State protection of injured witnesses and other participants. State protection of the rights of witnesses and victims

IN Russian legislation special protection for witnesses of crimes is provided. All issues related to it are regulated by Federal Law No. 119-FZ of August 20, 2004 “On State Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Participants in Criminal Proceedings” ( Further- Law No. 119-FZ), as well as the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code).

The above-mentioned law defines the circle of persons who are subject to state protection, as well as the bodies implementing it. Also in this legal act the types, grounds and procedure for carrying out this procedure are described.

Similar legislative acts available in all progressive legal systems, since witnesses to criminal offenses really need additional measures ah for security.

Note! The law also provides special protection to victims and other participants in criminal proceedings.

Other persons subject to protection in criminal proceedings

In accordance with Art. 2 of Law No. 119-FZ, state protection in criminal proceedings can be received not only by witnesses and victims, but also by other persons, namely:

  • private prosecutor and his legal representative;
  • civil plaintiffs, defendants and their legal representatives;
  • suspect and his defense attorney;
  • the accused and his defense attorney;
  • the defendant and his defense attorney;
  • convicted or acquitted person;
  • a person against whom criminal proceedings have been terminated;
  • experts;
  • translators;
  • specialists;
  • witnesses;
  • teachers;
  • psychologists;
  • relatives and close persons of all the persons listed above.

All of these persons must take part in the criminal process. Before a criminal case is initiated, state protection can also be exercised. Security measures are taken in relation to the victim, applicants, eyewitnesses of the crime and other persons who take measures to solve or prevent the crime, as well as close persons and relatives of the above persons.

Grounds for the protection of witnesses and victims

According to the definition contained in Art. 1 of Law No. 119-FZ, the basis for providing state protection of the rights of victims and witnesses is the presence of a threat to their life, health and (or) property. In addition, the law provides for measures social support protected persons if they are necessary in connection with their participation in criminal proceedings.

Note! Measures to protect persons in criminal proceedings are taken only if there is evidence of the presence of a real threat to the safety of the protected person or his property. This threat must be related to the participation of such a person in the process.

To provide state protection, a person participating in criminal proceedings, his relative or close one must submit a corresponding written application in accordance with Art. 16 of Law No. 119-FZ. If a decision is made to provide state protection without submitting a written application, participants in criminal proceedings to whom these measures will be applied must give written consent. The same consent is required from adult members of their family if the application of protective measures affects their interests.

According to Art. 17 of Law No. 119-FZ, social support measures are applied in the event of the death or death of a protected person, as well as in the event of harm to his health or bodily injury in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings.

Protection of witnesses and victims: security measures

Security measures taken in relation to protected persons are regulated by Art. 6 of Law No. 119-FZ. Such measures include:

  • ensuring non-disclosure of information about the protected person (prohibition of personal data operators to give out any information about the protected person, changing the phone number, state numbers vehicle protected person);
  • change of place of work (study);
  • replacing old documents with new ones;
  • change in appearance;
  • relocation to another permanent place residence or temporary relocation to a safe place (with reimbursement of all expenses associated with the move, as well as a guarantee of employment and financial assistance);
  • issuance of special equipment (body armor, stun gun, gas cartridge) to ensure personal protection, as well as means of warning about danger and communication with the body providing protection (cell phone, portable radio, pager);
  • provision of personal protection, as well as security actions in relation to the home and property of the protected person.

The above measures are usually applied to protect witnesses in criminal proceedings and are carried out in accordance with the “Rules for the application of certain security measures in relation to victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2006 No. 630.

In relation to a person who is in custody or serving a sentence, additional measures are applied to ensure security, which include the transfer of such a person to another place to serve the sentence or detention.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the safety of military personnel. In relation to this category of citizens, the security measures listed in Art. 6 of Law No. 119-FZ, are applied taking into account the specifics of military service. In order to ensure the protection of military personnel, their transfer (secondment) to another military unit or military establishment. According to Art. 13 of Law No. 119-FZ, this measure applies both to protected military personnel and to those persons from whom the threat comes. The written consent of the serviceman is required for transfer. In addition, when transferring, the service member must be assigned to an equal position.

Witness and victim protection bodies

Bodies that protect witnesses, victims and other persons in criminal proceedings are listed in Art. 3 of Law No. 119-FZ. They are all divided into three categories:

  • those who are responsible for making decisions on the implementation of government measures. defense (court, head of the inquiry body, investigator with the consent of the head investigative body or this leader himself);
  • those who provide such protection (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, military police, command of military units, customs authorities, institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service and other bodies that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, may be entrusted with the responsibility for implementing security measures);
  • those who provide social support (bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation).

Protection of witnesses and victims: implementation procedure

The procedure for protecting witnesses, victims and other persons participating in criminal proceedings is provided for in Art. 18 of Law No. 199-FZ. According to this article, this procedure is at the stage preliminary investigation, during the conduct of a criminal case and after a court decision is made, it is carried out according to the same procedure.

A representative of the authorities making a decision on the need to apply protective measures, after receiving a written application from a citizen, is obliged to check it and give a response within 3 days. Such verification is carried out in cooperation with the authorities providing state protection. If it is not possible to carry out an inspection within this time, a representative of the authority must submit a reasoned request to the authority making the decision on the application of protective measures to extend this period by 30 days (maximum).

Note! In cases that cannot be delayed (for example, if there is a real threat to the life and health of the protected person), the decision to provide state protection must be made immediately.

After the inspection, the body making a decision on the need for state protection receives written results of the inspection, which contain information about the presence (absence) of a real threat to the protected person. Reasoned resolution (definition) on the decision taken sent to the authorities providing state protection, as well as to the protected person himself.

