How to replace snils after changing your last name. How to change SNILS when changing your last name and where to do it? How to change a pension insurance certificate

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When changing a surname, each Russian citizen V mandatory must replace the SNILS in which the old surname is indicated. Why do you need to do this? What deadlines must be met? And where can I turn for this? Read in the article.

SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account, which is used to identify the identity of each citizen.

The pension certificate stores the following information:

  • Personal data of the citizen;
  • Information about work experience;
  • Frequency and amount of deductions in Pension Fund;

What is it needed for?

  • SNILS allows you to receive various social benefits and services provided by various government programs;
  • A SNILS pension certificate is required when identifying a person on the website Government services;
  • The citizen’s personal information indicated in SNILS is used in information exchange between departments of the Russian Federation;
  • The personal account number of the certificate is used in electronic map citizen;
  • SNILS can act as an alternative to other documents, for example, TIN;
  • Providing pension certificate required for official employment;
  • Upon receipt medical care in relevant institutions;

What does the document look like?

Green laminated card. Includes the following information:

  • Personal account number (11 digits);
  • Date of Birth;
  • City where the citizen was born;
  • Gender;
  • Date of issue of the certificate;

Reasons for changing your last name

Today, there are three reasons why a person can change his last name:

  • Entering into an official marriage and taking the spouse’s surname;
  • Divorce and return of the old surname;
  • Personal initiative associated with rejection of the sound or associations associated with the surname;

In all of the above cases, the citizen is required to submit documents to change personal passport data, and then another list of documents in which the previous surname is indicated.

However, if the surname changes minor child who is not yet fourteen years old, then he does not need to change his SNILS, since the child does not have such a document (green card) in his hands.

Until the age of fourteen, a child can only have an assigned insurance number, and only after reaching this age can he receive a pension certificate.

Peculiarities replacing SNILS is that in the document itself, when changing, it will be possible to change only the last name. The SNILS number does not change.

Why do you need to replace SNILS when changing your last name? In order to ensure that when identifying a person by SNILS document the information specified in it coincided with the information specified in the main identification document, namely the passport.

So, for example, if a citizen changed his last name but did not change his SNILS, his employer continues to send pension contributions to the SNILS number using the old passport data. Thus, pension contributions will be irretrievably lost.

Where can I replace SNILS when changing my last name?

Where to replace SNILS?

SNILS can be replaced in several instances at once:

  • Pension Fund;

A citizen changing SNILS must prepare necessary list documents and personally appear at the Foundation institution at your place of permanent residence/temporary stay.

  • Official portal of the Russian Pension Fund;

To fill out an application, you need to go to the website at the link Fill out the application form on it and along with photocopies necessary documents send a request. You will have to receive a completed pension certificate at the Fund branch at your place of residence.

  • From your employer;

In this case, the employee fills out an application (downloaded on the Internet or taken from the boss) and gives it together with a list of documents (photocopies) to the boss, who, in turn, sends them to the Pension Fund.

When changing a document in this way, you need to take into account that you can wait almost a month to receive a new SNILS.

How to change SNILS when changing your last name through State Services?

  • First you need to go to the official portal;
  • You need to find the section “Authorities”. It contains “Ministry of Labor and Social Development” and further “Pension Fund”;
  • It will contain another section “All services” and in it a section “Reception of applications from policyholders”;
  • The section will present a questionnaire that needs to be filled out;
  • After filling it out, you need to sign the document using an electronic signature;

Just because you don't have your own electronic stamp doesn't mean it won't work. In this case, you will only have to print out the form filled out on the Public Services portal and put your personal signature in pen.

A sample application form ADV-1 can be downloaded below.

What documents are needed?

Documents for replacing SNILS

When replacing SNILS when changing your last name in one of the authorities described in the previous section, you must provide following list documents:

  • Completed application form ADV-2;
  • Pension certificate with old surname;
  • A completed application requesting replacement of an invalid document;
  • Passport or other identification document with a new surname;

So, in addition to a passport, international passport, driver's license, residence permit, etc.

  • A document confirming the fact of change of surname (marriage/divorce certificate);

So, now you know what documents you need to provide to the Pension Fund or another authority when changing your SNILS document.

