Who conducts the induction training? Health and Safety Instructor. How is the introductory briefing on labor protection carried out in the organization? Procedure for completing induction training

Company employees must know labor protection requirements, be familiar with workplace safety rules, and the employer must provide them with this knowledge. Employees must undergo occupational safety training and have knowledge of occupational safety requirements. Briefing is one of the forms of labor protection training.

There are briefings different types. The division into types does not depend on the type of activity of the company, but on the nature and conduct of the training and the time when it is carried out. In particular, there is introductory training on labor protection, initial instruction already at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings. Completion of training is mandatory for all company employees, including the head of the enterprise. Some workers do not require training.

Introductory training on labor protection (we will provide a sample instruction below) is carried out:

  • when employees are hired;
  • in the event that employees from other organizations (from other employers) come to work for the company;
  • introductory briefing on labor protection is carried out if students arrive at the organization for internship;
  • in the event that employees of third-party organizations arrive at the company to carry out work (for example, to perform repair work, utility workers, etc.).

Meanwhile, holding induction training labor protection is not required for employees who work under a civil law contract (CLA).

Who conducts introductory training on labor protection? This type Instruction can be carried out by a labor protection specialist or an employee who has been assigned such responsibilities by the employer. For example, the head of a company can, by issuing an order, assign the responsibility for conducting occupational safety training to the head of the HR department.

It is worth keeping in mind that such duties cannot be assigned to all employees, but only to those who have been trained and confirmed their existing knowledge in a special training organization accredited in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

What is the procedure for conducting introductory training on labor protection in the event that the head of the company is at the same time the only participant and an employment contract has been concluded with him? Is it worth coaching yourself? True: the manager conducts an introductory briefing on labor protection to himself, if the responsibilities for conducting it are not assigned to another employee.

If we talk about the timing of the introductory briefing on labor protection, it is worth noting that it is carried out on the day when the employee actually starts performing work. Since this briefing is the very first, it is important to conduct it in a timely manner.

Contents of the introductory briefing on labor protection

Introductory briefing is the very first, therefore it is more of an introductory briefing for the employee. In general, induction training includes introducing workers to the following information:

  • familiarization with dangerous and harmful factors that will be encountered at work;
  • familiarity with labor protection requirements specified in local regulations organization, labor protection instructions, etc.;
  • methods and techniques that allow you to avoid causing harm to health at work.

Instructions for conducting introductory training on labor protection

If we talk about how to conduct training, then it is worth starting with developing and approving the developed program of introductory training on labor protection, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise's activities. The instructions for conducting introductory training on labor protection cannot be uniform and universal for everyone, since the conditions in which you will have to work vary greatly from company to company, but they can be called general provisions which it should contain. We will provide an example of an introductory briefing on labor protection at the end of the article. The program is approved by the head of the organization by his order.

If we talk about the information that the introductory briefing on labor protection should contain, then it is worth including the following questions:

  • Introductory general information about the company, some specific details of the production process, location of the main production premises etc.
  • Information that concerns general norms and provisions of labor legislation: working hours, guarantees for employees, compensation in certain cases.
  • Requirements for discipline at the enterprise, penalties that follow for violations of discipline;
  • Production process and hazardous factors that arise during the work process. The main methods that are used in production to prevent accidents and prevent the occurrence of diseases (the so-called “occupational”);
  • The procedure and standards for issuing protective equipment (clothing, shoes, gloves, etc.), the purpose of these equipment, the terms for which these protective equipment are issued;
  • Familiarizing the employee with situations that may arise due to violations of labor protection rules - these may be situations that took place exactly at this enterprise or at an enterprise with a similar production process, this is not of fundamental importance;
  • Safety requirements: fire, industrial, transport security and more.

Do not forget that after the instruction has been carried out, it is also necessary to test the knowledge (orally) and skills of safe work practices that the employee managed to acquire. The inspection must be carried out by the same employee who instructed the employee.

It is also necessary to register the fact that the briefing was carried out in the induction briefing log. The log must indicate the date when the instruction was carried out and bear the signatures of the person who conducted the instruction and the person who trained.