Note! The decision (ruling) on ​​refusal or provision of state protection is appealed to the prosecutor's office, court or higher authority. Such a complaint is considered within one day from the moment of its receipt.

The necessary security measures and methods of their application are determined by the body implementing the state. security. He must inform about measures taken the body that made the decision to provide state protection.

An agreement is concluded with the protected person. IN this agreement are described in detail:

  • selected security measures and conditions for their application;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • personal data subject to protection (if such a measure is chosen as compliance with the confidentiality conditions of the protected person).

The law also provides for the provision of psychological support to the protected person.

The decision to provide social support measures in relation to relatives of a person killed or injured in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is also made authorized body at the request of a citizen. The period for making such a decision is similar - 3 days. IN in this case this period cannot be extended by 30 days. A decision (ruling) on ​​the refusal or provision of social support measures can be appealed to the prosecutor's office, a higher authority or to the court, but such a complaint will be considered within a month. If a positive decision is made, it is sent to the citizen who submitted the application for social support measures, as well as to the body providing such support. The latter is obliged to provide the specified support within 10 days.

According to Art. 20 of Law No. 119-FZ, established security measures can be canceled. This is done upon a written application from the protected person. Also, this action can be carried out as a result of filing a written application from the body providing state protection in cases where:

  • the grounds for their use have been eliminated;
  • the citizen refuses to enter into an agreement with the body providing state protection measures;
  • the protected person violates the terms of the concluded contract, and therefore further ensuring his safety is impossible.

A written application to cancel security measures is considered by the authorized body within three days, after which a decision is made on it, which can also be appealed to a court, prosecutor's office or a higher authority. Within 24 hours, the above body is obliged to consider the complaint.

Compose necessary statements Lawyers can help you with applying or canceling security measures; you can call them at the phone numbers listed on the website.

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MOSCOW, September 22 - RAPSI. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved on Saturday the rules for the relocation of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings to another location in order to ensure their safety. Below is reference Information about the witness protection program in Russia.

In Russia, every year 10 million people act as victims and witnesses in the investigation and consideration of criminal cases under special circumstances. serious crimes. Of these, every fifth receives threats with the aim of changing their testimony or refusing it. A significant number of citizens who have become victims of crime do not contact law enforcement agencies, fearing retaliation from criminals or not trusting the effectiveness of government protection.

Legislation Russian Federation on state protection of witnesses is based on the constitution of the country and consists of the federal law "On state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings", the Criminal, Criminal Procedure and Criminal Executive Codes, the federal law "On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes", a number of other federal laws and regulations, as well as international treaties.

Protection Law

The Law on State Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Participants in Criminal Proceedings was adopted on August 20, 2004. In accordance with its current edition (dated November 30, 2011), state protection is understood as “the implementation of security measures aimed at protecting their life, health and (or) property, as well as measures of social support for these persons in connection with their participation in criminal proceedings by authorized for that purpose by government agencies."

The following participants in criminal proceedings are subject to state protection in accordance with the law:

1) victim;
2) witness;
3) private prosecutor;
4) suspect, accused, defendant, their defenders and legal representatives, convicted, acquitted, as well as the person against whom the criminal case or criminal prosecution was discontinued;
5) expert, specialist, translator, witness, as well as a teacher and psychologist participating in criminal proceedings;
6) civil plaintiff, civil defendant;
7) legal representatives, representatives of the victim, civil plaintiff, civil defendant and private prosecutor.

Close relatives, relatives and close associates of victims and witnesses, as established by the Criminal Procedure Code, are also subject to state protection; an unlawful attack on them is carried out in order to influence victims and witnesses.

State protection measures may also be applied before the initiation of criminal proceedings against the applicant, eyewitness or victim of a crime, or other persons contributing to the prevention or detection of a crime.

The bodies providing state protection are:

1) bodies making decisions on the implementation of state protection;
2) bodies implementing security measures;
3) bodies implementing social support measures.

The decision on the implementation of state protection is made by the court (judge), the head of the inquiry body, the head of the investigative body or the investigator with the consent of the head of the investigative body, which is in charge of a statement (report) of a crime or a criminal case, unless otherwise provided by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation .

One or several security measures may be applied to the protected person:

1) personal protection, protection of home and property;
2) issuance of special personal protective equipment, communications and danger warnings;
3) ensuring the confidentiality of information about the protected person;
4) relocation to another place of residence;
5) replacement of documents;
6) change in appearance;
7) change of place of work (service) or study;
8) temporary placement in a safe place;
9) application of additional security measures in relation to the protected person held in custody or located in the place of serving a sentence, including transfer from one place of detention or serving a sentence to another.

Other security measures provided for by the legislation of the country may also be applied to the protected person.

Relocation, replacement of documents, change of place of work or appearance are applied only in criminal cases of grave and especially grave crimes.

The grounds for applying security measures are data on the existence of a real threat of murder of the protected person, violence against him, destruction or damage to his property in connection with participation in criminal proceedings, established by the body making the decision on the implementation of state protection.

State program

On April 10, 2006, in order to implement the law on state protection of witnesses, the state program “Ensuring the safety of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings for 2006-2008” was approved.

During its implementation in 2006-2008, 3,296 participants in criminal proceedings were covered by program activities. 3,842 security measures were taken against them, mainly “personal protection, protection of home and property” and “ensuring the confidentiality of information about the protected person.” In most cases, state protection was required for witnesses (63.2%), less often for victims (23%), suspects and accused (3.12%).

In accordance with the decree of President Medvedev dated September 6, 2008, a special structural subdivision- Department for ensuring the safety of persons subject to state protection (UOGZ).