Questionnaire structure

A sample of the form required to be filled out (form ADV-2) can be downloaded from the public domain on the Internet or obtained from the human resources department at your place of work. However, it is useful to know what data is indicated in the form for replacing SNILS when changing your last name:

  • The header says “Approved by the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund Russian Federation from day.month.year No. XX.
  • Indicate the details of the citizen who is applying to change SNILS;
  • The registration number of the Russian Pension Fund is registered;
  • The name of the document is “Replacing SNILS when changing your last name”;
  • List of documents that are additionally attached to the application form;

The last point is necessary in order to quickly establish this fact in case of loss of some materials and ask them to send the necessary ones to the Pension Fund.


According to the Law, replacing SNILS must be done no later than fourteen days after receiving a passport with a new surname.

However, there are no penalties for delaying this period.

As for the timing of receiving a new SNILS, the timing depends on the authority of application. So:

  • If a citizen independently submits documents to the Pension Fund of Russia, then the period for changing SNILS will be from two to three weeks;
  • When transferring replacement documents to your employer, the period for replacing SNILS will be about one month;

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Changing a pension certificate when changing your last name is a mandatory process. He scares many citizens. After all, replacing documents for one reason or another in itself implies paperwork. There is no need to be afraid of the process. If you prepare correctly, you can bring your idea to life without any problems. What features of the procedure should be taken into account? What awaits a citizen who decides to change his last name?

What is SNILS

The pension certificate is the so-called SNILS. by myself this document is a small green laminated card. It contains information about the owner, as well as the individual citizen number. It is unique, each person has their own combination.

SNILS is a document identifying the population in the insurance system. Every citizen, even minors, should receive it. A pension certificate is presented primarily when providing medical care. Now without this card you cannot get a medical insurance policy.

Is it necessary to change

Is it necessary to replace a pension certificate when changing your last name? This question is asked mainly by women. When they get married, they change their surname. This means you will have to exchange documents.

SNILS mandatory requires this process. From the moment the personal data is changed, the certificate is considered invalid. The card will contain false information. It is unacceptable.

Another reason why a replacement is mandatory when changing a surname is the registration of citizens in the pension system. Thanks to SNILS, the population will receive a pension upon reaching the appropriate age. It will be impossible to receive these payments using an invalid ID. In addition, contributions to the Pension Fund from a citizen who has not replaced the documents will not be able to go to the account indicated on the laminated card.

Information in the document

The next important point is the information that is indicated in the pension certificate. This has already been briefly discussed. But now you should find out complete information about the contents of SNILS. The following information is printed on the laminated card:

  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • gender of the insured;
  • place of birth, as well as date of birth of the registered citizen;
  • personal account number assigned to the owner in the pension insurance system;
  • date of registration in the insurance system.

What will change

The exchange of a pension insurance certificate when changing a surname raises a lot of questions among the population. The fact is that the information about the citizen that was listed earlier will still be printed on the new card. What will change?

As you might guess, last name. Many are concerned that when SNILS is replaced, the personal account will be replaced. There is no need to be afraid of this. After all, a personal account is assigned to each citizen only once. What does it mean? For any changes or replacements of SNILS, the personal account remains the same. It is important to know about this feature. On the new card, the citizen will see new personal information with the same account. There is no need to worry about your pension contributions being lost or burned out. They will remain untouched.

Where to go for help

Changing a pension certificate when changing your last name is not as difficult a process as it seems. But where to go for this procedure? Modern citizens are offered several options for the development of events. Documents for exchanging SNILS when personal data is changed for any reason are accepted:

  • on the State Services website;
  • in the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • at the MFC.

Accordingly, if you are interested in how to change your pension certificate when changing your last name, you need to contact the above-mentioned authorities. A package of documents is presented there, then you can wait for the card to be produced. Now it’s clear when you change your last name. But this is just the beginning!


What papers will be useful to a citizen who decides to exchange SNILS? If your personal data changes, you will not be able to immediately contact the previously listed authorities for help. All this because the citizen is required to:

  • a new passport with a changed surname;
  • application of the established form;
  • shift basis document personal information(marriage/divorce certificate, conclusion of the registry office);
  • old SNILS.