During the introductory briefing, a new employee is given the knowledge to have a conscious attitude towards the implementation of rules and instructions on labor protection, fire and electrical safety, and others. IN regulatory documents it is determined by GOST R 12.0.007 -2009 “Occupational safety management system in an organization”, paragraph, that occupational safety training provides for: introductory briefing, on-the-job training, training of blue-collar workers, managers and specialists. Thus, induction training is also part of the occupational safety training system. Reason - Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003 “On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of the organization.”

Induction training held:

  • with all employees when hiring, regardless of education, work experience in a given profession, position;
  • when transferring an employee to another job;
  • with employees seconded to the organization by other employers;
  • with pupils and students who arrived for industrial training or internship;
  • with other persons involved in production activities.

The introductory training program on labor protection is developed in each organization individually on the basis of current regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the organization and the industry as a whole. The legislation does not establish any standard form for an order approving the induction program. Therefore, an order is issued in the form established by the organization.

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All employers have a duty to protect their employees from accidents.

To this end, various measures are being developed and taken.

The safety measures taken cannot effectively ensure occupational safety in any company until they are communicated to employees.

Therefore, when employing people, introductory briefings regarding labor protection are carried out.

In this article we will look at how to properly organize this process and with whom it is carried out.

Definition briefly

The employer is required to conduct induction training with each person with whom the organization enters into an employment contract. It is considered an integral part of occupational safety in any company. ?

Instruction contains training information about the rules of behavior and compliance with all rules and regulations established in the organization.

The procedure is regulated by labor legislation. Therefore, in order to avoid penalties, the employer is obliged to convey training information to all personnel. Employees are required to comply with established rules.

Introductory briefing implies a minimum set of knowledge that is necessary to ensure safety.

The main sections of induction training used by employers:

Additionally, the employer can include other important issues in the program according to the specifics of its activities.

Training is carried out in the office of the labor protection department or other specially equipped room.

What is it for - purpose and purpose

The purpose of conducting introductory briefings is to convey to newly hired employees information about the enterprise as a whole, the workplace, the internal regulations of the company, rules of conduct and other features related to labor protection, according to the specifics labor activity.

Who should conduct the work at the enterprise?

The following have the right to conduct introductory briefings:

  • occupational safety specialist;
  • another employee who is entrusted by the organization with the responsibilities of carrying out with the help of a special one.

Any employee of the enterprise may be authorized to conduct briefings.

However, provided that he has undergone appropriate training and knowledge testing in special training organizations. In this case, documentation must be available confirming the fact of completing the training.

How often is it carried out - frequency and timing

Introductory briefing is carried out directly upon hiring a person until admission to the place of work.

Training is carried out once upon conclusion of an employment contract and terminates upon its expiration.

Also, such instruction is required when transferring to another position through dismissal.

If an employee is transferred within the company or leaves maternity leave, you do not need to go through the induction training again.


The duration of the training depends on. This document contains information about the issues covered and the time allocated to them.

The overall duration largely depends on the specifics of the company’s work activities and the employee himself.

Procedure for hiring

The algorithm for conducting introductory training in the field of labor protection at an enterprise contains several main points:

  • The employer preliminarily determines authorized person, which will conduct the training, and issues a special order of appointment.
  • An induction training program is being developed and approved with the help of. It includes not only the lecture questions, but also the length of time allocated to each of them.
  • A place is allocated for briefings.
  • Direct training according to the approved program, taking into account the developed:
  • a training lecture is held;
  • the acquired knowledge is tested.
  • An appropriate record is made of the completion of introductory training in the field of labor protection. The parties sign and date the completion of the training process.

Important! Failure to provide induction training by the employer results in penalties during inspections.

When transferred to another position

When transferring an employee to another position (through dismissal), the procedure for conducting training is no different from training for newly hired employees:

  • Employees are trained according to a pre-approved program. Sample list The main issues of the program depend on the specifics of the work activity of the enterprise and the employee.
  • The knowledge acquired by the employee is tested. This could be an oral interview or test on a computer or a regular piece of paper. There are no restrictions in this regard by law.
  • A mark indicating completion of introductory training is placed in a special registration journal. The trained employee and his teacher put their signatures in the appropriate columns. The date of the instruction must also be indicated.

Only after completing the introductory briefing can an employee be allowed to participate in the work process.