In every Russian region There are also specialized police units to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection. The competence of these units is not limited solely to the implementation of security measures. They also carry out active operational-search activities aimed at identifying the source of the threat, documenting its illegal activities with subsequent prosecution criminal liability.

On October 2, 2009, the state program “Ensuring the safety of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings for 2009-2013” ​​was approved. It takes into account the experience of implementing the previous program, as well as foreign experience in planning and conducting events in this area.

On December 2, 2011, President Dmitry Medvedev signed amendments to articles 219 and 241 Budget Code and into the law on state defense, establishing a procedure for financing security measures similar to the procedure for financing operational investigative activities.

On September 21, 2012, Prime Minister Medvedev approved the rules for the relocation of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings to another place of residence in order to ensure their safety.

According to the approved rules, the resettlement of protected persons is carried out at the expense of federal budget. Prior to resettlement, the protected may have their documents replaced. In this case, relocation is carried out in compliance with the confidentiality of information about the protected person and the security measures applied to him. During relocation, possible places of residence are selected by a special body implementing security measures, taking into account the nature of the threat.

In 2011, employees of state protection units ensured the safety of 3,289 individuals, applying 5,459 security measures. 254 criminal cases related to threats to protected persons were initiated. 790 witnesses, 863 victims, 485 relatives and close persons who were subjected to unlawful attacks were protected.

An important factor contributing to the effectiveness of all investigative work, and then legal proceedings, is the testimony of witnesses. However, often those who have any information that could benefit the victims experience a feeling of fear. Such a person is afraid of the upcoming communication with the culprit, which can occur both during investigative measures and during court hearing. Witnesses experience no less fear due to the likelihood of contacts with “friends” or relatives of the accused. And Russian legislation does not contain requirements that would prohibit such communication. But there are known cases where witnesses were kidnapped and subjected to prolonged torture and beatings. They were required to refuse to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

According to the experience of many countries around the world, for maximum effectiveness in the fight against organized crime, it is necessary to create legal institute protection of witnesses from those negative forces that interfere with the investigation. An example of this is the USA. It is in this country that the witness protection program is most developed.

The need for legislation

In our country, all measures have been taken to ensure that the saying that silence is golden becomes irrelevant in the fight against illegal actions. Only one thing is required of a valuable witness. He must tell the truth in court. Those who are still asking the question “Is there a witness protection program in Russia?” should know that such an institution in our country has already been developed and works quite effectively.

Every year, about ten million people enter the Russian Federation as witnesses and victims. Their testimony is taken into account during the investigation of criminal cases involving crimes of varying degrees of severity. At the same time, every fifth of this category of citizens receives threats aimed at refusing to give evidence or demanding their change. At the same time, many people do not know whether there is a witness protection program in Russia, and simply do not contact law enforcement agencies. And this is understandable. They simply fear for their lives. However, without their testimony, an innocent person may end up in prison, while the criminal, on the contrary, will remain free. This is why the witness protection program in Russia is so relevant.

A person who is in a colony or in a pre-trial detention center can also use it. These have limited space and require special vigilance from their employees. After all, sometimes “sentences” were given to witnesses here right on their bunks. If we remember the past 90s, then people “unnecessary” for criminals could be found in any colony or in a pre-trial detention center.

That is why numerous letters were written to Russian officials in support of witness protection, and as a result of these appeals, measures were taken. Of course, we still don’t have much of the same practice as in the United States, where, according to the plot of militants, people who are to testify are taken out or hidden before trial. However, such an institute has already begun to work in accordance with what the Witness Protection Program prescribes for it. In Russia, a law on this was adopted in August 2004.

Who does the state protect?

The law in Russia prescribes the implementation of all necessary security measures that are needed to protect the health, life, and property of persons taking part in criminal proceedings.

Such citizens include: witnesses and victims, private prosecutors, as well as:

Defendants, suspects, accused, their legal representatives and defense attorneys, acquitted and convicted;
- specialists and experts, witnesses and translators, as well as psychologists and teachers participating in criminal proceedings;
- civil defendants and plaintiffs;
- legal representatives of civil plaintiffs, victims, civil defendants and private prosecutors.

Is there a witness protection program in Russia for close persons and relatives of all of the above categories of citizens? Yes, they are also protected by the state. This is due to the fact that attacks can also be made against these people in order to change their testimony by their relative or close person.

Does Russia have a witness protection program for an eyewitness, victim or complainant? Yes, state protection measures are aimed at such citizens, as well as at those who help solve or prevent a crime, even before the initiation of a specific criminal case.

Implementation of the program

The very adoption of the Law “On state witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings” could not solve the problem overnight. It took time to work out all the issues that relate to the protection of this category of citizens. It was then that special witness protection was created in Russia. To date, this is the third such project.

The first program was in effect from 2006 to 2008. The second was for the next five years. The current one applies to 2014-2018.

Today, the witness protection program in Russia involves all law enforcement agencies and ministries. In addition, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health, as well as the Medical and Biological Federal Agency, participate in it.

The witness protection program of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is being coordinated. It is this ministry that implements basic security measures. For these purposes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has created and is successfully operating special management to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection (UOGZ). Most often, its employees have to deal with such areas as smuggling and corruption, as well as drug trafficking. But due to the fact that the witness protection program covers a significant area of ​​work, similar units have been created in many other departments. They are available to the customs service, the Ministry of Defense, and also to Federal service exercising control over drug trafficking.