Therefore, there is no need to rush into implementing the task. The first thing you need to do is replace it and only then take on the pension insurance certificate. When changing your last name or other personal information, this procedure proceeds without any problems. There are no exact time limits for such a process. You can issue a new SNILS in a month, or in a year. But to avoid negative consequences In the form of “freezing” of pension contributions due to incorrect information about the account owner, it is recommended to replace the document as soon as possible.


Special attention should be paid to the application submitted by the citizen along with a package of documents. It has some features. How to replace a pension certificate when changing your last name? To do this, take it from the Pension Fund or download it from electronic format and a standard form is printed. Next, fill out the application. It will need to write:

No, this procedure is completely free. No one has the right to charge the population a fee for exchanging SNILS. It is illegal. It doesn’t matter where the citizen applied - to the Pension Fund, MFC, or filled out electronic application on the portal "State Services". Entering data into the pension insurance system, as well as changing information about a citizen here, is an absolutely free process, unlike exchanging a passport, for example.

For working people

Another feature is that SNILS can be changed without personal visit to the MFC or Pension Fund. Even a single portal called “State Services” is not needed. If a citizen is officially employed, then changes to the insurance certificate can be made directly through the employer.

To do this, you should prepare the previously listed documents, then take them to your superiors. The management of the enterprise will independently send a request to the Pension Fund to change the personal data of the subordinate. And after some time (approximately after a 3-week wait) he will issue a new SNILS to the employee. This is not the most popular phenomenon. It is much easier to go to the Pension Fund on your own to exchange the certificate.

If a citizen has replaced SNILS, after receiving it it is necessary to notify the employer about changes made. This must be done as soon as possible so that the deductions do not get stuck.

Changing a pension certificate is a simple procedure that does not require any significant preparation. It is not even necessary to make copies of the documents presented. If necessary, employees of one or another organization will independently make duplicates. In practice, such cases are extremely rare.

This is all you need to know about exchanging SNILS when changing your last name.

Got married and changed your last name? Or maybe you just didn’t like the old one, or you decided to start new life and completely cut off the previous one? Well, great, but don't forget to update your application package. The most important of them (almost on par with a passport) is SNILS. This is a small rectangular card Green colour, which is required when applying for a job, identification on the State Services portal and for participation in various government programs and projects. We wrote about this earlier, now let's figure out how to replace it.

Procedure for replacing SNILS through an employer

You have two options:

  • change the document through the employer;
  • do it yourself.

The first option is much simpler, because you don’t need to look for the desired Pension branch, stand in queues and pore over filling out the application form. if you have official work(where you are employed under an employment or civil contract) - feel free to contact your employer. The algorithm is like this:

  • come to the HR department and say that you need to write an application to change SNILS due to a change of surname (you need to take your passport and a document confirming the change of surname with you);
  • according to the instructions of an accountant or other responsible employee, write an application and attach your old certificate to it (before this, just in case, write down the insurance number of your individual personal account for yourself - in case you need it until you receive a new certificate);
  • under the guidance of an accountant, fill out another application to change the insurance certificate in form ADV-2;
  • an application in form ADV-2 is sent to the Pension Fund;
  • you wait a maximum of 3 weeks and receive a new SNILS, which the Pension Fund employees will send to the accounting department after production;
  • sign for receipt at the ADI-5 department.

The employer is obliged to take care of changing SNILS for his employee if he turns to him with this request - this is what the law says. An application in form ADV-2, together with a copy of the passport and an old SNILS card, is either sent to the Pension Fund office by registered mail against signature, or given personally to the pension employee who is responsible for receiving documents. As you can see, everything is simple and without unnecessary hassle.

How to change SNILS yourself

Let's say you decide to do it on your own. In this case you will have to find free time and go to the Pension Fund branch. This option is relevant if you:

  • don't work;
  • work informally;
  • individual entrepreneur;
  • for some reason you don’t want to contact your accountant or employer again.