For office workers

Of course, the responsibilities of office personnel do not include maintenance, operation, adjustment and testing of equipment. Also, such employees do not use electrified tools. Therefore, many people think that office personnel are not in danger of getting hurt.

However, such workers use low-voltage devices during their work activities. Accordingly, there is no point in exempting them from induction training. ?

In addition, the instructions contain not only information on labor protection, but also methods of evacuation in case of emergency situations, smoking areas and other important rules.

Therefore, this procedure is carried out with all personnel without exception.

Do part-time workers need to conduct it?

Since registration for a part-time job is carried out separately employment contract, induction training should be carried out with them in mandatory. In this case, it does not matter whether it is internal or external.

It is necessary to familiarize all employees without exception with the safety rules, that is, conduct an introductory briefing, even if the person is sent to the enterprise temporarily.

Useful video

When is induction training on occupational safety (occupational safety) carried out in an organization?

The procedure for conducting introductory training on labor protection in the company is described in the corresponding program, which is approved by the head of the enterprise, in accordance with paragraph. 2 clause 2.1.2 of the training procedure, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 (hereinafter referred to as the Training Procedure).

Introductory briefing is carried out 1 time:

  • upon hiring and reinstatement after dismissal;
  • admission to production of persons seconded to the enterprise;
  • admission of contractors’ employees (contractors, performers, equipment suppliers, etc.) sent to perform a certain amount of work at the production site;
  • passing industrial practice students from educational institutions.

Without induction training on labor protection, no employee can be allowed to perform their duties related to the company’s production activities (paragraph 1, clause 2.1.2 of the Training Procedure).

During this training, employees are familiarized with:

  • with a list of hazardous factors present at the enterprise;
  • OT requirements contained in local acts enterprises, relevant instructions and technical documentation;
  • the ability to use safe working methods.

Each fact of conducting an introductory briefing on labor protection is recorded in the appropriate journal, indicating the date and signatures of the instructed employee and the specialist who instructed (paragraph 5, clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure). A record of this training is also made on the checklist or other employment document.

Don't know your rights?

Who conducts induction training on OT?

Conducting introductory training on labor protection is entrusted to an occupational safety specialist or another employee who is assigned such responsibilities by the head of the company. It should be taken into account that the position of a specialist (or an entire service) in labor protection is introduced mandatory only in organizations conducting production activities, the number of employees in which exceeds 50 people (Part 1 of Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If there are less than 50 people on staff, the feasibility of introducing the position of safety engineer is determined by the manager in accordance with the specifics of the company’s production activities (Part 2 of Article 217).

In the event that there is no such position at the enterprise, the responsibilities for conducting induction and other briefings, in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 217 TK, assigned:

  • on the leader himself;
  • employee authorized by the employer;
  • a third-party organization providing services in the field of occupational safety that has passed mandatory accreditation;
  • a third-party specialist engaged under a civil law contract.

Instructions for conducting security induction training labor sample 2017-2018

The specified instructions must be developed in accordance with established state standards and norms, including GOST 12.0.004-2015, taking into account the requirements set out in the Training Procedure. It should reflect the general provisions of the OT contained in Russian legislation, rules fire safety, information about harmful factors at work and protective equipment, as well as scenarios of behavior in the event of an accident at work.

When preparing the instructions, the induction program adopted at the enterprise, developed taking into account the specifics of production activities, is taken as a basis. Unlike a program, which reflects general questions, the instructions specify the information necessary to convey to staff.

When developing the document, you should highlight all the important points of OT, which must be familiarized with when introducing new employees and others involved in the matter. production process faces:

  • general information about the enterprise and production specific features;
  • key information about occupational safety in Russian legislation;
  • features of the organization of labor protection work at the enterprise;
  • list of hazardous (harmful) factors at work;
  • fire and electrical safety issues;
  • list of funds personal protection, used in production;
  • rules of conduct for employees at work;
  • rules for working with tools;
  • basic hygiene (sanitation) in the workplace;
  • issues of prevention and investigation of accidents, injuries, industrial accidents;
  • issues of preventing the occurrence of occupational diseases;
  • the procedure for compensation for harm if employees receive it at work;
  • rendering emergency care in case of emergency situations at work.