The new witness protection program in the Russian Federation provides for significantly increased funding compared to previous projects. After all, according to forecasts, state security from 2014 to 2018. may be needed by almost twenty thousand people. To protect them, the budget allocated 1.5 billion rubles. Some will need the help of bodyguards, others will be relocated to another region, and those who are most at risk will have to change their name and even their appearance.

How to become a participant in the project?

If you need a witness protection program in Russia, how do you apply for help? To participate in this project, it is enough for a person to feel the reality of existing threats to health or life. And the first thing you need to do is contact law enforcement agencies. Of course, this does not guarantee that you will be subject to the witness protection program in Russia. What does this mean? The fact is that all concerns expressed by a person will be subject to verification, the duration of which should not exceed three days from the moment of application.

If the expressed concerns are confirmed by law enforcement agencies, a special resolution will be issued indicating the need to to a specific person The witness protection program in Russia was applied.

However, people do not always seek help themselves. Sometimes the state takes the initiative. In such cases, the witness protection program in Russia may also be applied. Feedback about such situations can most often be heard from participants in various criminal communities. It is with this category of citizens that serious preliminary work is carried out to explain all the advantages of state protection. These people are asked to leave the illegal group in order to give testimony incriminating their former comrades.

Such measures help prevent future crimes. Such witness protection in Russia gives even the most hardened criminal the right to start life in another region of the country, having new passport. If a person is nevertheless determined to serve a sentence, then it turns out to be minimal. At the same time, how does the witness protection program work in Russia? In such cases, the convicted person can be sure that he will never be placed in correctional facility, in which those against whom he testified are serving their sentences.

Security measures

A person who has become a participant in the witness protection program will not be able to continue his usual lifestyle. However, with the help of UOGZ employees, the main condition will be met. The main danger will disappear from the life of the witness. The first thing law enforcement officials do is eliminate the threat itself and also prevent pressure.

If there is a witness protection program in Russia, how does it work? For this purpose, the necessary security measures are taken. Of all such events, three categories can be distinguished:

1. Protection of the home, as well as property and the witness himself, providing him with special means of warning of danger, means of communication, and personal protection. This group also includes ensuring the confidentiality of information received about the person who needs to be protected. Such events are carried out in any situation and in any criminal cases of various categories of crimes.

2. Moving to change your place of residence, issuing new documents, changing your place of work or study, changing your appearance or temporarily providing a safe place. This group also includes measures to apply additional measures to ensure the safety of those witnesses who are in custody or serving a sentence. In these cases, the program operates only in the category of especially serious and serious crimes.

3. Other security measures. They are used if there is a real threat of violence or murder of the protected person, as well as damage or destruction of property belonging to him.

All of the above security measures by OGZS employees can be applied not only individually, but also in combination. In this case, there is only a need to comply with the grounds and conditions for carrying out each of such events.

Witness protection

Several employees are allocated to support this event. Their actions help to suppress attempts to provide physical impact against a protected person, as well as damage or destruction of his property. The number of such employees may vary and depends on the level of the existing threat.

The witness protection program provides for the implementation of personal protection, which can be around the clock or provided only at certain times while a person is on the road, on vacation and in other places of stay. At the same time, certain requirements are imposed on a law enforcement officer. He must have excellent mental training, master the hand-to-hand combat system, and skillfully handle firearms and bladed weapons. His responsibilities also include establishing the identity of those unknown people who most often appear near the location of the protected witness. In addition, it must detect external surveillance of the client.

If the witness is a serviceman serving under a contract or conscription, then such a measure as home security is subject to modification. At the same time, the security of all units of the military unit where he is located, the ship on which he serves, etc. is ensured, that is, all premises in the protected area.

Supply of special means

This is the second, but no less important point with the help of which effective witness protection can be carried out. An excellent means of protecting the life of a protected person is to issue him a concealed body armor. But a radio or cell phone, walkie-talkie, etc. can serve as a special means of communication. To notify of danger, the witness is given a regular whistle, his home is equipped with a “panic button,” etc. But besides this, the witness protection program provides for further improvement of such means.

Within its framework, 0.5 million rubles were allocated. for the purpose of carrying out development and scientific works necessary to create devices that would facilitate constant readiness, active defense and signaling in cases where a threat to the life of a witness becomes a reality.

Confidentiality of information

As part of such a security measure, law enforcement agencies may prohibit the release of any true information about the protected person. In this case, instead of actual data, it is allowed to use a pseudonym and a fictitious place of residence. This ban primarily applies to telephone information services, address information bureaus, etc. It does not matter what form of ownership such organizations belong to. The ban applies to both government information bureaus and commercial ones.

In addition to these security measures, the Russian Code of Criminal Procedure provides for the possibility of not displaying in the protocol drawn up by the investigative authorities, actual information about the identity of the victim and witness, as well as their close relatives.

In addition, in order to take security measures towards the identifying person, the investigator can create conditions to exclude visual contact with the criminal. In this case, witnesses are placed in the room where the witness is located.

To ensure the protection of all participants judicial trial it may be closed. This applies to cases where a court ruling or ruling has been issued.

Change of residence

The adoption of this measure depends on specific situation. But if such a need arises, the head of the department of internal affairs to the institution local authorities a corresponding request is sent. In addition, the opportunity to exchange housing through specialized organizations is used.

New passport

The Federal Witness Protection Act also provides for the replacement of documents in a person's possession. The new passport indicates a different surname. The person's name and patronymic also change. In some cases, the entire set of documents that the witness has must be replaced. These include a passport and certificate, diploma, employment history and so on. The protected person is essentially offered new biography. Concerning plastic surgery, then it can only be carried out with the consent of the person himself.