To change SNILS, you, again, only need a passport, a supporting document (for example, a marriage certificate) and an old insurance certificate. Ask the employee for the same application in form ADV-2 and fill it out. You must specify:

  • insurance certificate number;
  • first name, patronymic and previous surname;
  • new surname;
  • registration addresses and actual residence;
  • information from the passport.

After submitting your application, wait for news from the Pension Fund. Within 2 weeks you should be notified that a new certificate is ready. When the mail notification arrives, go again with your passport to the same office and receive an updated document. You will have to go through a similar procedure in case of loss in order to.

What you need to know about changing SNILS

Let's summarize the most frequently asked questions.
Is it necessary to change SNILS when changing your last name?

Theoretically, yes - you need to apply for a replacement within two weeks. In practice, there are no sanctions for violating this deadline. But the replacement of the certificate is primarily needed by you, and not by the state.

How to change SNILS for a child?

It is not possible to change the surname of a child under 14 years of age; in order to do so, a statement from the parents is required. If your child is 14 years old, and you and him have made and implemented the decision to change his last name, the procedure for changing SNILS is the same as for adults. The child can either come to the Pension Fund office with a passport and write an application, or do it through the employer.

Is it possible to change SNILS through the State Services portal?

No you can not. So far, all operations with an insurance certificate, including receipt and replacement, are carried out only “offline”. This cannot be done either through Gosuslugi or with the help of other services.

In the new SNILS certificate, only the last name changes, but the number itself remains the same?

Yes. Insurance is assigned to a citizen only once and does not change under any circumstances. Therefore, just in case, rewrite it for yourself before submitting your old certificate - you never know what you might need it for. This is especially true for individual entrepreneurs, because they need to indicate the number every time they pay contributions to the Pension Fund.

Which Pension Fund branch should you go to if you are registered in the same city ( locality), and you live and work in another?

If you change your certificate through your employer, then it is not at all necessary to go to your small homeland. In this case, you can replace SNILS where you live, at your registration address, and even at your place of stay. That is, if you are registered in Saratov, live and work in Moscow, but came on a business trip to St. Petersburg for some time, you can submit an application to your employer to replace the certificate in any of these cities.

If you are an individual entrepreneur and pay your own fees (or do not work), then you need to contact only to the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration.

Can an employer refuse assistance when SNILS is replaced?

Legally, no, but in practice this sometimes happens.

What happens if you don’t change SNILS

Data mismatch ( new surname, but old number) may cause confusion. For example, contributions from the employer to the Pension Fund risk being stuck in an unknown account. It would be good if the Pension Fund employees track this and inform you. And if not? It won’t be very pleasant to find out after a few years that all this time your pension savings have been going nowhere.

In addition, SNILS is not only your personal number in the pension insurance system. The insurance certificate is used as an identifier in various social programs, state and non-state registers, according to SNILS you will be “recognized” in municipal services. In future " green card" will generally become a universal identifier, displacing even the passport. This is the cornerstone of the new document system, which is gradually being introduced in Russia. So don’t be lazy - go to the HR department or the Pension Fund of Russia and update your certificate, this will only take a few hours at most.

SNILS is a certificate through which a person can receive various services. Situations arise when it needs to be replaced. For these purposes, there is a special website for government services.

Residents of our country very often wonder how to change SNILS in public services. First you need to understand in what situations you should resort to this procedure.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for cases when replacement is needed of this sample. These include:

  1. Changing personal data in your passport. Conclusion and divorce, change of name.
  2. Loss of compulsory pension insurance certificate.
  3. Theft.

Note! Exchange of ID does not affect the personal account number. This means that you can change it as many times as you like, but the person’s account will remain the same.

For example: Solntseva Irina Maksimovna married a citizen and decided to change her last name. So, after the replacement, the last name on the card will change, but the number will remain the same.

If we look at the legislation, it will become clear that after changing passport data, a person has 14 days left to submit documents to the Pension Fund. It is worth noting here that there are no penalties for late payments. Then a reasonable question arises as to why change the certificate at all if the personal account number remains the same. The whole point is that the employer changes the data of his employee. Accordingly, pension contributions go to a person who no longer exists.

