourself.

Wheel of Fortune card. The answer is yes, but there may be some mystery hidden in the situation. In your question, some event must occur in which fate itself will intervene, and very little will depend on you. Circumstances will change. Ask the question again, wording it differently or clarifying the details. Often the Wheel of Fortune indicates luck and good fortune.

Justice card. Most often, “yes” if you acted honestly before, “no” if you behaved unfairly in the situation. To level the situation, you will need a stage of weighing all the pros and cons, as well as an objective assessment of the issue.

Hanged Man card. At this stage, most likely no. Unexpected difficulties or difficulties may arise. You may feel in limbo. You need to reassess your values ​​and return to your true purpose.

Death card. The answer is no, things will change many times over. It is necessary to consider not the situation, but the options for solving it, or to formulate the question more precisely. Perhaps the information is closed - you should not know it at the moment. There may be a period of stagnation or a feeling of life stopping, but this is necessary for change, transformation and resolution of the issue.

Temperance card. The answer is “yes,” but a little later, or not as we would like. Put this question aside for a while and try different approaches later. Higher powers will take care of the fulfillment of your plans.

Devil card. To questions about the material sphere and relationships, the answer is “yes,” but with a warning about “free cheese.” It may mean the confusion of the situation, the unknown. You're probably doing wishful thinking.

Tower Map. The answer is no. When asked about real estate, the answer is usually “yes.” The card symbolizes restrictions and unforeseen circumstances leading to total destruction.

Star card. The answer is yes, but a little later, or you need to try. Sometimes it's not what you think. Everything will come true if you believe in it. In this case, you are guaranteed the support of higher powers. The card advises not to stand still in achieving your dreams.

Moon card. Map of the unknown. The question was asked incorrectly or the situation is unpredictable. If the question concerns women, the answer is yes. Your question is accompanied by some kind of internal fear or doubt. In the situation there are moments of some kind of self-deception or deception on the part of others.

Sun card. The answer is a clear yes. No matter how the circumstances develop in the present, a happy and successful development for you is expected in the situation.

Map of the Court. The answer is yes, but it will take some effort. In any case, the card symbolizes transformation and change, which will ultimately bring long-awaited changes and a happy stage in life. Often warns of fateful moments.

World Map. The answer is “yes” if you follow a peaceful path, or are ready to expand your horizons and capabilities, travel, go long distances.