Changing place of work or study

This measure is also provided state program on witness protection. In this case, the following work may not be suitable:

The conditions of which do not comply with labor safety standards and regulations;
- associated with moving to another place of residence (if the citizen disagrees);
- the proposed payment for which is lower than the average earnings of the witness in his previous position over the past three years.

Accommodation in a safe place

The main feature of this measure is that the legislation directly states its temporary nature. Moreover, such an event can be applied to a fairly wide range of people who, due to the existing threat to life and health, become participants in the witness protection program.

Places that are safe for a protected person may include:

Houses, apartments, cottages, etc. specially selected for these purposes;
- office premises located in internal affairs institutions and adapted for living;
- child care institutions (for minor relatives of the protected person);
- residential premises located on the territory of military units (with permission for their use by the commanders of these units);
- other places that can ensure the safety of witnesses.

The premises in which the protected person will be temporarily located must comply with the sanitary and hygienic standards established by law and be equipped with all the property necessary for life.

State protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings - the implementation of security measures provided for by the Federal Law aimed at protecting their life, health and (or) property, as well as measures of social support for these persons in connection with their participation in criminal proceedings by authorized state officials organs.

1. State protection is carried out in accordance with the principles of legality, respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, mutual responsibility of bodies providing state protection and protected persons.

2. State protection is carried out under prosecutorial supervision And departmental control. When implementing state protection, overt and covert methods are used in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The application of security measures should not infringe on the housing, labor, pension and other rights of protected persons.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on state protection is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of the Federal Law “On State Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Participants in Criminal Proceedings”, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of July 15, 1995 N 103-FZ “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes”, other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Types of state protection.

1. Several or one of the following security measures may be applied simultaneously to the protected person:

· personal security, protection of home and property;

· issuance of special personal protective equipment, communications and danger warnings;

· ensuring the confidentiality of information about the protected person;

· relocation to another place of residence;

· replacement of documents;

· change in appearance;

· change of place of work (service) or study;

· temporary placement in a safe place;

· application of additional security measures in relation to a protected person held in custody or in a place of serving a sentence, including transfer from one place of detention or serving a sentence to another.

2. If there are grounds specified in Article 16 of the Federal Law, other security measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation may also be applied to the protected person.

3. Security measures provided for in paragraphs 4 - 7 of part 1 of this article are carried out only in criminal cases of grave and especially grave crimes.

Personal security, protection of the home and property of the protected person are provided by the authorities implementing security measures in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The dwelling occupied by the protected person and his property may be equipped technical means surveillance, as well as fire and security alarms.

Authorities implementing security measures may issue the protected person with special personal protective equipment, communication equipment and danger warning equipment.

The types of special personal protective equipment, communications and danger warning equipment issued to the protected person, as well as the procedure for their issuance, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

By decision of the body implementing security measures, a ban may be imposed on the issuance of information about the protected person from state and other information and reference funds, and his telephone numbers and state registration plates of vehicles used or owned by him may also be changed.

In exceptional cases related to proceedings under another criminal or civil case, information about the protected person may be submitted to the preliminary investigation authorities, the prosecutor's office or the court on the basis of a written request from the prosecutor or court (judge) with the permission of the body that made the decision to provide state protection.

The protected person may be resettled to another, temporary or permanent, place of residence.

When a protected person moves to another permanent place of residence, he is provided with housing at the expense of the federal budget, expenses associated with the move are reimbursed, financial assistance is provided, employment is guaranteed, and assistance is provided in choosing a place of work (service) or study similar to the previous one.

When a protected person moves to another temporary place of residence, the previously occupied home and guarantees of employment at the previous or similar previous place of work (service) or study are retained by him during the entire period of his absence for the specified reason.

In exceptional cases, identification documents and other documents of the protected person may be replaced with a change in his last name, first name, patronymic and other information about him, and the appearance of the protected person may also be changed in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Relocation to another place of residence, replacement of documents and changes in the appearance of the protected person are carried out only in cases where the safety of the specified person cannot be ensured by applying other security measures to him.

In order to ensure his safety, a protected person may be assisted in finding another, temporary or permanent, suitable place of work (service) or study in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The protected person may be temporarily placed in a place where his safety will be ensured.

RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW On state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings Adopted State Duma July 31, 2004 Approved by the Federation Council on August 8, 2004 (As amended by federal laws dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ; dated July 24, 2007 N 214-FZ; dated April 5, 2010 N 45-FZ; dated December 28, 2010 N 404-FZ; dated 11/30/2011 N 352-FZ; dated 12/21/2013 N 377-FZ; dated 12/28/2013 N 432-FZ; dated 02/03/2014 N 7-FZ) Real the federal law establishes a system of measures for state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, including security measures and social support measures specified persons, and also determines the grounds and procedure for their application. dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) Chapter 1. General provisions Article 1. State protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings State protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings (hereinafter referred to as state protection) - implementation of security measures provided for by this Federal Law aimed at protecting their life, health and (or) property (hereinafter referred to as security measures), as well as social support measures specified persons (hereinafter referred to as social support measures) in connection with their participation in criminal proceedings by authorized state bodies. dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) Article 2. Persons subject to state protection 1. The following participants in criminal proceedings are subject to state protection in accordance with this Federal Law: 1) the victim; 2) witness; close relatives, relatives and close persons, unlawful encroachment on whom is carried out in order to influence the persons specified in parts 1 and 2 of this article. 4. The persons specified in parts 1-3 of this article, in respect of whom in the prescribed manner a decision has been made to implement state protection, hereinafter referred to as “protected persons”. 5. Measures of state protection in relation to protected persons can be applied after a verdict has been passed, a decision has been made to release a person from criminal liability or punishment and to apply to him coercive measuresmedical nature. dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) Article 3. Bodies providing state protection 1. Bodies providing state protection are: 1) bodies making decisions on the implementation of state protection, 2) bodies implementing security measures;.dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 3) bodies implementing social support measures 2. The decision on the implementation of state protection is made by the court (judge), the head of the inquiry body , head of the investigative body or investigator with the consent of the head of the investigative body, in the proceedings of which there is a statement (report) of a crime or a criminal case, unless otherwise provided by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. dated July 24, 2007 N 214-FZ; dated December 28, 2010 N 404-FZ) 3. The implementation of security measures is entrusted to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the federal security service, the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and the turnover control authorities narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in criminal cases that are in their proceedings or assigned to their jurisdiction, as well as for other government bodies , which may be entrusted, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the implementation of certain security measures. 4. Security measures regarding protected persons in criminal cases pending before a court (judge) or the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, are carried out by decision of the court (judge), the head of the investigative body Investigative Committee Russian Federation or authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances located at the location of the protected person. dated December 28, 2010 N 404-FZ) 5. Security measures in relation to protected persons from among the military personnel are also carried out by the command of the relevant military units and higher command. 6. Security measures in relation to protected persons held in pre-trial detention centers or in places of serving sentences are also carried out military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. (As amended by Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated February 3, 2014)7. Social support measures are carried out by bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.(As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) Article 4. Principles of state protection 1. State protection is carried out in accordance with the principles of legality, respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, mutual responsibility of bodies providing state protection and protected persons. 2. State protection is carried out under prosecutorial supervision and departmental control. When implementing state protection, overt and covert methods are used in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. The application of security measures should not infringe on the housing, labor, pension and other rights of protected persons. Article 5. Legal basis state protection (As amended by Federal Law dated December 21, 2013 N 377-FZ) , 1. Russian legislation , Federation on state protection is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation , Federal Law 2. Bodies implementing security measures issue, within the limits of their powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts regulating the organization and tactics of implementing security measures.dated December 21, 2013 N 377-FZ) Chapter 2. Types of state protection Article 6. Security measures 1. Several or one of the following security measures may be applied simultaneously to the protected person: 1) personal security, protection of home and property; 3. The procedure for implementing security measures in the form of ensuring the confidentiality of information about the protected person is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.(Part supplemented - Federal Law dated December 21, 2013 N 377-FZ) Article 10. Relocation to another place of residence, replacement of documents, change in the appearance of the protected person 1. The protected person may be resettled to another, temporary or permanent, place of residence in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.dated 04/05/2010 N 45-FZ) 2. When a protected person moves to another permanent place of residence, he is provided with housing at the expense of the federal budget, expenses associated with the move are reimbursed, financial assistance is provided, employment is guaranteed, and assistance is provided in choosing a place of work (service) or study similar to the previous one. 3. When a protected person moves to another temporary place of residence, expenses associated with the move are reimbursed at the expense of the federal budget, financial assistance is provided, the housing previously occupied by him and guarantees of employment at the previous or similar previous place of work (service) or study are retained by him during the entire period of his absence for the specified reason.(As amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) 4. In exceptional cases, identification documents and other documents of the protected person may be replaced with a change in his last name, first name, patronymic and other information about him, and the appearance of the protected person may also be changed in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. 5. Relocation to another place of residence, replacement of documents and changes in the appearance of the protected person are carried out only in cases where the safety of the specified person cannot be ensured by applying other security measures to him. Article 11. Changing the place of work (service) or study of the protected person In order to ensure his safety, the protected person may be provided with assistance in finding another, temporary or permanent, suitable place of work (service) or study in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Article 12. Temporary placement of a protected person in a safe place A protected person may be temporarily placed in a place where his safety will be ensured.. When transferring, a serviceman is appointed to an equal military position. At the same time, its use in the main or single-profile military specialty must be ensured. Article 14. Ensuring the safety of a protected person in custody or in a place of serving a sentence 1. The safety of a protected person in custody or in a place of serving a sentence in the form of restriction of freedom, arrest, imprisonment or detention in a disciplinary military unit is ensured by application in relation to his security measures provided for in paragraphs 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of Part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law, or other measures provided for Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation , Federal Law"On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes" . 