How to correct SNILS in public services will be clear a little later. In the meantime, it’s worth talking about why this certificate is needed:

  1. If a person requires any benefits social nature which are provided for by law.
  2. To register on the government services portal. Without a number, you will not be able to fill out an application or, for example, make an appointment with one of the organizations.
  3. When issuing an electronic card.
  4. When applying for a job. The employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the Pension Fund in favor of the employee. This is how the future pension is formed.
  5. In order to be able to use government services medical institutions. Entitles you to free access to specialists.

The procedure for changing SNILS on the government services website

Before you understand how to change SNILS on the State Services portal, you need to understand the registration procedure on the site.

If you have lost a document or need to replace it due to changed data, you will not be able to do this through the site. For these purposes, you will first need to register with the Pension Fund. It is there that you will be asked to fill out an application form and will then be given new document.

Alternatively, a replacement can be made through the employer. To do this, you need to contact your boss, who, in turn, must collect all the necessary documents. Now it’s clear how to change your last name in SNILS through State Services.

Required documents for replacement on the government services website

In order to make adjustments to the certificate when changing your last name, you must collect the following package of documents:

  • passport or other identity card indicating the new surname;
  • marriage certificate;
  • old SNILS.

The form contains the following columns:

  • SNILS, change of surname at State Services. This means that you need to register the previous document number;
  • Full name that was indicated in the old sample;
  • details of the replaced passport;
  • the address where the person lives and where he is registered;
  • identification document, from which it is clear that personal data has been changed;
  • signature and number.

Important! If the application is submitted by the employer, then you will need to fill out another form (form ADV - 6 - 1).

As for the timing of replacement, if the insured person submits an application, a new document will be issued no later than 21 days. In the case of an employer, the Pension Fund has 30 days to replace it.

How to change the SNILS number at State Services is, in principle, clear. Starting from 2016, this document cannot be replaced through the portal. You can verify this by going to the Pension Fund website or the State Services themselves. When searching, the system will return a negative result.

How to change the SNILS number at State Services and why it is impossible, answers the Pension Fund. The thing is that all information about a particular citizen is strictly confidential. If the system fails or is hacked, a leak may occur.

It became clear how to correct SNILS on the State Services portal. To summarize, we can say that replacing a document does not require special knowledge and skills. The entire procedure takes place with the participation of employees of the Pension Fund, who change the personal data of the insured person.

It should be noted that the personal number cannot be replaced. This is due to the fact that its assignment occurs once in a lifetime. The room is cleaned only after the death of the person. Citizens change pension card to ensure that all the information written in the pension certificate corresponds to the data that is on the identity card.

To replace it, you need to collect documentation and submit it in person to the Pension Fund or transfer it to the employer.


Each person has his own personal number, and it is needed for identification in the pension system. There are no two identical numbers. This account is given to a person immediately after birth. It contains information about your length of service, the number and amounts of contributions transferred from work to the insurance system, as well as other information that is necessary to calculate your future pension.

The document looks like a small green triangle. It is he who indicates that the citizen is insured and can count on receiving savings in the future.

4 ways to replace a pension certificate when changing your last name. In addition to the traditional appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the MFC or the employer, from September 6, 2017, you can use the State Services Internet portal.

An insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (OPI) is issued upon registration in state system pension insurance and contains the individual personal account number of each citizen, which is saved when he changes his personal data. It is important to check that the card is filled out correctly when you first receive it and to promptly carry out such actions as changing the pension certificate if you change your last name or discover an error.

Concept and meaning of SNILS

The need to obtain a life insurance certificate arises immediately after birth. This is due to the fact that it is possible and convenient to obtain some documents and services if you have one. Using SNILS you can:

And this is far from an exhaustive list.

Interesting! Since the number on the pension certificate is individual and remains unchanged throughout a person’s life, over time government bodies began to use the document to identify its owner.

Legislative basis

The main regulatory regulatory document according to SNILS is Federal Law No. 27-FZ of 04/01/1996 “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system.” Appearance The current compulsory insurance certificate is determined by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 2p dated January 11, 2017 “On approval of document forms used for registering citizens in the compulsory pension insurance system, and Instructions for filling them out.” It also presents all required forms documents indicating detailed rules for filling them out.