Approximate content of introductory training on OT, example text

Each enterprise, taking into account its specifics, must independently develop instructions for conducting induction training for newcomers. An enterprise can develop its own instructions on the basis of the traditional one (common for enterprises), including sections that reveal the specifics of the production process.

Let us present the approximate content of the introductory briefing. So, it may include the following sections:

  1. The purpose and objectives of the introductory briefing.
  2. Basic terms used.
  3. Fundamentals of legislation on occupational safety.
  4. Individual protection means.
  5. FROM women.
  6. FROM young professionals.
  7. Procedure for action in the event of an accident.
  8. Monitoring compliance with labor safety standards.
  9. Responsibility for failure to comply with established occupational safety requirements.
  10. Designation hazardous areas and production sites.
  11. Safety rules when performing loading and unloading operations.
  12. Safety precautions when handling hazardous liquids.
  13. Safety measures for high-altitude work.
  14. Fire safety rules.
  15. Electrical safety rules.
  16. Features of safe work with tools and equipment.
  17. Sanitary and hygienic standards.
  18. Noise, electromagnetic radiation, lighting, industrial microclimate.
  19. Harmful substances at work.
  20. Final points.

So, introductory training on labor protection should be carried out at each enterprise once for all new employees and other persons involved in the production process. Without it, permission to perform functional responsibilities impossible. Instruction is carried out by an occupational safety engineer or a specially authorized employee (or an involved person or organization). For this purpose, instructions are being developed in accordance with the Training Procedure, the Labor Code, current state standards and other regulations. You can find one of the introductory training options on our website.

The training director must be indicated in the employment order f. T-1. He is responsible for the safety of the new employee during on-the-job training. Industrial training begins after initial instruction at the workplace. The person who conducted theoretical classes (consultations) on labor protection must make the appropriate notes:

  • in case of course or group forms of training - in the journal of work of in-service courses f. KU-107;
  • in the case of an individual form of training - in the record card for the theoretical training of workers through individual consultations f. KU-104.

An entry must also be made on the order form f. about the conduct of industrial training in labor protection. T-1. If necessary, enterprises may provide training in safe working practices in local conditions to qualified persons (2.41; 5.6).

How introductory briefing on labor protection is carried out


Introductory briefing on labor protection at the enterprise is mandatory for both a newly hired employee and for any person admitted to production activities (sent on a business trip, studying during an internship, etc.). You will learn about who should conduct such instruction and what should be included in it from the article below.

When is an introductory briefing on occupational safety (occupational safety) carried out in an organization? Who conducts an introductory briefing on occupational safety? Instructions for conducting an introductory briefing on occupational safety and health, sample 2017-2018. Approximate content of an introductory briefing on labor protection, example text When an introductory briefing on occupational safety (occupational safety) is conducted in the organization The procedure for conducting introductory training on labor protection in the company is described in the appropriate program, which is approved by the head of the enterprise, in accordance with paragraph. 2 p.

Conducting introductory training on labor protection

Internal labor regulations, organizations, responsibility for violation of rules.2.3. Organization of labor protection work, labor protection management system.

Supervision and control over the state of labor protection.3. General rules employee behavior. Location of main departments, sanitary facilities.4.


Major dangerous and harmful production factors. Methods and means of preventing accidents and occupational diseases.5.

Primary requirements industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.6. Individual protection means. Procedure and standards for issuing PPE, terms of wearing.7.
Circumstances and causes of individual characteristic accidents, accidents, fires.8. Procedure for investigation and registration of accidents and occupational diseases.9.

Fire safety. Methods and means to prevent fires, explosions, accidents. Actions of personnel when they occur.10.

Introductory training on labor protection

How to organize induction training? First of all, you need to decide who will conduct the instruction:

  1. occupational safety specialist;
  2. an employee who has been assigned this responsibility by order of the manager;
  3. the employer himself;
  4. specialist of an organization accredited by the Ministry of Labor that performs the functions of a labor protection service.

Next, it is necessary to develop and approve by order a program and instructions for conducting induction training, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities. Approximate list of basic questions of induction training 1.

General information about the organization, specifics of activities.2. Basic provisions of labor protection legislation.2.1.

Employment contract, work time and rest time, labor protection for women and persons under 18 years of age. Benefits and compensation.2.2.