2. In order to ensure the safety of the person specified in part 1 of this article, the following may also be applied: 1) sending the protected person and the person from whom the threat of violence comes when they are detained, taken into custody and assigned criminal penalties to different places of detention and serving sentences, including those located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 1. In the event of the death of a protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings, members of the family of the deceased (deceased) and persons who were dependent on him, by decision of the body making the decision on the implementation of state protection, are paid a lump sum from the federal budget benefits in the amount determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, and a survivor's pension is assigned in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2. In the event of bodily injury or other harm to his health being caused to the protected person in connection with participation in criminal proceedings, resulting in disability, he, by decision of the body making the decision on the implementation of state protection, is paid at the expense of the federal budget a one-time benefit in the amount , determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, and a disability pension is assigned in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. specified in parts 1-5 of this article, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Chapter 3. Grounds and procedure for the implementation of state protection Article 16. Grounds for the application of security measures 1. The grounds for the application of security measures are data on the presence of a real threat of murder of the protected person, violence against him, destruction or damage to his property in connection with participation in criminal proceedings, established the body making the decision on the implementation of state protection. 2. Security measures are applied on the basis of a written application of the protected person or with his consent, expressed in writing, and in relation to minors - on the basis of a written application of his parents or persons replacing them, as well as authorized representatives of guardianship and trusteeship authorities (in the absence parents or persons replacing them) or with their consent expressed in writing. 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. If the use of security measures affects the interests of adult family members of the protected person and other persons living with him, their consent, expressed in writing, to the use of security measures is required. Article 17. Grounds for application social support measures (The title of the article as amended by the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ), having received a statement (message) about a threat to kill a person specified in parts 1-3 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, violence against him, destruction or damage to his property, or other dangerous illegal act, are obliged to check this statement (message) and within three days (and in urgent cases, immediately) make a decision to apply security measures against him or to refuse to apply them. The investigator makes this decision with the consent of the head of the investigative body. A reasoned resolution (ruling) is issued on the decision made, which on the day of its issuance is sent to the body implementing security measures for execution, as well as to the person in respect of whom the said ruling (ruling) was issued. (As amended by federal laws dated July 24, 2007 N 214-FZ; dated December 28, 2010 N 404-FZ) 3. A decision (ruling) on ​​the application of security measures or on the refusal to apply them may be appealed to a higher authority, the prosecutor or the court. The complaint must be reviewed within 24 hours from the date of its filing. 4. The body implementing security measures selects the necessary security measures provided for by this Federal Law and determines the methods of their application. 5. The body implementing security measures informs the court (judge) and the head of the inquiry body about the selected security measures, their changes, additions and results of application of these measures. , head of the investigative body or investigator 6. In accordance with this Federal Law and the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the body implementing security measures, in order to select security measures provided for in paragraphs 1-8 of Part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law, concludes a written agreement with the protected person, which defines the conditions for the application of the selected security measures, as well as the rights and obligations of the body implementing security measures and the protected person when applying them. The contract may reflect information about the marital status of the protected person, property owned by him, about the civil and other legal obligations of the protected person, about the initiation of a criminal case against the protected person, or administrative proceedings, on the involvement of the protected person as an accused, a civil defendant in a criminal case or as a civil defendant, other information relevant for the application of security measures.(As amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) 7. The body implementing security measures provides psychological support to the protected person.(Part supplemented - Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) Article 19. Procedure for application 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Chapter 3. Grounds and procedure for the implementation of state protection Article 16. Grounds for the application of security measures 1. The grounds for the application of security measures are data on the presence of a real threat of murder of the protected person, violence against him, destruction or damage to his property in connection with participation in criminal proceedings, established the body making the decision on the implementation of state protection. 1. Application procedure 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. determined by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 2. The body making the decision on the implementation of state protection, having received a statement (message) about the death (death) of the protected person and establishing that the death (death) occurred in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings, is obliged to make a decision within three days on the application 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. in relation to family members of the deceased (deceased) and dependent persons, or refusal to apply them. (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 3. The body making a decision on the implementation of state protection, having received a statement (message) about bodily injury or other harm to his health caused to the protected person in connection with participation in criminal proceedings, is obliged to check this statement (message) and within three days make a decision on application 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. or refusal to use them. (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 4. A reasoned resolution (ruling) is made on the decision made, which is sent to the body implementing social support measures, for execution, as well as to the person in respect of whom the specified resolution (ruling) was made. (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 5. Resolution (definition) on application social support measures or the refusal to use them can be appealed to a higher authority, the prosecutor or the court. The complaint is subject to consideration within a month from the date of its filing. 7. Social support measures are carried out by bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. 6. Implementing body Article 3. Bodies providing state protection 1. Bodies providing state protection are: 1) bodies making decisions on the implementation of state protection, 2) bodies implementing security measures;, having received a resolution (definition) on the application 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation., is obliged to fulfill it within 10 days. (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) Article 20. Cancellation of security measures 1. Security measures are canceled if the grounds for their application specified in Article 16 of this Federal Law are eliminated, if the protected person refuses to enter into an agreement provided for in Part 6 of Article 18 of this Federal Law, or if further application of security measures is impossible due to a violation by the protected person terms of this agreement.(As amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) 2. Security measures can also be canceled upon a written application from the protected person sent to the body that made the decision to implement state protection. 3. Cancellation of security measures is allowed only by a resolution (definition) of the body that made the decision on the implementation of state protection, or by a resolution (definition) of the body that is prosecuting a criminal case with an unrepealed resolution (definition) on the implementation of state protection. 4. The decision (ruling) on ​​the abolition of security measures can be appealed to a higher authority, the prosecutor or the court. The complaint must be reviewed within 24 hours from the date of its filing. 7. Upon termination of a criminal case in connection with the proceedings in which security measures are applied, the head of the inquiry body, the head of the investigative body, the investigator with the consent of the head of the investigative body or the court (judge) issues a resolution (ruling) on ​​the abolition of security measures or on their further application . If the application of security measures was carried out after a decision was made to terminate the criminal case, the security measures, if there are grounds provided for in parts 1 and 2 of this article, are canceled by a judge of the district or military court of the appropriate level at the location of the body implementing these security measures.(As amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) 8. The court (judge), when rendering a verdict in a criminal case, when making a decision on the use of compulsory measures of educational influence or compulsory measures of a medical nature, makes a decision (ruling) on ​​the abolition of security measures or on their further application. If the application of security measures was carried out after a verdict in a criminal case, a decision on the use of compulsory educational measures or compulsory medical measures, the security measures, if there are grounds provided for in parts 1 and 2 of this article, are canceled by the judge of the district or military court of the relevant level at the location of the authority implementing these security measures.