When replacement becomes necessary

Registration number in the Russian Pension Fund system is fixed at on paper– a certificate issued to the insured person. A change in pension document cannot be avoided if the following events occur:

  • loss or damage to SNILS;
  • marriage of the owner of the document with a change in surname;
  • change of personal data (first name, patronymic or last name, gender, date or place of birth);
  • detection of errors and clerical errors after receipt.

Replace a document due to a change in surname (for example, after marriage, as a result of divorce or according to court decision) is mandatory. The information contained in it on the citizen’s personal data must fully correspond to the information in the identity document.

When changing the surname, the necessary package of materials is collected and an application of the established form is drawn up in the ADV-2 form.

When should the change be made and how much does it cost?

Any clearly established deadlines There is no legislative provision for replacing an insurance certificate. Nevertheless, in the interests of the SNILS owner himself, such an action should be performed as quickly as possible. This is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings and problems in the future, primarily for working citizens.

Important! Contributions made by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are transferred to the employee’s personal account. If the data does not match, the paid amounts may simply be lost.

Replacement of a pension certificate in the Russian Federation is carried out on free of charge. This means that when applying for a change of document, a citizen does not pay state duties, fees and other payments and receives it free of charge.

Are there any penalties?

As a rule, there is a penalty for missing the deadline for receiving or replacing a document without good reason. Most often administrative. For example, if a person does not have a last name for thirty days, then a fine may be imposed on him. When a citizen does not apply for a long time changing SNILS or does it after a long period of time, it is impossible to hold him accountable.

How to correctly replace the OPS certificate

If the need arises, you can change the last name on the OPS certificate either at the pension fund or by contacting the multifunctional center in person, the employer, or online through the State Services portal. Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

Through the multifunctional center

Multifunctional centers provide citizens with a service in the form of replacing the OPS insurance document. To do this, you need to prepare the required list of materials. Required statement usually drawn up by an MFC employee and provided to the applicant to check the correctness of filling out and signing.

In some regions, in addition to the originals necessary documents, are also asked to bring copies. To obtain a completed insurance certificate, you will need to go to the MFC or to a branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, depending on the region. Maximum time production of SNILS is twenty-one days.

Contacting the Pension Fund

It is possible to replace SNILS when changing your last name at the pension fund branch at the place of registration or actual residence. To do this, you need to prepare a list of materials and write an application to change the document. It will also be possible to pick up the finished certificate at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation upon presentation of an identity document.

Attention! You can change your SNILS not only at your place of registration, but also while in another city. The exception is the category of self-employed citizens ( individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and others), which changes the certificate at the place of registration.

On the State Services website

Using the Public Services portal, you can apply to change your pension certificate as follows:

  • log in to the website;
  • select the “Service Catalog” section and click on “Authorities” from the one that appears;
  • click on “Pension Fund”, in the “Non-electronic services” section, select the appropriate item on accepting applications, click;
  • from the list that appears, click on “Exchange of insurance certificate” and then follow the instructions of the system, filling out the existing application form.

An insurance certificate with new data is issued after ten working days.

At your employer

A working citizen, if there is a need to change his pension certificate, must contact his employer directly. Submit the required documents and write an application. on one's own. He will also issue a completed certificate.

List of required documents

The required package of materials for replacing SNILS in connection with a change of surname is as follows:

  • identification document;
  • insurance certificate subject to exchange;
  • a document confirming the change of surname (for example, a marriage certificate, a divorce certificate, a court decision);
  • a document certifying the authority of the representative (if it is not a personally interested person who applies for a replacement).

What is needed to replace SNILS in a child

If the child’s certificate is changed, then his legal representative provides:

  • for a child, a birth certificate (up to 14 years of age) or a passport (after 14 years of age);
  • adoption documents, court decision containing the basis for the change of surname;
  • identification legal representative;
  • SNILS to be replaced.

You can change your pension certificate at the MFC or at a branch of the Russian Pension Fund.