Occupational safety and health

When is the current training carried out? Routine briefing is carried out with employees before performing work for which a permit is issued. The briefing is recorded in the work permit, and not in the log.

Who should conduct initial on-the-job training, repeated training, as well as unscheduled and ongoing training? Initial briefing at the workplace, repeated briefing, as well as unscheduled and routine briefing should be carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work. About the conduct of initial briefing at the workplace, repeated and unscheduled briefing, the person conducting the briefing must make an entry in the logbook for registering the briefing at the workplace (personal briefing card) with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

Instructions for conducting introductory training for employees on labor protection

Conducting introductory training on labor protection is one of the responsibilities for the employer, established by the norms of current legislation. In article 225 Labor Code The Russian Federation stipulates that all employees who are hired, including the management of the organization, must receive occupational safety training in the form of instructions.

Read more about the rules accompanying the introductory briefing on labor protection. The content of the article

  • 1 Instruction program
  • 2 Induction log
  • 3 Journal storage period and sample
  • 4 Who conducts
  • 5 When is it carried out?
  • 6 Who is it with?
  • 7 Who may be exempt from induction training
  • 8 Dates

Instruction program Water safety instruction is an integral part of the employment procedure.

Conducting introductory training for workers in the field of labor protection

Responsibility of the employer when ignoring the requirements for training and briefings When admitting the employee to work labor responsibilities Without undergoing training and instructions on labor protection, the fine may be:

  1. For officials and persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  2. For legal entities– from 100,000 to 130,000 rubles.

Safety briefing

Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 (hereinafter referred to as the Training Procedure). Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel Induction training is carried out 1 time:

  • upon hiring and reinstatement after dismissal;
  • admission to production of persons seconded to the enterprise;
  • admission of contractors’ employees (contractors, performers, equipment suppliers, etc.) sent to perform a certain amount of work at the production site;
  • undergoing practical training by students from educational institutions.

Without induction training on labor protection, no employee can be allowed to perform their duties related to the company’s production activities (para.

1 clause 2.1.2 of the Training Procedure).

Procedure for conducting induction training

Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1\29 and SSBT GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training.” Training and testing of knowledge in the manner established by the SAMPLE CURRICULUM AND PROGRAM - letter dated May 27, 2004 No. 477-7, are subject to managers and specialists of enterprises, as well as persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities related to the organization, management and conduct of work directly at workplaces and production sites , with the implementation of supervision and technical control over the work. Testing of knowledge on labor protection of newly hired employees is carried out no later than one month after appointment to the position, for employees - periodically, at least once every 3 years.

Where should induction training take place?

  • temporary workers;
  • employees of third-party organizations performing work in a designated area;
  • business travelers
  • pupils and students who arrived for industrial training or internship,
  • with students in educational institutions before starting laboratory and practical work in educational laboratories, workshops, sites, training grounds.
  • Introductory briefing on labor protection is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing of knowledge labor protection requirements for employees of organizations" and the system of labor safety standards GOST 12.0.004-90. Organization of occupational safety training.

Where is induction training held?

Where the induction training is recorded: The results of the induction training of workers are recorded in a laced, numbered, sealed and signed by the head of the enterprise “Introductory briefing registration log”, which must indicate the date of the briefing, surname, initials and profession (position) of the instructing person with the obligatory signature of the instructing and instructing person, and also in the document on employment (form T-1). After completing the introductory briefing, a check of mastery is carried out and the employee is given instructions on labor protection against receipt. Initial briefing at the workplace When initial briefing is carried out at the workplace: Initial briefing at the workplace (at the site, in the workshop, in the team) must be carried out with employees before they begin independent work.

Where should induction training take place?


Targeted briefing When targeted instruction is carried out: Targeted instruction is carried out when: - performing one-time work not related to direct responsibilities in the specialty (cleaning, etc.); - liquidation of consequences of accidents, natural Disasters and disasters; - performance of work for which a permit, permit and other documents are issued; - conducting a tour of the enterprise. With whom the targeted briefing is carried out: The targeted briefing is carried out with employees engaged in high-risk work (with the obligatory execution of work permits), emergency response, etc. Who conducts the targeted briefing The targeted briefing is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work. Where the targeted briefing is carried out Target briefing carried out at a specific workplace.