(Part supplemented - Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) Article 21. Protection of information about the implementation of state protection 1. State protection is carried out in compliance with the confidentiality of information about the protected person, if the legislation of the Russian Federation does not classify it as information constituting a state secret. 2. The procedure for protecting information about the implementation of state protection and providing such information is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.(Article as amended by Federal Law dated December 21, 2013 N 377-FZ) Article 22. Mandatory execution of decisions on the implementation of state protection 1. Decisions of bodies providing state protection, taken in accordance with their competence, are mandatory for execution by officials of enterprises, institutions and organizations to which they are addressed. Chapter 4. Rights and obligations of protected persons and bodies providing state protection Article 23. Rights and obligations of protected persons 1. Protected persons have the right: 1) to know their rights and obligations; 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2) demand provision of personal and property security, personal and property security of the persons specified in Part 3 of Article 2 of this Federal Law; 7. Social support measures are carried out by bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. 3) require application in cases provided for by this Federal Law;4) know about the application of security measures to themselves, as well as their close relatives, relatives and close persons and the nature of these measures; 5) apply for the application of additional security measures provided for by this Federal Law, or for their cancellation; 6) appeal to a higher authority, prosecutor or court the decisions and actions of bodies providing state protection in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation; 7) contact the body implementing security measures to receive psychological assistance. (Clause supplemented by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ)2. Protected persons are obliged: 1) to comply with the conditions of application in relation to their security measures and legal requirements bodies providing state protection; 2) immediately inform the authorities providing state protection about each case of threat or illegal actions against them; 3) when handling the property specified in paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law and issued to them by the bodies implementing security measures for use to ensure their safety, comply with the requirements of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation; and receive from the specified bodies, legal entities and individuals the necessary information on applications and messages about a threat to the safety of persons in respect of whom a decision is being made to exercise state protection; Article 3. Bodies providing state protection 1. Bodies providing state protection are: 1) bodies making decisions on the implementation of state protection, 2) bodies implementing security measures; 2) carry out procedural actions or give the necessary instructions to bodies implementing security measures and bodies implementing , for the implementation of state protection of persons specified in Article 2 of this Federal Law;(As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) social support measures 3) demand, if necessary, from bodies implementing security measures and bodies implementing (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ), application of additional measures of state protection; social support measures 4) completely or partially cancel security measures and in agreement with the authorities implementing these measures.(As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 2. Bodies implementing security measures have the right: 1) to select the necessary security measures provided for by this Federal Law, determine the methods of their application, and, if necessary, change and supplement the applied security measures; 2) require protected persons to comply with the conditions of application in relation to their security measures, to comply with legal orders related to the application of these measures; 3) contact the court (judge), the prosecutor, the head of the investigative body, head of the investigative body or investigator, in which a criminal case is pending, with a request to apply security measures during procedural actions or to cancel them; (In paragraph 3 of part 2 of Article 24, the word “prosecutor” should be deleted - as amended by Federal Law No. 214-FZ of July 24, 2007)(As amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2010 N 404-FZ) Article 3. Bodies providing state protection 1. Bodies providing state protection are: 1) bodies making decisions on the implementation of state protection, 2) bodies implementing security measures; 4) carry out operational-search activities in the manner prescribed by Federal Law dated August 12, 1995 N 144-FZ"On operational investigative activities." 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.;7. Social support measures are carried out by bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. 3. Bodies implementing social support measures, they have a right: (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 4. Bodies providing state protection are obliged: 1) to immediately respond to every case that becomes known to them that requires the use of security measures or social support measures;in agreement with the authorities implementing these measures. 2) implement all necessary security measures and social support measures;, for the implementation of state protection of persons specified in Article 2 of this Federal Law; 3) promptly notify protected persons of the application, change, addition or cancellation of application in relation to their security measures and 7. Property damage caused to the protected person in connection with his participation in criminal proceedings is subject to compensation from the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent recovery of these funds from the person guilty of causing property damage to the protected person, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. provided for by this Federal Law, as well as on the adoption of decisions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation related to the provision of state protection; (As amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ) 4) explain to the protected person his rights and obligations when announcing to him a resolution (ruling) on ​​the implementation of state protection in relation to him; 5) take measures to organize and implement psychological support for the protected person.(Clause supplemented by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 432-FZ) Chapter 5. Responsibility for violation of the requirements of this Federal Law Article 25. Responsibility of an official for violation of requirements for ensuring state protection Executive body providing state protection, guilty of failure to make a decision on the implementation of state protection or its improper implementation, bears responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 26. Responsibility for disclosure of information about a protected person and security measures Disclosure of information about a protected person and security measures applied to him by a person to whom this information was entrusted or became known in connection with his official activities entails liability provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation. Article 27. Liability of the protected person Sale, pledge or transfer to other persons of the property specified in paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law and issued for use to the protected person to ensure his safety, as well as loss or damage to this property entails the liability provided for legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 26. Responsibility for disclosure of information about a protected person and security measures Disclosure of information about a protected person and security measures applied to him by a person to whom this information was entrusted or became known in connection with his official activities entails liability provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation. 1. To ensure state protection, the Government of the Russian Federation approves the State Program for Ensuring the Safety of Victims, Witnesses and other Participants in Criminal Proceedings. 2. Financial and logistical support for the State program for ensuring the safety of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings is carried out at the expense of the federal budget and other financial sources provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. (As amended by Federal Law dated November 30, 2011 N 352-FZ)2-1. Financial and logistical support for security measures is carried out at the expense of the State Program for Ensuring the Security of Victims, Witnesses and other Participants in Criminal Proceedings in the manner established for the financial support of operational investigative activities. Control over the expenditure of funds allocated for these purposes is carried out by the heads of the bodies implementing security measures.(Part supplemented - Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 352-FZ) 3. Costs associated with providing state protection cannot be assigned to the protected person. Chapter 7.